Donald Trump Surges to Lead in NH GOP Presidential Poll, Erases Another’s Iowa Lead

GOP Presidential front-runner Donald Trump is running strong in the early nominating states of Iowa and New Hampshire, according to two new NBC News-Marist polls.

This time last Sunday the media had written Trump off for his McCain comments. But, they are out of touch and didn’t realize that Donald Trump is surging because he is speaking about real life, real situations, and is not beholden to them or the political establishments.

via CNBC:

The polls were conducted July 14-21 – so before and after Trump’s controversial comments belittling John McCain’s war record on July 18. And they suggest the comments didn’t affect Trump in Iowa (he was at 16 percent before the comments and 18 percent after), but they did hurt him in New Hampshire (26 percent before, 14 percent after).

Despite his poll position, Trump’s favorable/unfavorable rating among Iowa Republicans is just 45 percent/44 percent, and it’s 39 percent/53 percent among GOP voters in New Hampshire.

Trump’s popularity is proving his critics wrong. Even MSNBC Meet The Press’s Chuck Todd had to report on these numbers during Sunday morning’s show:

In an interview on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday, Trump said voters are simply tired of ineffectual politicians.

“This is more than me,” Trump said. “This is a movement going on. People are tired of these incompetent politicians in Washington that can’t get anything done. They can’t make deals. They can’t do anything.”

Despite his momentum, most establishment Republicans do not see Trump actually winning the GOP Republican nomination next year — 31% expect Bush to be the nominee, while 22% believe Trump will be. Another 14% predict a Walker nomination….but then again that’s establishment Republicans

So what do you think? Does Trump have a shot? Can he pull this off? Share this story on Twitter and Facebook and add your views to our comment section.

H/T: Meet The Press, CNBCCNN’s State of the Union

43 thoughts on “Donald Trump Surges to Lead in NH GOP Presidential Poll, Erases Another’s Iowa Lead”

  1. if Trump loses, it will be because the establishment will bury him, smart, Americans know that our political establishment consists largely of life long, self serving liars, cheats and crooks! Others, that do REALLY care, are shot down, (like McCain) and others like him who have made millions serving lobbyists while we the people are crushed by taxes and laws to the point of hopelessness!

  2. It is about time that we have someone like Trump who can speak the truth and not worry about the lobbyists, the elites that yank politicians chains, or any group most politicians are beholding to. it is indeed refreshing to have a candidate that do not need money or popularity and who have a proven credential on how to make something successful. Even the debt-ridden US government I am sure he can fix.

  3. Did it ever occur to people, that just maybe, the citizens of this country are sick and tired of “politicians” who speak pretty words, and make all kinds of promises, but then when they are elected, they either do none of the things they promised, or do the exact opposite? People are sick and tired of politicians, who are so far removed from the life most people lead, that they don’t have a clue about what it’s like to see the value of their money shrinking, and paying for less and less of the goods and services they and their families need, while politicians, bankers, and CEOs of banks and big corporations get rich on our earnings. And then, to make matters worse, we are supporting millions of people who don’t lift a finger to support their families, yet somehow, manage to live as well or better than those of us who have spent decades pulling our own weight, and taking care of our own business. We need a common person in the White House, someone who has the balls to stand up to Congress and Foreign countries, and tell them all the gravy train stops now! Trump just might be the man who’s able to do it, without a red cent from the RNC!

  4. If Trump goes independent, he will guarantee a democrat victory due to a split conservative vote. Republicans should recognize Trump, give him some respect, but nominate Walker and hope Rubio would be his running mate. Maybe there is a place for Trump in the next administration.

    1. Your in for a big surprise. Too many people on the right never talk to the left. Bill and now Hillary are bought by Wall Street, Hell even Trump bought them…

      Was Bernie is gone theybwill be thinking Trump to screw over the Republican gang in Washingtom..

      Molon labe

  5. The top Republicans in the Senate and House have to go they promised before the election to vote to stop funding for Planned Parenthood and Obozocare which they did neither. So goodbye to both of them and elect a president that will hold the congresses feet to the fire until they do as they promise during the election!

  6. He can win because people are tired of all the WEAK and POLITICALLY CORRECT Politicians that have been destroying this Country, and SPECIALLY of the Libtard Democrats. But, … Trump needs to speak up on where he stands with Terrorism and Muslims, which up to date he hasn’t done, and keeps avoiding. He has a lot of business interests in Dubai and Arab Countries, and the last thing we need is another Muslim friendly President !!!


  8. Donald Trump a different type of politician. Sometimes the TRUTH even when expressed in a politically incorrect manner stays with the listener or reader. So strong is the truth that no matter how it is expressed the thought remains. Who said it may even become irrelevant…..then again maybe not!

