GOP Frontrunner Trump Calls Out The RNC For Breaking Their Word; Then He Says This!


Some websites are going to try to get you to click on their story by telling you the GOP frontrunner is thinking about running as a 3rd party candidate, but that’s not what he said today in South Carolina during a speech.

Donald Trump called out the RNC regarding the GOP debates and the tickets they have been giving out to donors who make up the audience, but once again, Trump never threatened he would go 3rd party.

From The State:

Trump suggested that the Republican National Committee was not honoring a pledge to not hurt his campaign if the businessman promised not to mount a third-party presidential run.Trump was booed several times during the Republican presidential debate Saturday in Greenville for criticizing other candidates. Trump said the debate audience was stacked with lobbyists and big Republican donors.

“I signed a pledge,” Trump said. “But the pledge is not being honored by them. … They are in default of their pledge.”

Trump, the winner of the New Hampshire primary last week, spent most of his speech to several hundred spectators going after U.S. Sen. [score]Ted Cruz[/score], R-Texas, his closest rival in South Carolina.

He blasted Cruz for distorting his stance on the Second Amendment during the debate. Cruz has said Trump would erode gun ownership laws if elected, while Trump calls himself the biggest gun rights advocate in the race.

“I think he’s an unstable person,” Trump said of Cruz.

Trump called Cruz a “bad liar” who stole the Iowa caucus when the senator’s volunteers spread rumors about GOP candidate Ben Carson leaving the race. Cruz won while Trump finished second.

Trump said the Iowa Republican party should disqualify Cruz’s win “if they had any guts.”

Check out the video for yourself:

Even though Trump never said he would go third party, do you think he should? Is the RNC in default? What do you think of Cruz continuing to distort Trump’s record on purpose?

Make sure to Check out The Political Insider’s 2016 Election Center to stay on top of the latest breaking Trump news!

H/T – The State

Share your opinions with us below in our comment section. Let us know what you think!

And for all of your Trump fans please go to this Facebook page devoted to everything Trump!

74 thoughts on “GOP Frontrunner Trump Calls Out The RNC For Breaking Their Word; Then He Says This!”

  1. I think Trump should continue to run as a republican his supporters already know what the others are doing and will continue to support him.The GOP wants a puppet and Trump refuses to be one and the people know this.I think he is the only candidate that can beat the democrats.

  2. Real Reagan Republican

    Bloomberg already plans to run a third party candicacy. There are only a few people able to self-finance a campaign pre-convention and post convention. Bloomberg will only incur the expense of financing post convention–which is expected to well in excess of a billion dollars. However, Trump is not one of them. A pac is already requesting donations on Trump’s behalf.

  3. Yes, I do think he should sue the RNC after he becomes President. If he left the Republican party now to be an Independent, I’m not so sure he’d win. It didn’t work for Ross Perot when he did something similar. Let Donald Trump win outright, despite what the Republican party is trying to do him, then sue the pants off a bunch of people.

  4. If the GOP doesn’t honor the will of the voters in the respective caucuses and embrace whoever wins the nomination, I might decide not to vote at all. Of course, this plays right into the hands of the Democrats because we know that the libs will back their chosen mouthpiece and figurehead at the polls. But, the outcome would still be the same if Trump feels that he is forced into running as an independent. No independent has ever won the presidency, and never will. The third party will only succeed in draining the support of the eventual GOP nominee and effectively hand the presidency over to the Democrats. Even if he pulls only 5-10% of the vote, it will be the deathblow to any other Republican candidate. There are far too many voting demographics out there for any one person to try and go it alone.

