Biased Lester Holt Asked Trump 15 Questions, Guess How Many Hillary Got?

lester holt

Proof that the debate was rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton abounds – and most red flags point directly at NBC News moderator Lester Holt.

Holt was about as biased as could be, perhaps even exceeding what we saw in the famous Candy Crowley debate in 2012.

Trump could sense it as well, giving Holt the cold shoulder when he attempted to shake his hand after the debate.

Earlier we analyzed 10 questions that the NBC anchor probably should have asked Hillary, but didn’t. It was a clear indicator that he was playing softball with the Democrat.

But the numbers get even worse when we look at how many direct questions each candidate was asked. The score was 15 to 2!

Via Breitbart:

A close analysis of the transcript of the first presidential debate on Monday night shows that moderator Lester Holt of NBC News asked 15 questions exclusively of Republican nominee Donald Trump, and only 2 questions exclusively of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The analysis, posted on social media and drawing intense attention on Reddit, walks through the entire 90-minute exchange and notes Holt asked six questions of both candidates, in addition to Trump’s 15 and Clinton’s two.

Holt, a newcomer to presidential debate moderation, faced intense pressure from the Clinton campaign and the mainstream media to be tough on Trump. Some explicitly called for Holt to “fact-check” Trump — the implication being that Trump is more ignorant or dishonest — and implied that he would face the same fate as NBC’s Matt Lauer and Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon, both of whom were slammed by liberal media critics for the crime of treating both candidates fairly.

Here are some more fun analysis from the debate for you to chew on …


  • Clinton Positive Rhetoric: 10:17; Clinton Attacking Rhetoric: 17:17
  • Trump Positive Rhetoric: 10:54; Trump Attacking Rhetoric: 10:00


  • Question LESTER HOLT: Mr. Trump, we’re talking about the burden that American’s have to fay, yet you have not released your tax returns and the reason nominees have released their returns for decades is so voters will know if their potential president owes money to, who he owes it to and any business conflicts. Don’t American’s have a right to know if there are any conflicts of interest?
  • Question LESTER HOLT: The IRS says an audit of your taxes — you’re perfectly free to release your taxes during an audit. so the question, does the public’s right to know outweigh your personal –
  • Question LESTER HOLT: Mr. Trump, for five years, you perpetuated a false claim of the nation’s first black President was not a natural born citizen. You questioned his legitimacy. In the last couple of weeks you acknowledge what most Americans have accepted for years, the president was born in the United States. Can you tell us what took you so long?
  • Question LESTER HOLT: Mr. Trump, this year Secretary Clinton became the first woman nominated for president by a major party. Earlier this month you said she doesn’t have, ‘a presidential look.’ She’s standing here right now. What did you mean by that?

Clinton Hit Questions (Zero):

  • N/A

“Not available” – If that doesn’t sum up today’s media, we don’t know what does.

Comment: Do you think the moderator and the media were biased in their handling of last night’s debate? Share your thoughts below.

15 thoughts on “Biased Lester Holt Asked Trump 15 Questions, Guess How Many Hillary Got?”

  1. Not quite sure what you mean by Trump giving Holt the cold shoulder when he attempted to shake his hand after the debate. He didn’t do that at all. While Lester was shaking Hillary’s hand, Trump was waiting to do the same. Trump walked away to shake someone’s hand in the audience and then immediately came back to shake Lester’s hand.

    Why are you reporting something that isn’t true??

  2. I recall seeing Trump extend his hand to shake Holt’s hand immediately after the debate. No “cold shoulder”. I was actually surprised to see it though! I was so annoyed with Holt.

  3. Holt was just ‘shuckin-an’-jivin,’ cause he thinks Killery will make him head news/ info
    go-to-er for the White House if the “broom” wins.
    The next debate will see democ-RAT blood on the floor. Substance is supportive, Shillery
    LIES are like trying to grab a hand full of smoke.

  4. I hope Holt is not permitted to mediate anything in the future when it comes to politics. maybe he should just slink quietly away and not show his face again. Wonder who much he is into KILLIARy for?

  5. Its amazing how many people cover up for a person who cannot tell the truth. She even lies about lying. I wonder how the other moderators will be. You can bet some will be the same as Lester Holt. It looks like something this important they could find some moderators that aren’t biased IF THEY WANTED TO.

  6. How about looking at how long each candidate was on the spot, being asked to support his or her position? Time on the clock matters a lot more.

    Incidentally, I’m an appellate lawyer. I argue for a living in a format very similar to political debate. Want to know what I always want to hear? Questions. Lots and lots of questions. Because questions naturally lead you to talking points. They take you to what the listener wants to hear next. The worst experience is to step in front of a panel of judges and have them just look at you, without telling you what they want to know about in the form of a question. Then, you have to guess where to go. Questions are the best thing to hear in these circumstances, not the worst. Every question is an opportunity to press your case. Just because your candidate sucks at answering them doesn’t mean the rules or the truth change.

  7. Oh come on. If some ‘Muricans got their collective heads out of their bottoms and fact checked unbiased international news stories and sources, they would clearly see that Drumpf cannot even be on an even speaking stage, let alone be the POTUS. He lost this debate in a most humiliating way.

    This joke has definitely gone on too long to be funny anymore.

    1. Allow me to give you some coffee to smell cause you will be suffering for the next 8 years. You are probably sleep walking while intoxicated with the liberal koolaid. The Trump train is unstoppable.

  8. Does this make sense? Trump gets his ass kicked in the debate and the right wing wants to blame the moderator and that idea that people are checking facts. Those are the best talking points you could come up with to defend your candidate’s performance? Don’t pay attention that he lied about China, that he said Clinton started the birther movement, and that his temperament is great (the audience laughed at that one). Face it. Trump got crushed.

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