Foreign Policy In The Age Of Biden: Weak and Woke

Foreign Policy In The Age Of Biden: Weak And Woke

This week marked the one year anniversary of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. We have all seen the video. 

The outrage over Floyd’s death sparked protest that too often manifested itself in violent riots and arson, which as of last September was expected to cost over $1 billion in damages.

And aside from the monetary damages, at least 25 people were killed during the political unrest.

While not new, 2020 also saw a huge resurgence in the Black Lives Matter movement – a movement which the Biden administration seems to want to export to the world.

According to Foreign Policy, Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken has authorized American embassies to fly Black Lives Matter flags.

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The Priority Of The Biden Admin – Political Correctness

There are two phrases in Blinken’s official cable to pay attention to. The cable expressly states that this is an “authorization not a requirement.” Do you want to be the Ambassador who says, “Ya know what? I’m not feelin it. Don’t think I will participate in this one.” 

You don’t want to be that guy. You don’t want to be the guy who, when the media talks about you in the future to preface your name with, “who in 2021 refused to fly a BLM flag on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death.”

Could there be an easier way to commit political suicide? Especially if you have future political aspirations?

The other phrase we should pay close attention to is that the embassies could display the flags and banners as “appropriate in light of local conditions.” It seems like a pretty loaded description of when it is appropriate to drag out your wokeness for all the world to see. 

My question is this: are you gonna get busy running that flag up your flagpole before or after you have, say, made a comment about the Chinese government’s treatment of Muslim Uighurs, just to fend off a slavery dig at the United States? 

The Biden administration may be engaging in a lot of damage control, and this could qualify. But we all know how woke liberals can’t help themselves in parading before the rest of the world just how woke they are.

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How BLM Flags Looked Around The World

Again, since no one wanted to be that Ambassador, out went the politically correct word, up went the flags.

In a report from the New York Post, there may have been some sort of contest to see who could be the most creative.

In Athens for example, the BLM flag was hung in such a way that the official U.S. Embassy seal was covered. If you were trying to say, “America sucks,” that should do it.

U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia W. Patrick Murphy tweeted out a photo of the flag on the fence surrounding the Embassy.

As if all of this collective butt-kissing to an organization whose leaders are self-described Marxists wasn’t enough, Secretary of State Blinken himself gave the grand finale.

In a statement regarding the BLM flags and banners, Blinken said, โ€œFor the United States to be a credible force for human rights around the world, we have to face the realities of racism and hatred here at home.”

Nothing like having the person who represents America and everything she stands for abroad calling his fellow countrymen racists and bigots.

In case anyone is wondering, this is not the first time a flag other than the American flag has been OK’d to fly above American embassies. Blinken also authorized the LGBT flag flown from May 17 until the end of June recognizing Pride Month celebrations.

And who could forget the wokesters disobeyed orders from the previous Commander-in-Chief to fly their LGBT flags at embassies in the past?

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How Do America’s Enemies View Her?

The State Department is not the only U.S. entity that displays weakness and wokeness abroad. Traditionally, as the late great Rush Limbaugh often said, the primary purpose of the military is “to kill people and break things.” Not anymore.

Priorities at the Pentagon have changed. 

Now the biggest worries are things like making sure there are flight suits for pregnant pilots, recruiting videos where tales of being raised by two mommies are the focal point, and of course, weeding out the white supremacists who are around every corner. 

Does anyone at the State Department think that just maybe, in places like Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea, they are belly laughing at those silly Americans who thought it would be a better idea to get rid of the bad orange man who tweets mean things and replace him with the good man who has trouble navigating stairs?

Do they think that anyone in those countries are just waiting…..for the right time…..

If, God forbid, that should happen, how far into a pretzel will Biden administration officials have to twist themselves to blame it on Donald Trump?

Just one more question: the report from Foreign Policy says that the State Department cable authorizing the BLM flags and banners “comes ahead of other significant dates, including Juneteenth and the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre on May 31 and June 1.”

Significant dates. We are days away from Memorial Day.

The day that we honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, those that have ensured that woke lefties have the freedom to parade through the streets with said flags and banners and curse at police officers, so woke State Department officials can call Americans racists from overseas locations.

Is that not significant enough?

Maybe it just isn’t woke enough.


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