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      # Name Took Office Left Office Party Vice President(s)
      1 George Washington 1789 1797 No party John Adams
      2 John Adams 1797 1801 Federalist Thomas Jefferson
      3 Thomas Jefferson 1801 1809 Democrat-Republican George Clinton1
      4 James Madison 1809 1817 Democrat-Republican Elbridge Gerry1
      5 James Monroe 1817 1825 Democrat-Republican Daniel D. Tompkins
      6 John Quincy Adams 1825 1829 Democrat-Republican John C. Calhoun
      7 Andrew Jackson 1829 1837 Democrat John C. Calhoun2 and Martin Van Buren
      8 Martin Van Buren 1837 1841 Democrat Richard Mentor Johnson
      9 William Henry Harrison3 1841 1841 Whig John Tyler
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      44 Barack Obama 2009 Incumbent Independent Bill Richardson


    2. Well, I hope you will not just decide not to vote., that would be just what the democrats would want. I will vote for the repub. ticket, whoever runs will be far better than Hilliary or Bernie!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Burnel
      February 16, 2016 at 10:54 pm

      Trump is being more than kind he is showing Cruz that there is trouble brewing for him because of his Canadian birth but that does not mean Cruz can’t run or win !!1 it means that some people can’t do their homework !!!

  5. i wouldn’t feel bad if Donald trump broke off, cause I will bet no republican would win the Presidential seat. cruz said he would win against the democrats I don’t think so. The more you attack trump the stronger he gets as he has a double digit over cruz. so the establishment can continue to screw with Donald but the Don will have the last laugh and run independent and ruin the republican party bid

  6. The GOP needs to wake up and accept Trump and figure out how to help him from here on out, how to give him the resources he needs to get educated on all the background he’ll need to know, get him the best minds and best support and figure out a running mate, and get moving forward to decimate the Demoncrats.

    Wake up GOP.

    If you don’t, we WILL win a 3rd party run.


  8. I think Mr Trump has it in the Bag. He isn’t stupid and hasn’t spent his life doing the noddy thing in the parties. He is his own man and knows what it takes to get to the goal with out strings attached.

    1. I think if the NRP wants to be an ass & not support Donald,,he should run as a 3rd party candidate. I’m just afraid he might wind up like Ross Perot, but then on the other hand, all my friends say they are supporting Trump no matter what, so, we’ll just have to wait & see. The NRC may just get the surprise of a lifetime. I think people are like me, they are fed up with the GOP establishment. They are a bunch of wimps who are scared to death of the dems. They need to back Trump or it will be the demise of the GOP.

  9. Randy, where do you Get this?? “billionaire who bashes, the disabled, women, military veterans”? You must have been sleeping under a rock when Trump declined to BS with the rest of the clowns in favor of raising $6 Million for the Veterans! He has consistently said he will restore the military gutted by B.HusseinO. He only ‘bashes’ those who ask for it like Jeb & Cruz, certainly not women or the disabled! Jr High? are you kidding me? How many Jr Hi billionaires do you know? He got there by Negotiating with Politicians to get his Big Skyscrapers built. Read “The Art of the Deal”, you might develop some respect. He surrounds himself with the best people needed to get the job done a la Henry Ford. He raised multi-multi-million$ for the charities of the Winners of Celebrity Apprentice, many of which included the disabled. The main thing is he is not beholden to Donors like the rest of them, I believe he is sincerely interested in “Making America Great Again” for Americans, not all the illegal riff raff of the world, after the continuing assault of BHO’s fundamentally destructive transformation of U.S. and now, sadly, what is probably the murder of his biggest obstacle Judge Scalia!

  10. It seems the Demrat & GOP establishment trolls have infiltrated this forum, a sign they’re running scared to death. That’s a good thing, ’cause the American voters on both sides are FED UP with the whole DC machine. Big changes are coming; whether bullets fly at some point is a big question mark. Trump in November to pull the US back from the 3rd World abyss of tyranny, corruption, crime, poverty, disease, and general hopelessness, probably under a one-party system leading to a dictatorship! The Founders must be spinning in their graves.

  11. I doubt he’ll go rogue and ruin his chances as the GOP nominee. This man is smart, and can see right thru all the RINOS’ dirty tactics. He’s correct, that Cruz cheated in the Iowa primary and diverted Carson votes to himself. Go Trump!

