Clinton’s Popular Vote Win Came From ONE LIBERAL State!

hillary popular vote

The genius of the electoral college is that it doesn’t allow the East and West coasts, which house the majority of America’s population, to be the deciding factor in our Presidential elections. As one writer explains, while more populous states argue that this is unfair, that states with low populations like Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota etc. receive disproportionate voting power in the presidential election. This is a fallacy to assume that people are the only factor that should decide an election.

What states produce our food, deliver us our oil, provide us our coal and let us extract their numerous other natural resources? Hint: it sure as hell isn’t Massachusetts. The less populous states have always been areas that provided important resources to our population centers, and the founders identified that, which is why they are given an elector count that is not proportional to their populations.

California is one State whose government has done a great job in bankrupting themselves, and it’s the voters who elected those geniuses who would’ve decided our Presidential election had we not had the electoral college.

While Clinton’s overall margin looks large and impressive, it is due to Clinton’s huge margin of victory in one state — California — where she got a whopping 4.3 million more votes than Trump.

California is the only state, in fact, where Clinton’s margin of victory was bigger than President Obama’s in 2012 — 61.5% vs. Obama’s 60%.

But California is the exception that proves the true genius of the Electoral College — which was designed to prevent regional candidates from dominating national elections.

In recent years, California has been turning into what amounts to a one-party state. Between 2008 and 2016, the number of Californian’s who registered as Democrats climbed by 1.1 million, while the number of registered Republicans dropped by almost 400,000.

You read that right, the state in which many residents are now pushing for it to leave the U.S. would’ve decided the election. The popular vote total outside California was Trump: 58,474,401, Clinton: 57,064,530, meaning Trump is ahead by 1.4 million votes outside of California.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States. Trump won 3,084 of them… and Clinton won 57. Thank GOD for the electoral college!

H/T Investors Business Daily

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8 thoughts on “Clinton’s Popular Vote Win Came From ONE LIBERAL State!”

  1. Yes, thank you to our Founding Fathers. Most of the crazies migrate to California where the living is easy and the politics are screwed up. Some good people in California, but they agree that it is a screwed up State. That they would go for Clinton or any “gimme” politics is not a surprise. If California is successful in in seceding, Hillary can run for president of California, but without the rest of us to pay the bills, there won’t be much free stuff, so everyone will probably leave.

  2. Thank God for the brilliance of our Founding Fathers! I posit that should all the votes by illegal aliens, emboldened by the POTUS were redacted, that Trump would have won by a landslide. The regime is corrupt, and wanted to extend it’s tentacles into the heartland of America. Trump is the breath of fresh air America needs after the past 8 years of muslim occupation. Wanting Obozo to be arrested for TREASON, tried, jailed, and hung in Ft. Leavenworth.

  3. And the only reason she won there is the crazed Gov. Moonbeam allowing the illegal aliens the state is choked with to vote illegally in US elections. Obama encouraged it, and should be arrested for treason before he leaves office. Get rid of them and build the wall.

  4. I’m positive that if a hard look was taken in large Democratic cities like Detroit which had many more votes counted than voters, it would be found that Trump won the popular vote also.
    The Democrats are clinging desperately to the notion that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but she didn’t.

  5. California with probably the most illegal immigrants from Mexico and my state of Colorado is becoming another California. You can see, since the previous elections that pockets of illegals are invading our state from the south. Gee, New Mexico is our neighbor to the south however you can see on all the political maps why. Infiltration of illegals.

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