Hillary Clinton Warns Liberals That President Trump Is “Not Going Away”

clinton trump going away

Hillary Clinton warned liberals on a podcast that President Trump “is not going away,” no matter what happens with the election.

Clinton: “He’s Going To Turn Around The Next Day And Say He’s Running Again”

Clinton appeared on the Armchair Expert podcast hosted by Hollywood actor Dax Shepard this week.

The two-time presidential loser gave the warning to liberals, who no doubt hope that President Trump has actually lost the presidential race, and that he will simply drop off the political map forever.

“Trump’s not going away,” Clinton said. “He may have to finally have to leave the White House, but he’s going to turn around the next day and say he’s running for President again, and then he’s going to be out there, he’s going to have rallies, because it’s like lifeblood to him.”

She then repeated the rumor that has swirled around liberal media circles – that Trump is actually preparing to start up his own media company. 

Axios even speculated that such a move would be for the express purpose of targeting Fox News.

Conservatives have been unhappy with how the ostensibly conservative network handled 2020 election coverage.

“He’s probably going to be owning some kind of media outlet where he’s going to be peddling his stuff every day. Somehow we’ve got to break through the noise,” Clinton continued.

The former first lady suggested that the media highlight the “fabulous policies” of Joe Biden as a counter-narrative.

“We’ve got to figure out how to translate that, and everything he wants to do, into a narrative that captures those eyeballs,” she added.

RELATED: Mitch McConnell Blasts Democrats: ‘No Lectures’ From People Who Spent 4 Years ‘Refusing To Accept’ 2016 Election

MAGA 2024? MAGA Now?

Set aside for a second the irony of Hillary Clinton whining that Trump won’t go away.

The noises from Clinton about the President running again in 2024, if it turns out he has lost the election, will likely prove correct.

At a White House Christmas party this week, he suggested he would do exactly that.

“It’s been an amazing four years,” Trump is heard saying in a live stream of the party by former Oklahoma Republican Party Chair Pam Pollard.

“We’re trying to get another four years, but otherwise I’ll see you in four years,” the President continued.


READ MORE: Trump Hints He’ll Be In White House In 2024: ‘See You In Four Years’

Only ten days after election day last month, the New York Times reported that Trump had told his advisers that if Biden is certified as the winner, he would announce his campaign shortly after.

NBC suggested he may do this on Biden’s inauguration day instead, if that happens.


Of course, these complaints coming from Clinton, the 2016 election loser, are rich.

She has steadfastly refused to step out of the spotlight following her defeat, and still hasn’t even conceded the 2016 election.

Just last year, she declared that President Trump was “illegitimate.”

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