  12. I personally don’t believe Trump would change to a third party run. What no one seems to admitting here, is that the popular vote hasn’t counted for JACK SQUAT in, what forever? The electoral college has that distinction. We the people have never ben the driving force behind elections, the college has. Who nominates the electorate to the ” college”/ the DNC and RNC. That’s why no third party candidate has a snowballs chance in hell of winning anything , but maybe bathroom monitor at the conventions. If we really want Trump to win, we all need to write him a note, stop with the BS talk, let the rest of the field bash each other, and stick to the ideals and values that American’s are interested in, and laugh at the others as they dig a deeper hole for themselves. He’s already gotten my vote, early voting opened today in Texas, and the line was long with Trump voters in my county. For him to go third party will only lead to a real civil war in this country, when the popular vote and that of the “college are a million miles apart. That’s the point that Americans will rise up and TAKE this country back, not a second sooner.

  13. Sometimes we get curious about this two parties acting like they are in concert to promote the wrong candidates to make sure their mutual puppet choice wins the election, never mind the choice of the people. Remember that in the olden days the Democratic and Republican party were one against the FEDERALIST AND THE WHIG PARTY. THEY ONLY SPLIT WHEN DEMOCRATS REFUSED TO FREE THE SLAVES AND THE REPUBLICANS WANTED TO FREE THEM.. THE REPUBLICANS FINALLY FREED THEM UNDER THE FIRST REPUBLICAN PRES. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. THE UNINFORMED BLACKS WERE LURED BY DEMOCRAT PRES. JOHNSON WITH HIS WAR ON POVERTY WHICH EXTENDED MORE AND MORE WELFARE TO ANY BLACKS ASKING FOR IT, JUST TO GET BACK THE VAST BLOCKS OF BLACK VOTERS. If the Black voters only know their history, which party really helped them, they will all be Republicans to day. That is why it is interesting to note that the Republicans never touch that accomplishment…so the confusion goes on….

  14. And the answer to Rove, Bennett, Sununu and Priebus is a 60 something billionaire who bashes, the disabled, women, military veterans and anyone else who calls him what he is? Donald Trump is the single biggest danger to the United States alive today. He has the attitude and mannerisms of an adolescent, and his petulant actions over the course of this campaign only prove that he would be better qualified to run for junior high class president than United States president.

    1. You’re a fool. Trump & Carson are the only two on the slate who are anti-establishment; the rest want to maintain the status quo at all costs, and keep the US under a tyrannical leftist govt. and probably a dictatorship down the road! Americans able to use their brains & common sense can see thru this “GOP” agenda; thus Trump’s ratings continue to climb regardless. Not one of the others running can defeat the Hellary machine, and Trump knows it. I think you’re a Dem. troll.

  15. Reince Priebus is the very reason we are in the crap we’re in today in his backing of a two time yo-yo loser: Mitt Romney. If the GOP would have backed Newt Gingrich in 2012, Barack Obama would be a bad memory by now and much of what he had done would already have been reversed.

    In 2012, these are the men, that should have been. Well, it’s now 2016. Maybe we’ll get it half right this time.

    TRUMP/WEST 2016/2020 succeeded by WEST/? 2024/2028

  16. The NRC, NRSC & the NRCC are rotten to the core……NRC chairman, Reince Priebus, is just one pussy cat who does the bidding of Karl Rove, Bill Bennett, John Sununu and other fat cat republicans..Karl Rove was on the Megyn Kelly show last nice casting barbs at Donald Trump….The same Karl Rove that gave us John McPain in 08 and Mitt Romney in 12….It wouldn’t have mattered who we nominated in 08 because the voters were sick and tired of the last two years of the Bush presidency….2012 was an entirely different ball game; It should have been a slam dunk for the GOP but Rove and his political hacks gave us Romney who turned out to run a very weak campaign which gave us four more years of Obama….Now the establishment is pushing very hard for Rubio or Bush and the rest of us be damned…..I was very disappointed to see George Bush pimping for his younger brother last night on TV….Jeb started the campaign by saying that he was his own man; Since his plane never left the tarmac, Jebbie has had to change his tune and bring his 90 year old mother to New Hampshire to garner support…..In the middle of winter, no less…..That didn’t help him in New Hampshire so Jebbie had to reach down in the bottom of the barrel and coax George W. to come to his rescue….We’ve had enough of the Bush family and it’s time to move on and give a successful business man a chance who is not beholden to anyone other than the American people…..

