Department of Homeland Security Seeks to Arrest, Prosecute Leaders of Sanctuary Cities

Trump DHS secretary

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is serious about her job and following the law. She is going to change the sanctuary city nonsense at long last.

Americans are tired of hearing these liberal governors and mayors tell the nation they aren’t going to follow federal law and do what they want. Look at Illinois, New York, and California. They want federal funds to combat crime, but they do not want to help Attorney General Jeff Sessions round up MS-13 gang members or illegal aliens for deportation. (Related Article: AG Sessions Issues Major Warning to Sanctuary Cities)

To my understanding, individuals can be charged, not cities or states, under section 8 USC 1324 of the immigration law passed in 1952. Why is there a law on the books if they have to ask if they can enforce it? Here’s my suggestion: Charge a mayor, a police chief, or a city council president with refusal to enforce federal laws and make this a test case. I bet this baloney would stop in a month.

Source: Washington Times

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen confirmed Tuesday that her department has asked federal prosecutors to see if they can lodge criminal charges against sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with federal deportation efforts.

“The Department of Justice is reviewing what avenues may be available,” Ms. Nielsen told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Her confirmation came after California’s new sanctuary law went into effect Jan. 1, severely restricting cooperation the state or any of its localities could offer.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Tom Homan says those policies put his officers and local communities at more risk because they have to arrest illegal immigrants out in the community.

I don’t see anything wrong with this decision by Nielsen. Laws are on the books and should be followed. If you don’t agree with them, work through the system to remove that law or change it. That’s the problem of government today. Many bureaucrats don’t understand how to do their jobs. They continue to make laws on top of laws already on the books and neither are followed.

Sanctuary cities that protect illegal aliens are wrong and dangerous for law-abiding citizens who want to live in peace and without the threat of being robbed, shot, or assaulted by illegals who know they won’t be prosecuted because they are protected.

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66 thoughts on “Department of Homeland Security Seeks to Arrest, Prosecute Leaders of Sanctuary Cities”

  1. In the last 5 years my family have had a car and a truck totaled by illegals. The second was a hit and run. The hit a run’s car was found under a tarp in his backyard. Out of the 20 illegals he shared the home with only one had a driver’s license and told the police he was driving but all the witnesses ID’ed the driver who was taken to the police station. What would have happened to an American citizen who committed the same crime? Thousands in lawyer fees and fines, the cost to repair the victims car and medical, jail time and having it on his record the rest of his life. After 15 minutes he was released without so much as a slap on the wrest by the Phoenix Police Dept.

    When I think of all the men of the PPD who have been shot pulling an illegal over for a simple traffic ticket they never show up to court anyway it seems PPD is saying oh well to these officers killed or wounded by these criminals.

  2. Great idea duane.p!

    Start by having the federal marshals follow the law and get arrest warrants and search warrants as required by our Constitution. If they won’t follow the rule of Federal law, … what was it you wanted? Jail the marshals?

    Oh, wait. You don’t expect federal police to follow the law? Why?

  3. Here we go again talking about and no action.If it is law make them follow it period! Stop pussy footing around with these people that won’t follow the rule of Federal law and jail them. It is time to get tough and gow ome bll politicians!

  4. Start with houston’s police chief who made it clear last week that if you report any crime they’ll not ask for your citizenship status. Everyone who might be illegal should have their status checked when interacting with police.

  5. The democraps don’t care about the law, look at all the crap they’ve pulled and gotten away with! They want Sanctuary Cities so they have more illegal votes! Lock up the politicians pushing for Sanctuary Cities, lock up the people they are protecting and we taxpayers might get to keep some of our hard earned money instead of it going to protect the criminals, and giving freebies to the non-deserving! Keep up the great work President Trump! #MAGA

  6. If you want to “follow the law” perhaps you should first LEARN the law.
    There is nothing in federal law that requires states to do federal work unless the federal agency presents a legal warrant for the arrest of a criminal.

