Democrat Legislator in PA Flips Off VP Mike Pence: ‘Get Bent, Then Get Out!’

Democrat Pence middle finger

Democrat State legislator Brian Sims of Pennsylvania is not happy about Vice President Mike Pence visiting his district, and he posted a hateful message on social media. Sims is the state’s first openly gay state representative.

Here is the full “official welcome” from Sims, a self-described “Little Mermaid enthusiast,” which he posted a shorter version of on his official Twitter account (below):

OFFICIAL WELCOME: Vice President Mike Pence let me be the first person to officially welcome you to the City of Brotherly Love, and to my District in the State House!

To be clear, we’re a City of soaring diversity. We believe in the power of all people to live and to contribute: Black, Brown, Queer, Trans, Atheist, Immigrant, we want you and we’ll respect you.

So keep that in mind while you’re here raising money to attack more families, spread more lies, blaspheme with your bible, and maybe even talk to a woman without your wife in the room. We have plenty of them, and they’re pretty much all more powerful and more real than you have ever been.

So…get bent, then get out!

Reactions were mixed, and conservatives on Twitter immediately responded to his nasty words to the Vice President:

And Sims made sure to attack Twitter responses with shameful lies about the recent debate over immigration policies:

If this is a desperate cry for attention, it certainly worked. His Twitter post has been Re-Tweeted more than 4200 times and “liked” more than 19,000 at the time of this publication. (RELATED: Democrat Candidate Disrespects God And Trump Voters In Campaign Ad).

Is this what a leader of the Democratic party should be saying about Christians and the Bible? Approaching a critical midterm election, Sims harsh rhetoric and anti-Christian bigotry isn’t exactly the best way to win over Pennslyvania voters.

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Thomas is a movement conservative and American patriot. He has a vigorous blue-collar, Jacksonian attitude with a skeptical eye ... More about Thomas
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