George W. Bush Breaks Silence on Trump Presidency, Defends Media, Says They are ‘Indispensable to Democracy’

In a wide ranging interview on Today with Matt Lauer, former President George W. Bush said he favored a “welcoming” immigration policy and said the mainstream media is “indispensable to democracy.”

Bush, who remained quiet throughout the Obama administration, has now broken his silence about what he really thinks about Trump’s controversial, conservative policies and executive orders.

When Bush was asked about the temporary travel “ban,” Bush responded cautiously: “I am for an immigration policy that’s welcoming and upholds the law.”

He added, “I think it’s very important for all of us to recognize that one of our great strengths is for people to be able to worship the way they want to, or not worship at all. A bedrock of our freedom is the right to worship freely. People who murder the innocent are not religious people. They want to advance an ideology.”

Then, Bush compared the travel restrictions to a sign of weakness that Islamic terrorists would exploit: “It’s very hard to fight the war on terrorism if we’re in retreat,” Bush answered. “I think we learned that lesson — that if the United States decides to pull out before a free society emerges, it’s going to be hard to defeat them. The enemy is very good about exploiting weakness. If that’s the goal, to defeat ISIS, I believe that we should project strength.”

But, former President Bush wasn’t finished! He then compared Trump’s relationship with the mainstream media to that of Vladimir Putin, while bemoaning alternative news outlets which have greatly reduced the importance of networks such as NBC, ABC, and CNN.

This is outrageous:

Bush was asked about the media’s role in light of President Donald Trump’s recent characterization of the media as “enemies of America.” He noted he spent a lot of time during his two terms trying to convince Russian President Vladimir Putin to embrace an independent press.

“It’s kind of hard to tell others to have an independent free press when we’re not willing to have one ourselves,” he said.

Clearly, Bush didn’t watch President Trump’s speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Trump’s full quote was, “I called the fake news the enemy of the people and they are.”

Trump is referring to the fake, liberal media which distorts facts and relies on biased sources that are misreading highly classified intelligence information in ways to hurt his administration. In no way was Trump referring to the entire news media, and Trump restated his support for the First Amendment, reminding the CPAC audience that no one uses free speech rights more than he.

Watch the interview (below). Isn’t it hilarious to see the liberal media now treat Bush so politely, now that he’s useful in attacking President Trump?

What do you think of Bush’s comments about Trump? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us.

22 thoughts on “George W. Bush Breaks Silence on Trump Presidency, Defends Media, Says They are ‘Indispensable to Democracy’”

  1. Wake up!!! it’s not about Republicans vs. Democrats… It’s all about Nationalist vs. Globalist greed, power and control goals designed by the Elites, Rockefeller, Soros, Rothschild, Gates, Goldman Sachs,. Lehman Bros… then the next layer, the Bushs’, Clintons, Ryan, Graham, McCain, The same folks that own the Federal Reserve, The IMF, The Rockefeller Foundation, The Carnigie Foundation, The Ford Foundation, . … They control our banks, our re-designed “history” Liberal Education system, our AMA, the CDC, The FDA, Big Pharma… all that’s corrupt… …. that’s why Graham, McCain, Bush… attack Trump…

    1. Bullseye!
      George Sr.´s introduction of and support for a “New World Order” in the 1970s requires his No. 1 stooge, George Jr., to step up to the podium, and support the elite “family” you named. Since the alias, Barack H. Obama, was offered $60m for his memoirs, he may have withdrawn from the CIA-MOSSAD community organization that used him, the Clinton Crime Duo and the DNC to construct the voter fraud intended to elect Hitlary Clinton to the U.S.Presidency. Not being in a position to lead a fraudulent attack on a 3rd world country for his father, and the new WTC tower is too new to be demolished, he must be a good little stooge for his family, and continue their treason. An excellent history is pulled up when searching the Internet with the phrase, 4 generations of treason , and clicking on the entry by

  2. Both President Bush and his father (remember the New World Order speeches?) are Globalists. As is Lindsay Graham and traitor McCain (check his war record before his pardon and his record of blocking efforts to get our Nam POW’s home). So, of course they were silent during the Globalist Kenyan’s two terms. Now, with Soros funding Graham and McCain, I guess they figured they needed help from little moron Georgie who told enough lies about WMD’s to get thousands of our troops killed… None of the 4 are qualified to shine Trump’s shoes… They are just part of the swamp draining… Trump has already achieved more to protect Americans and boost our economy then the “war Monger” big spenders and the Kenyan all together…

  3. Bush during his first two years as president was a main line republican but when the Democrat
    Socialist won both the House and Sendate during his last two years he drifted to the left and
    did many things that were not in our Nations best interest. As far as the Media is concerned
    the are then enemy of the American people because they are far left flaming left wing liberatards
    with little if any redeeming qualities. They did not report the truth on Obama nor Hildabeast and attacked and twisted ever article on Trump and continue to do so to this day. They are not
    our friends and have long ago become just another political crap farm for the far left and enemies
    of our nation.

  4. Bush needs to sit back and shut up! If he is not aware of the lies coming out of major media then he has to be senile. He has done his damage into creating the mess this country is in right now with all his manipulating through the CIA and elsewhere that his family has been behind for years. That dynasty needs to be done and over with so that our great country can rise once again. Time for the antiquated, secret society politicians to go to their graves and reap their just rewards for their rotten deeds. I will welcome those days with open arms and so will their Father in hell, Satan.