  17. One is clear. If trump leaves, he will take large chuck out of the GOP.
    Making the Cruz, Rubio, Jeb instant looser, since the GOP will no longer have a voters to compete with Democrats.
    The less know fact is Trump will also take a chuck out of the Democrats party.
    Mostly former Hillary supporters, but also some who do not believe in Communism.
    Trump followers have already demonstrated they do not care about GOP, one can say they hate it.
    Trump would have enough followers from GOP side, the question is if he goes independent would he get enough Democrats ?

  18. It is time for a third party in this country. Both the Democratic and Republican party are so corrupt at this point they need to be eliminated from the face of the earth. The Republican Party are trying to cram a candidate of their choosing down our throats, and both of the candidates from the Democratic(Communist) party are both promising voters everything but candy to vote for them.

  19. The Political Establishment is a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich — everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the patsies. But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. The over-the-top reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media, and the biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened like never before.
    What they don’t seem to realize is that it’s the American people that are fed-up with the political establishment, and Trump is saying exactly what the American voter is screaming out; “end this corruption in Washington”! Now the establishment is trying to do something (anything) to prevent Trump from winning the primary election. If Trump loses this election its going to because the Republican Party and their long reaching machine will have fixed it so that Trump could not win the primary, and what the American people want no longer counts in this country.

  20. When Trump joined the Rep. party, reporters said he was joining to give the election to Hillary. Now I believe that to be true as he again is threatening to go 3rd party. That will give the vote to Hillary. He really is not a conservative like he says. I do not like his horrible glares and ugly faces he makes and his crude language. I question his Christianity with his language!

  21. I wish Trump would do a third party. NRC has been very bad to him and they deserve to loose. If he pulls out, they have NOTHING. And we would all go with him! VOTE TRUMP. HE CAN’T BE BOUGHT!

  22. CRUZ is a Neocon NAZI..just like the whole Bush Family. He was trained at Princeton/Harvard just like all the rest…and worked for the NAZI Bush Regime in GHW’s Admin.
    CRUZ is a Jesuit Trained NAZI…like Jeb. 911 Murderers and Criminals…why wait for our Children to clean up this mess?

  23. CRUZ is a Neocon NAZI..just like the Bush Family. He was trsained at Princeton HArvard just like all the rest…and worked for the NAZI Bush Regime in GHW’s Admin.
    CRUZ is a Jesuit Trained NAZI…like Jeb. Murderers and Criminals…why wait for our Children to clean up this mess?

  24. The NRC is even more corrupt and less conservative than the Obama Administration is American! But, IF Trump ran as a third party candidate, it would do one of two things: either validate the lack of trust in the establishment government for good which deserves it, or allow the leftists a chance with their penchant for registering illegals and dead voters, electronic and paper fraud and intimidation by the NBP of the polls in major cities, not to mention the obfuscation of the 2009 MOVE ACT designed to EXPEDITE the right of ur overseas assigned personnel in the military to exercise THEIR CONSTITUTIOINAL RIGHT to exercise the franchise to fix the result by fraud. However, I wish him well whatever he chooses and that he becomes the next president because he has proven himself to be right at every issue and we know because we are LIVING it and have been, though we have been lied to forever by professional and polished parasites and pundits who are convinced we are fools. Let us display to them just how “FOOLISH,” we in fact are by decimating the demorats and RINOS both, and removing every incumbent SOB from office in this and the next 3 election cycles MINIMIUM, clean the trash from OUR HOUSES, and see what the result is 8 years FROM NOW! It is our only chance and,if we do not make the most f it, we will NEVER be free again.

  25. I watched the debate, if that is what you want to call it. It was rigged from the get go. I was really hard at times to hear Trump, or Cruz or Marco when they were answering, and it was such a disaster, this could have been stopped by the Moderater. He could have stopped when the audience was booing, and made a comment about it. Other Moderaters from other debates have done that, not this one. A total set set up. I would recommend that there be no audience in the next debate. That way, there would be no delays on the booing, or clapping.