    All Sessions needs to do is follow the law and get a warrant for arrest for each of the people they want to apprehend.

    If the federal agents don’t want to follow the law, it is not the job of states to do their job for them. Pity conservatives want to violate the 10th Amendment on this one.

      1. because he hasn’t a clue or he wouldn’t be blaming the law of the land on conservatives. You would think he would be more concern on the laws of treason than worrying about immigration laws. Soon the ones he has cheered on will be falling as dominoes, fast and hard. If justice prevails as they fall there will be ropes around their necks.

  7. Glad to hear about this, FINALLY someone is actually trying to do something about that BS. I only hope several of those responsible are actually charged AND prosecuted, make some examples.

  8. ALL the victims of illegal aliens should get together and file a lawsuit against ALL These stinking mayors who violate the Federal Laws…
    Those mayors should be doing everything they can to keep the citizens of their cities safe.. NOT harboring illegal alien criminals who put them at risk… … that is APPALLING!!!! Start hauling all these mayors and governors into court and slap them with a huge lawsuit and/or jail
    this insane thinking by these mayors is destroying our country, putting the citizens at risk of being a victim of these criminal illegal aliens… You can bet if the citizens committed a crime, these mayors, sheriffs, etc would see to it they spent time in Jail for breaking the laws.. WHY are they giving illegal aliens a free pass … we have more than enough home grown criminals we DO NOT NEED FOREIGN ONES COMMITTING CRIMES HERE… GET THEM OUT OF HERE

  9. Lock them all up … ANY mayor of a sanctuary city and any Governor who is okay with this garbage.. lock them up for breaking Federal laws.. They sit there and scream they want Federal funds yet they refuse to obey the laws.. they hold these illegal aliens above the laws and this is total insanity!!! I for one am FED UP with illegal aliens being held above the laws and above the citizens… Arrest them and send them to jail where they belong and GET the illegal aliens out of this country!!!! Starting with the criminal illegal aliens!!!!
    ANYONE who wants to come and live and work needs to do it LEGALLY!!! we spend well OVER $100 Billion EVERY year supporting illegal aliens who have NO right to be in this country…

  10. Glad the rabid Booker didn’t get you down Nielsen, you go girl!!! We would love to see all these sanctuary city supporters thrown in jail for violating the law. Start with Moonpie Brown & deranged Pelosi & continue on from there.

  11. demorats could care less about the law . because the laws were not written for them. look how killery clinton her husband have been able to break and obama the traitor. killery e-mails , slick willies rape of a 16 year old girl 40 or more years ago and oba,ma warning a terrorist state of iran their main man mite be killed which is teason. but liberals say thats okay we don’t give a sh!t.

  12. What goes around comes around. The Republicans were patient and POLITE during Obama’s tenure. If we ever get another Democrat president, Heaven forbid, we’ll see how they like it when the Republicans do the same crap!

  13. Arrest the governor, chief of police and anyone else in California or any other sanctuary state that is protecting those scum of the earth illegal immigrants and throw away the key!! Our great President Trump will stop this BS for sure!!

  14. About time. Allowing people to break the law is in it self a crime. And especially when we let government officials break the law. This is where people lose control of having gov’ts that feel they can do anything they want. AND I still believe that our “government elected officals” should be prosecuted for not enforcing the law they swore to up hold.

  15. Mrs. Nielson supports lawfulness and must have the violaters charged with their violations, with no respect for their jobs or social status. Meanwhile, federal funds must be withheld from all states, counties and cities that violate immigration law and provide sanctuary for illegal aliens.

