Rep. Ron DeSantis Presents Amendment To End Mueller Investigation

As the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia heats up, and Mueller continues to dig into the president’s business history, one GOP lawmaker is taking steps to end this witch-hunt once and for all.

Rep. Ron DeSantis is sick of the ongoing investigation. And he’s introducing an amendment to end funding of the Mueller investigation after 180 days.

Source: The Hill

A Republican lawmaker has put forth an amendment that would stop funding for the special counsel’s Russia investigation 180 days after it becomes law.

The amendment from Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) would also prevent special counsel Robert Mueller from probing “matters occurring before June 2015,” which is the month Trump announced his presidential bid.

The amendment was submitted as part of the upcoming spending package the lower chamber is expected to weigh after the congressional recess.

Some on Twitter were questioning DeSantis:

If you ask anyone using common sense, they will tell you that the Mueller investigation is becoming suspect. You don’t devote this much time and this many resources into something and not turn up a lick of incriminating evidence by now.

The more I think about it, the more I feel this is just another scheme by Democrats to waste government funds. This investigation has gone nowhere in months. And Democrats won’t let it go because they want Trump impeached. If you are a Democrat these days you are innocent of anything but if you are a Republican, you are guilty of anything.

The Mueller investigation is a stalemate that never had any grounds to start. Former FBI Director James Comey stole information and gave it to someone outside the FBI to create the investigation because the whole story was growing cold. Comey should be persecuted for stealing FBI files. We need to find out exactly how much more information he gave away or sold. This investigation needs to be over-NOW.

SHARE this if you think that Rep. DeSantis’s amendment should be passed.  Let’s stop this farce of a political witch hunt that is the Mueller investigation and save our president and our country. Don’t forget to add this story to your Twitter/Facebook timeline and add your comments below.

41 thoughts on “Rep. Ron DeSantis Presents Amendment To End Mueller Investigation”

  1. Yeah, subject to renewal. But that means producing reports and indictments, supported by more than probable cause. These cases drag on far too long, but all cases drag on. With appeals, a prosecutor is lucky if he can make a big conviction (e.g., Manafort, Flynn) stick within five years. Seriously. That is our so-called criminal justice system. Now tell me we don’t need real reform. (I am enraged by #BLM stealing this issue and polluting it with their special brand of bigotry, hatred, racism and violence.)

  2. Good. Hope it passes. We’re all sick of this and want the real criminals investigated….Hillary, obama, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, etc. Trump needs to get rid of McMaster and Cohn.

  3. Mueller, Brennan, Clapper & Comey are nothing but a bunch of lying criminals & eventually they’ll all be on the other end of the stick with their crimes exposed. Mueller should have never been allowed to investigate Trump, it’s like the pot calling the kettle black. This Russian narrative was a travesty that Trump shouldn’t have had to ever deal with & intelligent Americans know the entire leak came through the corrupt DNC.

  4. We now know that Obama was having Trump and his campaign watched since November,2015. If they had nothing on Trump after watching him that long then there is nothing there. When it was first learned that James Comey broke the law in an effort to get a special prosecutor appointed,this should have all been dropped and Comey should have been arrested and put on trial. This is just what Trump has called it;a witch hunt !

  5. Mueller is just making a killing off the American taxpayer. There’s nothing there and the bastard knows it but its easy money for him and his cronies. Time to investigate where the REAL collusion with the Russians occurred…and that would be the Democrats.

    1. Write to the Whitehouse then Six & say this. I have written several letters to Trump since he’s been in office. Maybe it doesn’t do any good but he says he listens to his supporters & if we don’t say anything then we shouldn’t complain & expect someone else to do something. Just saying! Below is the contact site.

  6. He was just revealed that putin contacts were going to get their boy elected. He was doing deals to build a trump tower in Russia while campaigning. trump lied about it 17 times and all his talking mouths repeatedly lied about it. He is trying to discredit what was the legitimate news sources that are being bought up by republican billionaires trying to get them to pander to the uninformed right, basically turning them into fake fox news so his few sheep he has left will not believe all the corrupt things he and his gang of thieves have done. And now they are going to try to defund the investigation like they tried with ACA when 80% of Americans wants it to work. Most of them against it are on Medicare or Medicate that they will cut. They have theirs screw everyone else that’s the republican platform.

    1. Brad, Comey had a long list of criminal wrong doing by Hillary and he decided not to advise Lynch to prosecute. When Meuller is gone Trump and Sessions will be going after Hillary, Comey, Obama, and others for their crimes. Bank on it.

    2. Only difference Brad is that Killary was complicit in Benghazi & Trump was not involved in any Russian collusion in our election. Obviously you’re just another liberal left whiner who can’t get over the fact that your beloved evil witch Hillary didn’t win. Do some research & stop believing the lies on mainstream media. Our country would be in far worse shape if Killary had won! Wake up!

  7. DRAIN THAT SWAMP! DRAIN THAT SWAMP! DRAIN THAT SWAMP of every single one of you POS….Nobody cares about your protests so GIVE IT UP! It’s just a matter of time before hell breaks loose on all your asses. Then finally this country will start being great again. TRUST & BELIEVE THAT!!!

  8. If any one thinks this was a waste of time and money they are right on the money, but the bigger issue is this becomes a deb op to uncover info for the next election, and you can bet that info gathered from this will be leaked to the harm of republicans and to the harm of President Trump

  9. GOOD!!! Mueller’s investigation should be strictly limited to the election cycle. And we know Manafort’s people are getting subpoenaed for documents in 2012-2014, which grossly exceeds the scope of this investigation, and has got nothing to do with Trump at all. Mueller’s milking a play to look important and help Democrats who are FURIOUS that WIKILEAKS & Julian Assange — who is an Australian– exposed their corruption. DeSantis legislation should get the vote of every politicians who’s not a total crook.

