Convicted Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Is On Black Lives Matter Fundraising Board

Susan Rosenberg, a convicted terrorist, is currently on the executive board of Thousand Currents, the group that provides funding for Black Lives Matter.

A Literal Communist Terrorist!

In the 1970s and 1980s, Rosenberg was involved in the May 19th Communist Organization, a terrorist group that was behind multiple bomb attacks. The group also provided support to the Black Liberation Army, a black supremacist terror organization.

She was charged with being involved in the 1983 bombings of the Capitol Building, the US National War College, and the New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, although these charges were later dropped in a plea deal by other group members. She was suspected of being involved with the 1981 Brink’s Robbery that resulted in the death of a guard and two police officers, and was also sought after in connection of the prison escape of Assata Shakur, a murderer and leader of the BLA.

Rosenberg was jailed for 58 years in 1984 for explosives possession, but was released on January 20th 2001, with her sentence commuted by outgoing President Bill Clinton. Now, 19 years later, is the Vice Chair of Thousand Currents. Rosenberg’s group “provides the legal and administrative framework” that lets Black Lives Matter “fulfill its mission,” according to their website.

Black Lives Matter Are Dangerous

Bernard Kerik, the former NYPD Commissioner, told Tucker Carlson about Rosenberg’s criminal past on his show on Fox News on Wednesday evening.

Rosenberg “was a radical revolutionary… and now she’s out. Who does she work for? Black Lives Matter,” Kerik said. “We’re missing something here. I think the DOJ should be looking at Black Lives Matter as a terrorist organisation.”

“Black Lives Matter is a revolutionary Marxist group,” he continued. “It wants to overthrow this government and this country.” We know this from their leaders, who are admitted Marxists, and now the people behind the scenes, including Rosenberg. Even if Black Lives Matter itself was seemingly unblemished, being controlled by a literal convicted terrorist, should make everyone concerned.

87 thoughts on “Convicted Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Is On Black Lives Matter Fundraising Board”

  1. “Series of facts” like “It is Donald Trump who obviously lacks reading ability”?
    Allow me to save you a trip to Snopes: Donald Trump IS, in fact, literate.

    Being a Rhodes Scholar is no indication of good character. Bill the Rapist President is evidence enough of that (or have the rules changed again this week and we are back to not believing women? Trying to follow the Left’s consistency there is like trying to follow JFK justifying Sammy Davis Junior’s support to his KKK buddies in the Democrat party).

    Your criticism of others for name-calling and insults is rich. At least you are consistent in the standard Aliskiny tactics. “Look in the mirror and blame the other guy for what you are doing”, right?

  2. Did they tell you that from their very own lips, or have you been ingesting the lies that sites like this one are feeding you? BLM was founded several years ago. I guess these Socialist/ Marxists had a great deal of self-discipline to wait so long after their founding to put their loot/riot/mayhem antics into action. And you folks call ME delusional? Wake up and smell the truth.

  3. That’s right. Series of facts. Have you heard Donald Trump read? He sounds like an elementary school student encountering a newspaper article for the first time. Now here’s an example of misleading. Did I say that being a Rhodes Scholar is indication of good character? I didn’t. It is, however, an objective indicator of success at pursuing and applying high levels of knowledge from an intellectually demanding institution. And get off of that Democratic/KKK saw. Have you followed American history and politics since 1960? If you have, then you know that your question is rhetorical, misleading, and lacking context, but, hey, you’re no Rhodes Scholar; I get that. If you don’t have knowledge of American history beyond 1960, then you’ve got some homework to do. I have not “blamed” the other guy for what I do. I am proud of my desire to share the truth. If this site did that to any degree, I would congratulate them. It doesn’t, however, and I like to point it out to those who may have eyes to see and ears to hear. Blessings.