  26. like Rush Limbaugh, I do not believe the Washington crowd realize how disenchanted and downright upset we are with them, and why someone why the Donald is appealing. He is politically incorrect, independent and intelligent

  27. It is becoming increasingly difficult to separate the differences between the RNC and the DNC leadership. Both Prebus and Wasserman-Schultz are employing unethical (perhaps illegal?) tactics and tricks to try and ensure their hand-picked candidate gets the nomination. How Gruber stupid for both. They just don’t get it. WE THE PEOPLE ARE ANGRY AND FED UP WITH THE PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS and no amount of dirty tricks and unethical behavior will get our votes. WE THE PEOPLE have had it up to our asses with the criminality, the deceit, the influence peddling, the pandering for votes, and the failure to deliver on any campaign promises that got them elected. Screw you Preibus and Wasserman-Schultz WE THE PEOPLE are going to tumble your ivory tower elitist candidates in favor of non-traditional candidates simple because the RNC and DNC have lied to America, cheated America, and are on their way to destroying America. You can stack your decks anyway you want it and spend a billion dollars on political ads and WE THE PEOPLE will just change the channel and we are tuning you scumbag politicians out. There will NOT be another Bush or Clinton in the WH. WE THE PEOPLE “are mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.”

    1. I Totally Agree Richard, Everything about this election tells us why we need to vote for a NON Politician. They are all crooked rinos and the only thing they have in their eyes is dollar signs. Look what the DNC has done to this country, to this day we are being warned that the books are being cooked, and we are really facing danger from Iraq, and Iran. Yet this President tell us that everything is hunky dorey. The hell it is. We are in Danger more each day that this feckless President sits on his hands and does absolutely nothing to protect us, but he sure doesn’t want to upset the Muslims, why do you think that is?

    2. To Richard from Brian: I could not agree more with the intent and statement of your posting and as you can see if you read mine, we are of a like mind concerning most of the issues at hand. Trump is being categorized by both parties as a nut case and set up as he was both NOW and in the Fox Debate , the 2nd one with Megan Kelly when he decided not to show and instead raised $6 million dollars for our vets at the SAME TIME Obama was cutting the VA benefit funding and Giving it to unaccompanied child support for illegals entering the country and telling the Border Patrol to stand down and let them invade( BENGHAZI , ALL OVER AGAIN!) I am a 100% disabled veteran and appreciate Trump and his REAL concern for our troops and vets when the Washington Establishment and rest of the country appears not to give a damn since their plight is not often mentioned by any candidate OTHER than Trump and, since I am a Vietnam Vet from when the “attitude,” was created Feel strongly that we NEED someone who will do right by those who put their lives on the line for us and the PRESERVATION of all being taken from us by the enemy within: our own forever be damned government, most of whom belong in prison for malfeasance and dereliction of duty and NOT under any circumstances , in ELECTIVE office!

  28. You may think that I am a dinosaur, but I have never seen Trump perform as an entertainer. My hunch is that I am not alone, however, and the degrading remarks of the politically knowledgeable people seem funny to me. They say that we want Trump because he is a popular entertainer and has no business being President. Wrong! I will vote for him because he is the only one who could possibly reverse course for America before we hit a cliff. Whether he will pull through or not remains to be seen, but I see other candidate who comes even close.

    1. As a fellow dinosaur, I am in agreement with you in principle. I was dismayed to see Fiorina pull out but I am hopeful if Trump does get the nod (not a fan but will support him if he is chosen) and I hope he picks her or Rubio as his running mate. We need new ideas that are not based on lining one’s pockets at the expense of America like the Clintons have done for decades. Anyone that votes for Clinton is a brainless annelid living in a hole in the ground. I am praying for justice with an indictment at least and ideally followed by a public trial. After all she appears to have committed treason since there is now some indications her server may have been compromised by people outside of her circle. Again, anyone who still supports Clinton is an amoral, cretinesque ideologue that is just as much a criminal as Hildabeast is – they just don’t wear polyester pantsuits. Bush is a milque-toast twit who is being spoon-fed and comes from the elite right as much as Clinton comes from the elite left. The dynasties must end lest we develop into a monarchy ruled by families not the people.

