Marc Lamont Hill, a professor of urban education at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City, is demanding that Harvard’s next President be chosen exclusively on their race and gender.
Claudine Gay, the previous president of Harvard, resigned on Tuesday after weeks of controversy about alleged plagiarism and accusations of enabling antisemitism on campus.
Hill, a former CNN and Fox News contributor, responded to the news in a manner that defines exactly what is wrong with the education system in America today – demanding that Gay’s successor be chosen exclusively on demographics, not merit.
Which is very likely how Gay achieved the position in the first place.
“The next president of Harvard University MUST be a Black woman,” Hill insisted in a post on X.
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Hill Ripped For Suggesting Harvard President Has To Be A Black Woman
X social media users took Hill to task for demanding that the next Harvard President be chosen based on skin color and gender.
“Or just hire somebody qualified to be the president and stop worrying about their skin color or gender? I know that’s a crazy thought,” wrote the political commentators known as the Hodge Twins.
Come now. A Harvard degree in today’s day and age is about as valuable as a cereal box top. Why would they suddenly start hiring based on qualifications? Qualifications that Gay certainly didn’t possess as evidenced by her need to plagiarize her colleague’s work.
Speaking of which, some X comments suggested that she be replaced, using Hill’s logic, by the black woman she is accused of plagiarizing.
Political science professor Dr. Carol Swain claimed that Gay used sections of a book she published in 1993 and an article published in 1997 without crediting her, making her a feasible replacement.
Others offered up black conservative women as suggestions to serve as the next Harvard President.
“I agree with you that Condoleezza Rice or Ayaan Hirsi Ali would be exceptional nominees,” Stephen Miller, contributing editor for The Spectator, fired back.
Buzz Patterson, a columnist at RedState, suggested that Harvard needs to simplify.
“How ‘bout we settle for a non-plagiarizing, non-Antisemitic?” he wrote.
Hill And Gay Share Similar Anti-Israel Beliefs
There may be another reason that Hill would like to see a black woman soft on anti-Semitism be chosen as Gay’s replacement.
Gay repeatedly offered excuses for the racist, often violent rants of left-wing students on campus.
“We embrace a commitment to free expression – even views that are objectionable, offensive [and] hateful,” she said in response to protesters on the campus calling for a “global intifada.”
Hill was famously fired by CNN after calling for the destruction of Israel and inciting violence against Jews in front of a United Nations panel.
Hill defended the use of terrorism and violence by the Palestinian resistance, saying, “We must recognize the right of an occupied people to defend itself.”
“We must prioritize peace, but we must not romanticize or fetishize it,” he added, concluding that “justice requires … a free Palestine from the river to the sea.”
The phrase, “from the river to the sea,” has been used by the terrorist organization Hamas, and is widely regarded as a mantra calling for the destruction of Israel.
Perhaps Hill saw a bit of himself when Gay decided to defend such rhetoric.
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