  9. Let me get one thing straight, right now. There will be no ‘Bush’ for me or my family ! No ‘Bush’ in the primary and no ‘Bush’ in the general election. There are many better. I am one of You. The “You” being one who has been completely fed-up and disgusted with the Republican machine. I really like Trump for what he is saying but not for its immediate clarity and not for his command of language in his presentation. The big “however” is that there is a candidate who has command and who also has conservative values, Constitutional values and has been fighting like the dickens against the tyranny on both sides of the aisle. This candidate has said and “proven” that he will “always be upfront and truthful to the American people and to the Constitution” I don’t see this candidate as an establishment candidate or a hack as in the likes of a McConell or a Boehner. His name is Sen. Ted Cruz.

    1. Ted Cruz is O.K. but he was NOT BORN in the U.S., … like Obama, and therefore legally NOT qualified to be President. Unlike Obama, … because he is a Republican, the Press and all the Libtards, WILL PURSUE this issue and disqualify him.

    1. Larry, That is what the Democrats would pray for. I remember the Bush, Clinton, Perot election and Perot had his own money too, and….some pretty good ideals also. Some voted for Perot ; Some voted for Bush. We all got Bubba ! All of us should be evaluating for the most Conservative, “Constitutional” candidates. I see it in Sen. Ted Cruz. He heads my list.

  10. Establishment needs to understand regardless if Trumps wins or not – we don’t want Bush, Christy or any other RINO. If you force a RINO on us then we’ll sit out 2016 just like 2012 when RINO Romney was the nominee. Worthless scoundrels like Boehner & McConnel have to go – they wasted our vote of 2014.

  11. Hillary will be History if the Republican party supports him. I believe he can win if he sticks with telling how it really is. Of course the House and Senate don’t want the facts to get out as that would make them get their butt in gear.

  12. What the heck is Jeb Bush still doing on the Republican ticket? He is a centrist, with strong liberal leanings. He should be running against Hillary Clinton, as a Democrat.

    It is only my opinion, but I see Scott Walker as Donald Trump’s only viable competition. Sure wish Condoleezza Rice were in the picture because she would make a formidable presidential candidate.

    I like Donald Trump because he is not a career politician. He is a business man who knows the right people, yet is beholden to none. When people give you money they expect something in return. Trump does not need their money and I believe he loves this country and wants to try to save it. Also, Donald Trump would lose, more than he would gain, by serving as President of the United States.

  13. I hope that if the republican party does not nominate Donald that he does go independent. People know what the consequence will be if Hillary gets it. To many republicans are tired of the same old thing and Donald will get a lot more than Bush will get. If not then I know Hillary will get it because I know to many people have said they will not vote for Bush and will not vote at all. One is as bad as the other.

    1. Splitting the Conservative vote is what the Democratic Party would love, though Donald Trump running as an Independent would not be optional if Jeb Bush, a Democrat in the Republican camp, were nominated. Democrats marching in lock step have put them in solid control and we should learn from this. Splitting the Republican party vote, with Conservatives tearing each other apart, has lost Republicans many an election.

      1. That is why the “primary” vote is so, so important even in the “Blue States” such as New York, California, Illinois, etc. This is where those votes can matter. It’s Anybody But Bush. You know who I like (Cruz). I will be watching, in depth, the real polls and analysis as it progresses. I will do anything—and that might mean switching— to keep Rino Bush out of the running. For now, I am supporting the most Constitutionally Conservative candidate….Sen.Ted Cruz.

    1. We really do need the Republican, Conservative, Libertarian, and Tea Party members to get their bloated egos in check and coalesce. We must pick one good candidate, from among those who have thrown their hats into the ring, (sure wish one of the candidates were Condoleezza Rice), then get solidly behind that candidate. And it definitely should not be Jeb Bush, a Centrist with strong Liberal leanings, who should be running against Hillary Clinton, as a Democrat.

      Democrats marching in lock step have put them in solid control and we should learn from this. Splitting the conservative party vote and tearing each other apart has lost Republicans many an election. In the last election, voting Libertarian, in an attempt to make a statement that was virtually ignored, lost the election for Romney. Voter fraud was rampant, another thing that needs to be very seriously addressed, but those votes would have won the election for Romney.

      1. Well said. Very true, and I agree completely. At this point, everybody has to stand behind whoever gets nominated for the Republicans, whether you like him or not, … otherwise we’ll end up with Hitllary, or another Democrat Libtard and another Term or TWO of what we already have and what has destroyed this Country. A 3rd Party will probably split the Conservative VOTES way too much to be able to BEAT Hitllary, and will bring us back to another Democratic VICTORY, which this Country can NOT endure anymore !!!

  14. Its very sad to face the likelihood of Bush being the nominee. Not only for the fact that it will be business as usual, but also because few conservatives are interested in Bush. However the real pain is because the machine (Reugnatin Party) will see he gets the nomination.
    A third party candidate might be exactly what the perennial lame duck Repugnatins need to wake up.

  15. I hope he wins the nomination because he will be the next president if he does. My biggest fear is that he doesn’t get the nomination and runs independent which would split the Republican vote and put Hilary in the White House. I think all the R candidates should pull out and get behind Trump so that we can bring on the changes that we need. This country is a already a mess and I don’t know if we could survive another 5 years of the same garbage. We need to be a strong nation again soon!

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