  4. Wow. “White police officers initiated the looting.” And you tell other people to get a hold on reality? That’s just sad. Sort of like that pathetic Council woman in Seattle who blamed the violence in CHOP on “White Supremacists” as the deluded Mayor watched her city devolve from “Summer of Love” right into “Lord of the Flies”, completely due to her incompetence. Takes a lot of nerve to be this uninformed and come here to deride people for the very same thing. You probably won’t stop blathering, though. It’s hard to slowly realize that you are on the wrong side of history.

  5. There is a huge Intersectionality between radical Islam and Marxism. One only needs to look at our Minnesota Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, who gave a public speech basically calling for the overthrow of our entire system this week. Naive do-goodness will think”Oh, she’s just talking about “injustice.” No, she isn’t. Her kids were part of the destructive mob in Minneapolis (she calls them “comrade” and raised bail money for rioters). She means destroy the economy, eliminate law enforcement altogether, open the prisons, open the borders, and replace Capitalism with Socialism. So do her little buddies on the “Squad”. These elements were literally part of the “I Can’t Breathe” legislation Rashida Tlaib proposed. (A lovely Hamas supporter in her own right.) Note the peachy “Social Justice” theme about “breathing” to assure the public of the utmost commitment to helping their fellow citizens. These people count on partisan Americans who never read beyond a title or a newspaper headline. These women hate this country and want to destroy it So does BLM.

  6. I think you mean, perhaps, that eliminating racism is a worthy cause. I doubt that anyone here disagrees. “Systemic Racism” is a political construct created specifically to use race as both a wedge and a political cudgel. It is NOT meant to bring harmony, it is meant to bring the exact opposite. It’s Evil Twin is Black Nationalism in the Louis Farrakhan/ Black Panther tradition that calls for an open war on police and “White People”. The Panthers strategically assassinated police in the late 60s/early 70s specifically to start a race war to introduce “revolution.” Bill Ayers, Angela Davis, Joanne Chesimard (often quoted by BLM ) Bernardine Dohrn and other domestic Marxist terrorists either supplied weapons or built and detonated bombs. There was also another Puerto-Rican Marxist paramilitary terrorist group(FALN) that joined forces with them. Bill Clinton also pardoned several of their members.

  7. Of course! All of these groups have peachy-sounding names. They appeal to Useful Idiots. (I’m doubly suspicious of any group that christens itself a “peace” organization.) Remember a few years ago when Michael Moore and a lot of other celebs were doing photo-ops with International A.N.S.W.E.R.? ( Stood for some fuzzy, feel-good title like “act now to stop war and end racism” or whatever) They were actually founded and funded by the World Workers Party. (Communists.) If you do the homework, many of these groups can be traced back to some offshoot of the Communist Party. They don’t even disguise it very well. When you start hearing buzzwords like “oppressors”, “The People”, “imperialist” , “colonialist” “economic justice” and the continued calls to “transform” this country predominantly by eliminating Capitalism you can be sure it traces right back to the Communist Manifesto. Oh, and promises of “free stuff.” Castro, Hugo Chavez, Stalin we’re full of great promises to the Proletariat (whom they despised) until they had a full grip on power. All of these young, naive, “educated” White Liberal apologists for America and its culture think their “wokeness” will spare them. It won’t. The monster they created will eat them first.

  8. Yes. Progressivism itself sprang from Marx and Hegel. (Not to be confused with Engels.) Hillsdale College has a lengthy lecture on that subject.

  9. Why do you come here, then? Do you enjoy “slumming” with your intellectual inferiors? Most people who genuinely get something out of that have a deep-seated psychological need to feel important—and aren’t getting that emptiness filled by their peers.

  10. I suggest for you an excellent, well-researched book (heavily reliant on interviews with former Weather Underground members) called “Days of Rage” by Bryan Burrow. He is a former journalist for Vanity Fair. A lot of the major players from those late 60s/early 70s radical groups are still affecting policy today, only now they do it from perches of “respectability” in law and academia.

  11. BLM is a terrorist mob funded by Soros-Steyer & Co. These thugs are dedicated to destroying the America that so many have fought and died for. A mob will never be satisfied. The more you give it the more it wants. The only way to stop it is don’t feed it. It will destroy itself.