  16. No matter how one feels about illegal migrants, even sympathizers have to admit that the message of sanctuary status sends is that, first, the decision to come here illegally was o.k. and second, that no matter how heinous your crime, the city will protect you from DHS grabbing you on your way out of jail and ousting you from the country. Is that really the message we want to send to criminals? Not me or my former adult ESL students who either went through the green card process or hadn’t committed crimes other than arriving illegally. I live in a city that boldly published their intent for the city council to vote on becoming a sanctuary city- so infuriating. A good part of the crime in this L.A. suburb is committed by illegal migrants (and homeless). Although it has many downsides, gentrification has brought in less sympathetic very vocal folks who pay top dollar in new developments who’ve been victimized by rising crime here so it didn’t pass. Good thing.

  17. Don’t just talk about it, do it! Start with CA Gov Jerry Brown under the 9th Circuit Court, NY Gov Andrew Cuomo under the 2nd Circuit Court and Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago under the 7th Circuit Court as your test cases. Each individual is a blight on their constituents. Of course they will appeal and let’s see what the different Circuit Courts have to say. Since they are different Circuit Courts with the 9th being the most notorious left leaning, it will be interesting what decision will happen in each circuit and very important to the inevitable Supreme Court hearing that this will cumulate in. President Trump (the accused misogynist) has some outstanding leaders in his administration that just happen to be women: like Ambassador Nikki Haley, WH Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders and Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to name a few. We have seen how smart, tough and dynamic the first two have been now let’s see what Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is made of. Go after these lawbreakers with the full force of the law behind you.

      1. You’re an idiot Brian & we all know on this site you’re nothing but a Trump basher. Sheriff Joe upheld the law but sanctuary city idiots like you had a problem with it. Go troll somewhere else.

      2. Are you on some kind of drugs… Sheriff Joe WAS DOING his job, ENFORCING our laws… he has NOTHING to do with harboring illegal aliens… WAKE UP…. It’s moron thinking like yours that is destroying this country….

        1. Actually according to our Constitution the judges determine whether someone has broken the law or not. Sheriff Joe received a court order and violated it. As an “officer of the court” he was both wrong for disobeying a superior and wrong for violating the court order. But, that bit of legal truth will fall on deaf ears here.

  18. Throw them in jail!! They are breaking federal law and those laws supersede those of states, county or city!!! Put them in jail and flood the states that try this with ICE and throw the wetbacks into the rio grande!!!!

    1. Heck NO! They came here illegally, have been here some almost 20 years illegally, have done NOTHING to become citizens and are having their pictures taken demeaning us, demeaning our beloved America, demanding more and more for nothing – truly entitlement mentality – HECK NO!!! Deport them ALL and all ILLEGALS!!! No chain migration, no anchor babies, no DACA, no Dreamers – our kids are Dreamers, too, but haven’t been given the unfair advantage these ILLEGALS have. Most of the terrorists and incarcerated have been ILLEGALS. All LEGAL immigrants are welcome with open arms, as long as they obey our laws, love the Unit4ed States of America with all their hearts, and assimilate into our culture, homogenizing with all of us as we who are immigrants from other countries have. #TRUMP2020

      1. I have to say you are right on a lot of things. They could have went for citizenship but didn’t. Blame the parents, not the USA. Life isn’t fair for a lot of people. Our country citizens should come first before all else.

    2. – continuing the lawlessness of the foreign alien, alias Barrack H. Obama has been interrupted by president Trump. The lawlessness of U.S. occupants in Governor, City Manager, Mayor, Sheriff and Chief of Police positions must be adjudicated for their violation of well-established law. Just as a robber is punished, these thieves who steal from U.S. taxpayers by violating immigration law qualify for similar punishment.

  19. ICE needs to do its own job. There is no law requiring cities or states to do the work of the Federal government. We don’t expect ICE to give out traffic tickets, and we don’t expect our city police to do the work of the lazy and incompetent ICE cops.This stunt is unconstitutional and will not get to first base in the courts. Just another empty threat by the orange moron who will soon get impeached.

  20. Start with Gov.Moonbeam from CA. Put him in the same jail cell as the illegal immigrant who shot that women walking with her dad in San Francisco. They would have a lot to talk about – for, say, 10-15 years.

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