  29. I just cannot understand, or stand to listen to these Senators, stand up there and look at each other in their eyes and Lie, lie, lie, and call each liars, and then say “oh, I like so & so”. Then they wonder why we don’t believe them. I don;t think Trump should do it either. We have been taken to the cleaners so many times with the House & Senate , they keep caving to Obama. heaven doesn’t know why along with us. We are supposed to believe them now?

  30. Likely the most poorly kept secret on Earth is that the RNC does NOT want Trump to be the Republican candidate. They have done everything possible to trip him up thus far. Why do you ask would they want to give up the front runner, who with a little bit of support would easily beat any Democrat in November? Well it sure isn’t’ because they don’t want the White House back. Obviously with Trump as their candidate and eventually as President, their little money machine gets switched off. All they RNC employees and hangers on rely on big donors to pay their inflated salaries. Look at all the lobbyists with noone to give their cash to (in exchange for favors). As usual in politics, it’s all about the money and control. Trump calls his own shots, nobody’s got purse strings on him and that; is exactly why they don’t want him to win.

    1. You are so right. Donald Trump did not go to college to become a debater, he became a Millionaire 5 times over. He built a empire. We need to take back our WH from these Crooks, and the only way we are going to do that is to vote for someone that is not a rino, or a bought and paid for political idiot. This man is trying to help the people save their Constitution and their country, and this RNC is doing everything in their power to kill him. We cannot let that happen.


  32. Cruz is a proven liar because HE KNOWS he is NOT eligible for the Office he seeks, and my not even be a legitimized US Citizen, ergo not eligible for the Senate, if his mother did not register his “foreign birth” when she re-entered the US as a US Citizen in the late 70’s.

    Learn the law and obey it….

    Cruz is a Canadian born TRI-citizen at birth and is NOT eligible for an Executive Office under A2S1C5 and HE knows it, which makes him an ineligible political opportunist crawling through the legal-loop-hole called “Ambiguity”, the SAME legal-loop-hole that Obama has crawled through.

    Just as the “Anchor Baby policy citizenship” has been exposed as NOT being supported by the ACTUAL LAWS, so too will the correct, legal and enforceable, understanding of a U.S. natural born Citizen become widely acknowledged, i.e.,

    “A person born to Two (2) U.S. Citizen Parents, (married or not), within the limits of the United States, (within any of the admitted States).

    There is NO “Tri /Dual citizen at birth” exemption modifying the Constitutional provision that excludes ALL persons EXCEPT U.S. natural born Citizens as being eligible for the Executive Offices.

    An analysis & reconciliation of the ACTUAL LAWs on the subject is found here>……

  33. Trump is the front runner like it or not and the GOP does not like it. I do not like the GOP, they have lied to us for years about everything. I stopped supporting the GOP when after many times they would send out forms for us to fill out about what they stood for YET never would fight in the Senate or House for. I sent many letters to them stating I fought with bullets and bayonets against enemies and yet they won’t make a stand or fight with words in the Senate or House. I complained to the GOP about their tactics and all I ever got was send more money and more money and more money. I quit sending any money because they would not listen to what the people wanted. Trump is proving this again he leads the polls and they still want Jeb. Trump has posted a 40% lead while Jeb shows a 3% lead overall, now ask why is the GOP supporting Jeb, 40% / 3% and they choose 3%

  34. Most of these websites lie just to get you to click on them. When you do click on them, usually it has no connection what so ever. It is sad that they have to lie so much to get your vote. Look at the Dem side, you have a whacko and a liar who are running for President of the United States, BUT, either way the democrats stand behind them. Now look at our Republican side. They tell lies upon lies to garner your vote. Most tell you they are going to fix the problem yet they cant tell you 100% how they will fix it. Either way, the American voters are in a LOSE-LOSE situation.