  10. Two Grand Juries and 3 Congressional investigations. He went on Lester Holt and confessed to Obstruction of Justice when he fired Comey to stop the Russia investigations, which is the literal definition of OoJ. He invited Russians only to the WH and bragged about firing that crazy nut case Comey to end the Russia thing….OoJ. He cleared out the oval office so he could tell Comey to stop the Russia thing…..again OoJ. Two other phone calls….same thing as noted by Comey and witnessed by 5 other FBI agents……OoJs Private meeting with Comey in Trump tower….noted by Comey and witnessed by another agent afterwards….OoJ

    1. That isn’t quite the way it went down Douglas. Trump may not be perfect but would you rather have had the lying, murdering, pedophile, criminal Hillary as POTUS? Or maybe you’d rather have had old Bernie so we could have a socialist government like Venezuela, which was once one of the richest countries & now it’s citizens are killing & eating zoo animals so they don’t starve. You also need to wake up & stop watching the lies & propaganda on mainstream media!

  11. When there is no “there” there it is time to fold the tent. This has always been a joke and Mueller is a slimey character with all his rabid Democrat donating wolves in a pack looking for Trump’s butt to bite. Kill it.

    Google “Two Minute Conservative” for more.

  12. U.S. Department of Justice
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20530-0001

    Attention: Deputy Attorney General, Mr. Rod Rosenstein, Esq.

    August 10, 2017

    Subject: Mr. Robert Mueller, Esq. serving as Special Council, and calling for a Grand Jury

    Dear Mr. Deputy Attorney General:

    I am writing to you primarily as a way to establish a historical record of your endeavor to investigate any collusion between President Donald J. Trump and the Russians, during the 2016 Federal Election process. Your temporary responsibilities as acting Attorney General caused you to be attuned to the entire Department of Justice case load. And so, you would be fully aware of all facets of the Trump-Russia 2016 Election collision, if any. No collusion was discovered. And so, it would behoove the present Attorney General Mr. Jeffrey Sessions, Esq., to un-recuse himself now that there is no evidence of a Trump felony. You, however, Mr. Deputy Attorney General, are complicit with Attorney Robert Mueller, Esq. in establishing a Special Council and appointed Mr. Mueller to that position.

    It is known in public circles that Mr. Mueller is a close friend of former Dir. FBI, James B. Comey. When the President of the United States, Donald Trump fired Comey, Attorney. Robert Mueller can be seen as an extremely biased prosecutor. Mueller’s assignment, at the suggestion of Comey and its actual enactment, is, in my opinion illegal.

    The Special Council began his investigation in May 2016, it has been noted in the Main Stream Media. We are now almost midway into August and there has been no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

    I am aware that a Special Council is triggered by ongoing or previous criminal activity and is based upon hard evidence that can be used to prosecute a felon. Yet Atty. Robert Mueller was made Special Council without any criminal activity performed by a felon and without any evidence. And then, to establish a Grand Jury for the prosecution, that is totally out of line with ethical justice and the Rule of Law. The final partisan development is that Special Council Mueller has moved the Grand Jury from Virginia to Washington D. C., wherein he is likely to load the Grand Jury with Democrats who, politically are biased against President Trump.

    How is that possible at such a high level in the DOJ to allow such misdeeds of justice? The complicit activity described in the body of this letter is the criminal activity, in my opinion. No, the Mueller investigation and Grand Jury is not a witch hunt. Rather it is a stronger term, a Vendetta.

    1. Great letter Itrail!! So glad someone else besides me writes to the Whitehouse! I’ve written four letters since he’s been the POTUS about concerns I have. Keep it up!

  13. Maybe it’s ongoing because if they can’t find anything, they can keep digging, and avoid going forward on CLINTON… hoping we will all forget about her and Arkansas and Hubby and Uranium and China and dead bodies and… bernie taking a dive so she could be coronated and…

  14. The socialist left has been doing this since they came into existence. They’ve currently been trying since Trump announced he’s going to run for president, to destroy him, his family, his reputation, his character. They can’t win an election so the next best thing is to try and show we voters how stupid we were for electing this guy, who is secretly an axe murderer and just hasn’t been found out yet…plus I’m sure there’s some unpaid parking tickets. As long as they have this phony probe going on, they can keep the appearance of some imagined impropriety going and going in the headlines and…Trump remains guilty of something…anything, until the plug is pulled. Now, DeSantis must be some kind of axe murderer too, because he’s trying to help stop the foolishness, by pulling that plug. Remember folks…it was started on a false premise by an illegal act performed by someone else who belongs in jail.

    1. Why would the left want to destroy the president’s reputation as a lying, money hungry, scumbag who only cares about himself? No, we just want to wake you up to his history of horrible actions.

  15. Finally, after six months of Mueller’s Depravity, a voice from the House to bring Common Sense to bear on the “persecution” of President Trump.

    After over a year of investigations by the alphabet agencies (NSA, FBI, et al) the only thing they’ve found is 4 bottles of Russian Salad Dressing, and recently, a bottle of Vodka in the White House.

    Mueller should thank DeSantis as this will get him off the hook and hopefully we’ll see another Special Prosecutor go after “the witch”, her Coven, obamba and his Regime’s Lackey’s.

    There are literally tons of documents to base a prosecution on; some are the same documents Mueller has been tripping over for six months. :)


  17. DeSantis Amendment bears some weight. We have North Korea rattling their missiles at us. We have a state under water. We have a healthcare program blowing in the wind. We need to get on with running this country.

    1. With no evidence of wrong-doing, Congress MUST set a time-limit and a budget-limit on Mueller and get this completed. No evidence in over a year, does Mueller and company just treat the public as fools?

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