Flashback: Reporter Fired For Fake News That Trump Spent Thanksgiving Golfing – He Was Actually in Afghanistan

trump thanksgiving

Just one year ago, a Newsweek reporter was fired after running a fake news story that President Trump spent his Thanksgiving tweeting and golfing.

In reality, he had made a trip to Afghanistan to spend time with the troops.

“How is Trump spending Thanksgiving? Tweeting, golfing and more,” a headline from political journalist Jessica Kwong proclaimed.

The story began, “As with any other day of the year, Trump will probably be tweeting, or expressing his opinions in another way.”

The President actually made an unannounced visit to Afghanistan to greet US troops and meet the Afghani President Ashraf Ghani to discuss bringing an end to the war.

Trump’s son called Kwong out at the time saying, “fake news gonna fake,” while the President himself joked, “I thought Newsweek was out of business?”

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Reporter Was Fired Over Fake News Story

Kwong was actually fired following the incident, despite Newsweek’s penchant for producing fake news on most days, not just holidays.

“Newsweek investigated the failures that led to the publication of the inaccurate report that President Trump spent Thanksgiving tweeting and golfing rather than visiting troops in Afghanistan,” a spokesperson reported at the time.

“The story has been corrected and the journalist responsible has been terminated.”

“President Donald Trump made a surprise trip to visit U.S. troops in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving Day and said he had reopened negotiations with the Taliban,” a corrected version of the story reported.

Kwong has since appeared in the Orange County Register and The U.S. Sun.

To be clear, reporters do make mistakes, and we shouldn’t revel in someone losing their job. 

But the nasty tone of the story, combined with just how wrong it was, is an excellent example of how the media has treated President Trump.

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The President’s Past Thanksgivings

Aside from his 2019 surprise visit to the troops in 2019, President Trump has had other memorable Thanksgiving events.

In 2017, the President paid a visit to the Coast Guard, whose service members had been conducting rescue efforts during Hurricane Harvey.

In 2016, as President-elect, Trump proclaimed a message that should have – if Democrats weren’t the vile party of hatred they’d become – healed our country.

In the wake of a brutal election process, Trump extended an olive branch to those who opposed him.

“It’s my prayer that on this Thanksgiving, we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country, strengthened by shared purpose and very, very common resolve,” Trump said.

Instead, Democrats engaged in non-stop attacks against the President from day one.

Those attacks were more than likely responsible for incredible levels of dysfunction in America that helped create chaos when unity was necessary to fight off the pandemic that is affecting everybody’s Thanksgiving this year.

Don’t forget that as those same leftists tell you what you can do in your own home this Thanksgiving.

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