  5. Passed Presidents and Politician’s should stay out of the Bear Pit. If they now have the answers to all the questions it only goes to show that they were lying when they were in the position in Government. It is easy to snip from an armchair.

  6. Oh dubya… Surely you can’t be serious. Has everyone in politics eaten a bowl of stupid? To paraphrase, “I am for an immigration policy that’s welcoming and upholds the law,” did we the people miss something, when the oblunder administration set the precedence with the same restriction? I’d also love to hear you elaborate on comparing the travel restrictions to a sign of weakness that Islamic terrorists would exploit. Yes, this will be good, especially when we discuss your father’s policy of flooding MN., with unverified Somalis! (I vaguely remember a few years back, hearing that St. Paul is a prime terrorist recruitment area.)
    It doesn’t surprise me that you are counted among the politicians and celebrities who validates the dinosaur media outlets. For the “Ministry of Truth’s” yellow journalism must constantly be defended with more bovine excrement; for the truth speaks on it’s own with solid facts.

    P.S. I grew tired of hearing that old cliche… But I would find it hilarious in this matter, if I could get a liberal in the house to stand up and say “Blame Bush.”

  7. Well if you ever needed any more proof that the Bush’s and the Clinton’s are co-conspirators in crime and destabilizing our country…there ya go.

    He is a RINO. Always has been. The fact he said nothing when Oloser was ripping the Constitution apart and now speaks up says volumes.

  8. 1. georgie is a globalist 2. georgie and family are in knee deep with the drug cartel (that is pretty well known around the hill 3. I might be mistaken but didn’t one of his brothers marry an illegal? 4. Being silent while obama was in office he ll bent on destroying our country and coming out against a republican president tells me he was never for the American citizen; everything was just a facade. and oh BTW, I am a republican, but not a blind one.

  9. The Bushes are globalists just like Obama and the Clintons. We’ve had 30 years of this doctrine being shoved down our throats by both Republicans and Democrats. Thank God we have Trump to steer us away. Just look at videos from Scandinavia, Germany, France and UK and see what we’re trying to avoid. It’s a holocaust over there, make no mistake.

    1. Yes indeed! While the entire European Union has been polluted, the folk of Sweden are the hardest hit, with their thug leadership denying the continuous rapes and sexual attacks.
      We see that NWO elite named by trouchdown have constructed interference against Marine LePen of France. LePen is the only level-headed person running for the presidency of France. She was accused of “indecency” for presenting on-line an example of the inhumane behavior of DAESH, a subordinate of ISIS. An attorney in Paris requested that her immunity from prosecution related with freedom of speech be removed. No doubt the attorney is a stooge of the “elite family” named by touchdown. Whether the charge will interfere with LePen´s popularity remains to be seen.

  10. It’s very OBVIOUS that George Bush ENJOYS the trashing and bashing of President Trump by news media and delights in it, defends it as something other than what it has become and is being paid to go on talk shows now to pitch media instead of pitching our new President.

    What a ‘turn-coat’ he has become and to think I voted for this trouble-maker years ago. He’s not even American anymore or he would see that mainstream media is trying to overthrow this government and it should be shut down temporarily until it is re-structured and in alignment with freedom of speech. The Press is not strengthening the fabric of democracy anymore. It is destroying the America we once knew and Bush knows this very well. Something’s up with him too..! Unbelievable !

  11. He was better off keeping his mouth shut. He doesn’t even realize his comments support Obama and his past administration. He certainly is not supporting and protecting the Office of the President.

  12. G.W. is simply angry that Jeb’s scheme to give the Chinese control of shipping American oil to Asia fell through after it was clear he wouldn’t be President. The Bush’s made a fortune selling out America to China.

  13. “I believe that we should project strength.” says Bush. Me too. Keeping people out that have a fundamental hatred of all that makes America ‘home’ to it’s citizens is not exactly showing a weak side. Letting them in and pretending (projecting) that we can then control them is such an incredibly stupid and dim-witted statement that it reminds me of the general disgust I felt for the Bush duology. Dumb and dumber. I think it is incumbent on Liberals, at least those that want to allow such a open gate into the US for Islamics, to read the Koran and see exactly what it is that is taught. Sanctioned child molestation, no rights for women, murder for homosexuals, rule by church rather than by state, deception sanctioned so that they can get close and kill us, and a host of other practices that are counter to our culture and lifestyle. So inviting them in, and then trying to deal with their outrageous teachings and behaviors is a fools game. Simply, we don’t have to let them in. If they want to follow the Koran, then those that are not already living here legally need to be forced to do it in an environment that is not threatened by their practices and goals. Wake up America, get off the couch, turn off the stupid tv shows and work to save our country from dumb ass liberals that will give it all away while sitting idle with open mouths wondering how things got so bad. One thing for certain, we accomplish nothing when we let others do the work. Meet with neighbors, share what you know, inspire and teach. If there is another way to wake up this sleeping giant, I would love to hear it.

  14. The Bushes rank right up there with the Clinton’s. Their time has past. George was good at responding to 911, but then took it too far, and helped create the mess the middle east is in today. He should just work on his golf and keep his “compassionate conservatism” to himself.

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