Russian Foreign Minister Blisters Andrea Mitchell

Expect MSNBC’s disdain for Russia to increase from here – because things got a bit personal.

As Russian Foreign Minister Segei Lavrov met with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson earlier today, Lavrov took a jab at MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell – the extreme left anti-Trump reporter rudely interrupted the greetings and began shouting questions.

There’s some crosstalk as Lavrov takes a seat asks Tillerson a question, while Mitchell begins obnoxiously shouting what sounds like, “Mr. Secretary, the Russians don’t believe the intelligence. How confident are you Mr. Secretary that the intelligence is correct?”

“Who has given you your manners?” Lavrov responded to Mitchell’s interjection with a grin.

ABC News Moscow correspondent Patrick Reevell tweeted out video of the exchange, which occurred when Lavrov and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson entered the room for a photo-op.

Mitchell, who focuses on foreign affairs in her reporting, tried to address Tillerson, presumably about the recent Syrian chemical attack.

H/T: The Washington Free Beacon

This is hardly the first time her manners have gotten her attention, especially surrounding Rex Tillerson. Last month Mitchell was removed from a State Department press conference for being obnoxious with Secretary Tillerson.

On Monday, she criticized Tillerson for “shunning the press when making major diplomatic trips.” Tillerson didn’t bring his press corps along with this recent trip, and he didn’t during last month’s visit to Asia either (breaking tradition doing so).

Sorry Andrea – I just won’t think he’s that into you.

What do you think? Did this liberal reporter get her comeuppance? Share your thoughts in the comments below?

19 thoughts on “Russian Foreign Minister Blisters Andrea Mitchell”

  1. Elevating Andrea Mitchell to the position of Reporter or Journalist is degrading to all of the true Journalists who keep their political positions to themselves, and try their best to be unbiased and report the True News and NOT Fake News. Andrea Mitchell needs to keep her obvious ignorance, bias and hatred to herself, or start truthfully identifying herself as a Hostile Commentator! She is an major embarrassment to Women, America and True Journalism.

  2. If the press corps does not sanction and control Andrea Mitchell they should be made aware of the fact that the entire press corps will be ignored as a group and will not have any special privileges e.g., no meetings with the white House.

  3. Andrea Mitchell is just pure human garbage. There is not one truthful report that ever comes from her. Mitchell will lie about anything to support the lying Liberal agenda. Andrea Mitchell should be in prison.

  4. Why did Sec. Tillerson leave the press corp at home?
    Maybe what he wanted to discuss with another countries officials is exactly NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. Just because you are (pseudo) press does not mean you can go anywhere and do whatever you want.
    She should have been told, not asked, to kindly get your fat ugly butt out of the building.

  5. The press corps is allowed into meetings as a courtesy and it is not required. The press can print whatever they want according to the 1st Amendment as long as it is not libelous. But no Constitutionally given law or right exists for the gathering of said news, nor is there one allowing them to protect their sources.

  6. About time some of these reporters get put in their place because they have been getting by with to much of their B.S. for so long and they are used to being told everything that Obama was going to do and they no longer have that privlege and take it. Get used to it because it is only going to get worse for all the leftist journalists. I don’t know of to many reporters that have any manners period!

  7. “shunning the press…”
    I wonder why…’sweetheart’…!

    Andrea says: “My psychiatrist told me I’m going crazy”.
    She told him: “If you don’t mind, I’d like a second opinion.”
    He said:
    “All right…You’re ugly too!”
    (Rodney Dangerfield)

  8. The left stream press is irrelevant. Nobody pays any attention to them anymore. That is the reason so-called reporters like andrea are going ballistic. One thing these clowns can’t stand is to be ignored and everybody is ignoring them. It is a real pleasure to see them flaying about in their agony.

  9. This women simply can’t contain herself. I saw her go ballistic in trying to get Tillerson to answer questions during another meeting with a foreign rep. I think what’s really at play here is that the mindless media are intent in getting their whacko version of events in cement, screaming questions and not talking no for an answer. They cut out any other reporters wanting to ask questions on the event at hand, where Andrea throws out questions having nothing to do with the event but more to do with liberal lies.

  10. On Monday, she criticized Tillerson for “shunning the press when making major diplomatic trips.” Tillerson didn’t bring his press corps along with this recent trip, and he didn’t during last month’s visit to Asia either (breaking tradition doing so).
    SO WHAT. WHY is it HIS duty to TAKE YOU ALONG? How about TAKING YOURSELF ?
    You are NOT doing a PUBLIC SERVICE with your biased reporting. You are NOT ON OUR PAYROLL so WHY should WE BE FOOTING YOUR TRAVEL BILLS??????
    As for the question ” where did you get your manners “, the real question is WHEN WILL THE LEFT LEARN ANY MANNERS AT ALL . Sorry but the hate you Lefties are depending upon has worn very thin.

  11. One thing for sure about the Liberal left wing Democrat Socialist mouth piece, they forgot their
    manners when they left home. But the are experts at showing their asses In public places
    on a regular basis, case in point Andrea Mitchell, bet she has made her parents proud of her
    exposure and antics on the world stage.

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