    1. How true, Trump is such a waste of space. He’s a liar, narcissistic, phony, no a christian, anti-gun.
      All that he claims to be for o is, is a lie. He;s the one who should burn in hell. Who knows maybe he’s the anti-christ.

  35. I have a suggestion for future debates that might help the undecideds know what these candidates really stand for.
    Rule #1. Any candidate who attacks or denegrates another should be removed from further participation.
    Rule #2. Any comments should be confined to how they would solve a particular problem.
    Rule #3 The post debate commentary should be limited to a recap (without judgement) on what was learned from each candidate. I know his may sound boring and not ratings oriented, but
    this election is serious business and “we the people” deserve to know what to expect from each candidate should they be elected.

    1. Mark, I like that, but those Rules need to be handed out the day before the debate, if they don’t agree to those rules, they have the chance to drop out., I might also add that the audience be banned from the debate as well. Clapping is great, but it slows down the actions of the debaters. in real debates, it usually is not allowed for uncontrollable actions in the proceedings.

  36. Trump has no reason to modify his campaign strategy. In my opinion the GOP national convention has far more to lose than he does. In fact, if he succeeds in becoming the next president, he will own the GOP party. The unemployment lines may be increased by his success; and most of these political vultures have no skill beyond playing reelection patti-cakes.

  37. 3rd party? He would lose. Only if he wants to lose to Hillary/Sanders. Plus he would lose all his assets in the devastation Sanders or Hillary would create. The country is already half way down the proverbial tank with all the free goodies the Democrat promise and the tax payers have to pay.
    Trump is acting like a spoiled brat.

  38. Practically, it would be better if he doesn’t have to go third-party, but if these dishonorable GOP people like Priebus don’t stop ambushing Mr. Trump, there are going to leave him no choice. Personally, my family and I are going to vote for Mr. Trump no matter how he runs. The RINO Party is dishonest and have broken their pledge over and over. We stand four-square behind Mr. Trump. He has our votes regardless of party.


  39. Look at the character of the man…not his money or his business dealings, but his promises. Obama also made promises…now, look at our country…is it any better? Use wisdom, people.

  40. No I don’t want him to go 3rd party, that’s how the Clinton Crime Family got in, in the first place when people like me voted for Ross Perot. Just like the Demo-rats the RNC is crooked as a dogs hind leg. I don’t like or trust Rance Prewhatzhizname. He should be fired just for having a name like he has and his weasel looks.

  41. Mark Levin shared on his radio program that similarities between Donald Trump and socialist, Bernie Sanders. If Hillary gets the Democratic nomination, maybe Trump would pick Sanders for his VP. If Sanders gets the Democratic nomination, he would pick Trump as his VP!

    Both Trump and Sanders believe in big government!

    Ronald Reagan followed the 11th commandment which is “Thou shalt not speak ill of any Republican (candidates). Donald Trump ain’t a Ronald Reagan!

    1. So you believe that this website should hand-pick candidates and only post information from the ones they pick and not all of the candidates??? Try MSNBC because you are supporting censorship and that is a left-wing libertird activity. You might want to reconsider your position – then again if you are a libertird we can’t teach you what you refuse to acknowledge.

      1. Trump is the one who has been calling the other candidates names and throwing trash from the beginning so this accusation about Cruz doing it is asinine. Cruz is the only one who has tried to remain professional, presidential and talk about issues only until Trump started his mud-slinging because Cruz was too close for comfort. Trump has made a circus out of this campaign. Anyone that loses their cool so easily, I don’t want in control of that red button! However, if he’s the nominee, I will still vote for him because Hillary and Sanders are both total fruits.

  42. I honestly think Trump can win this nomination, going 3rd party will insure Hillary the position of President, and that will be the straw that broke the camels back for our country. I heard everything Mr. Trump said about 911, and GW Bush, and I do not believe he would have said those things, had Jeb not started his insults about reality TV, I have heard from so many republicans, that the last thing we wanted was another Bush in the white House

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