Cruz CAN’T And WON’T Win The General Election And Here’s WHY!


The only possible legitimate Republican nominee is Donald Trump. Even if Ted Cruz reaches 1237 delegates, it will only be because the party elite interfered with the election and continued their current character assassination on Trump. I would imagine that a brokered convention means that the Republican nominee will lose 25-50% of the base.

But let’s look at it this way, this is just what the establishment wants – Cruz getting enough delegates to stop Trump but not enough to win the nomination. So, it becomes an open convention and White Knight Mitt Romney, or more likely Paul Ryan, becomes the chosen one. Of course, the party will blow up at that point and split into fractions, and the end of this nation will be in the hands of Hillary Clinton.

The media has been giving you a false negative narrative on Trump, and both establishment parties are using the media to play the American people. For the last few years, all you heard about was the disappearance of the middle class, how people were rationing medication to make it last, and other problems. Now all the sudden those things have suddenly gotten better because “people are not in enough pain for Trump to win.”

Trump is ahead in the delegate count, and the only reason Cruz is this close is because of the proportional delegate system. The next few contests are winner take all, and it is very possible Trump takes them all.

I said all that to say this as honestly as I can; Cruz has no chance of winning. Let me say that again, Cruz has no chance of winning.  He is not likeable on a large scale, and he doesn’t have the “IT” factor to bring over crossover voters like Reagan did and how Trump is accomplishing it right now. That speaks volumes and needs to be addressed.

Americans that came out to vote for Donald Trump in the early states will only vote for Donald Trump. Don’t be deceived by any pundit that Trump’s hardcore blue-collar supporters are going to vote for Ted Cruz. It won’t happen; I promise you.

Cruz wanted the evangelicals, and he’s getting most of them. It’s great to use the Constitution as a rallying cry, but many of these Americans are without jobs (94M people at last count) while many are on food stamps (56M at last count.) The constitution won’t fix this as it is a blueprint for governing, and doesn’t put food on the table or money in that middle-class home.

Cruz has run a good campaign, but it’s not great! He should have tapped into Trump’s magnet with the people a lot sooner. To me, it’s a wasted cause and will come back to hurt him if he’s the nominee for the GOP in the General Election.

Share your thoughts with me about my analysis below in the comment section. Let me know what you think. Was I on target or did I miss the boat? Share this on your social media wall for discussion.

Check out The Political Insider’s 2016 Election Center to stay on top of the latest breaking Cruz news!

10 thoughts on “Cruz CAN’T And WON’T Win The General Election And Here’s WHY!”

  1. Why and How can Cruz who is NOT a Natural Born Citizen even be on the Ballot? The same for Rubio, Do we not have a Constitution, that states the “Qualifications for the President and Vice President” per Article 2 of Our Constitution?
    Screw the “Dirty Politics” that we already have with Obama that doesn’t qualify one to be a Natural Born Citizen= Both Parents be US Citizens!

  2. Agree, the people who like Trump will not vote for Cruz esp if the GOP screws us over by denying Trump his victory, Cruz has the sweaty liar aura thing about him like Nixon.

  3. If cruz is the nominee hillary sues over senate resolution 511. clinton and obama signed it when they were senators. He loses we all lose she wins thats how we got obama in the first place.
    I do not care if cruzbots or anyone else is offended by my post sometimes the truth hurts. and I approve this message.

  4. This is correct. The Republican establishment probably already knows that Trump is the only way forward into the White House, for better or for worse. I believe they have decided that it’s better to lose this one than let that happen, hence all their machinations and tampering.
    For all intents and purposes, at this point the Republican establishment wants the same outcome that the Democratic establishment wants.
    And I will vote Libertarian yet again.

  5. Romney filed papers to run for President. He named the Ryan as his VP. Legally this disqualifies Ryan from selecting delegates because he is now named in the Romney/Ryan ticket. The elitist GOP have burned the forest for a tree, anyone up for re-election will lose and the majority will be turned over to Democrats. There is a movement already started to place on the ballot a mandatory term limit on all Congressman just like the President.

  6. This article is the best I’ve read, it is exactly what me and a lot of my friends feel. Trump will bring many independents and disgruntled democrats. Cruz will get the hard core conservatives only and we will lose our chance to get the White House.

  7. This article on its face is designed to suppress Cruz voters and their votes. It completely ignores that things are shifting as re the “Super-Saturday” voting behavior along w/recent polls showing that he beats both Trump & Clinton in a head to head. This is a “wishful thinking article” and I highly recommend it be ignored!

    1. This article is spot on. I been talking about this since the Trump declare. Everyone been behind the eight ball the entire way and many have still not caught up. This is over on March 15th, Cruz wait far to long to make his move. He need to be hit Trump last summer hard.

      All this crap coming out now and Romney come out and acting like a complete fool will do more to push even more people out to vote for Trump, so we don’t have to go through this convention process. We go through this convention process, Romney and the rest of his idiots will be responsible for riots taking place all over the country. If it get bad enough, Martial Law will be declare. They would be very stupid to push this all the way to the convention at this point, since so many people have already voted and will have voted by the time they got to the convention.

      They are thinking this going like the previous occasions. Won’t be even close, since we now have smart phones that will be zing and the people that have been pissed for years will hit the streets.

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