  12. I could enlighten you, I suppose, but people learn more when they do their own homework. Why don’t you carry out your own research (remember to triangulate your data; don’t depend on only one source) and share what you’ve learned? God helps those who help themselves.

  13. Never forget that secular Marxists are what Abbas and his group claim to be but in fact they are also Islamists. For the socialists to create one world, globalist ideals the socialists will have to make deals with Islam to a degree free men never would.

  14. If you are sp learned about all of these people why don’t you enlighten us on the connection between Hillary, Barack, Ayers, Rosenberg and a few others in the upper Democratic Party with the author of “Rules for Radicals” He was their Guru after all.

  15. You are some delusional Liberal, CleverBev ! BLM is, and was, Founded by 3 self admitted MARXISTS. Those 3, NEVER had any intention of making BLM, anything but what they had originally planned. Their plan, was to OVERTHROW our Government, and make it Socialist/Marxists. They NEVER planned to do ANYTHING to actually help Black people, their plan was to loot, riot, cause mayhem, and revolution, from the very beginning !

  16. Where did you get the idea that it started out as something different ? From the VERY beginning, it was meant to be EXACTLY what it is right now ! The FOUNDERS of this terrorist organization, are admitted MARXISTS, which means that their plans from the beginning, were to OVERTHROW our Government, and become a Socialist/Communist Country. It was NEVER about actually HELPING Black people, that never entered their plans, and the Corporations that gave them MILLIONS, were really STUPID, and naive !

  17. What does Mossad have to do with this Susan Rosenberg ? Most likely she is associated with George Soros, and all the Socialist/Marxists in the Democratic Party !

  18. Oh well, call me out if you must–just don’t call me late for dinner. Elitist that I am, I recognize native English syntax and non-native. So hate me for having knowledge. You REALLY must have a lot of time on your hands.

  19. Anyone who is buying into this BLM terrorism spreading through our country are every bit as guilty as the terrorists themselves. Supporting this Marxist movement is to join the destructive plan to kill America! As they have said, outright, “we must first KILL AMERICA in order to rebuild it our way”!!

  20. I LOVE this site. I provide a series of facts and manage to get eight thumbs down. You folks have really got to evaluate your relationship to the truth. It won’t poison you!

  21. The words, BLACK LIVES MATTER, may sound innocent enough but they are far from a group organized to help those in the Black Community against violence. If they were, they would be in Chicago full force and verbally accosting the Chicago leadership for the horrendous Black on Black killing going on there without ANY deterrent what so ever. They should be declared a Domestic Terror Group, arrested and jailed en mass.

  22. I wonder if anyone whos donated, wants a return now? The BLM pretty well sums up the entire DemonRats agenda! People wake up! Not “woke” up! Get your heads out of your backside and see through the fog. The majority of good USA citizens are under attack and its a George Soros funded BLM terrorist organization that needs to be taken down. Why cant they arrest these executives for all the destruction and lives lost from their evil way?

  23. Glad to see you, Abbie. I was just sitting here looking at the latest bilge offered by this site, decided to add some logic to their nonsense, and found you, a like-minded spirit. Let’s keep fighting the good fight.

  24. Your syntax is decidedly not that of a native English speaker. From what country do you hail, and why are you trying to incite these Americans who appear unable to distinguish between one of their own and a foreign rabble rouser? Someone here, perhaps you, will provide me with a thumbs down. All I’m trying to do is call their attention to your posting and ask them to examine it for authenticity.

  25. Its called free will, I was going to say free speech but its not because some thin skinned Democrat snowflakes or BLM member will take offense at it and complain because obviously everyone whose a Republican is a white supremacist even the black supporters

  26. Is it any wonder WHY our nation is in such a mess with Demonic Democrats leading the way ?? Many cities that used to be Conservative and now Liberal are cesspools of Crime, Rapes, Murder and Destruction of public/private property,,,, ALL Supported by Democrats !!!

  27. No surprise that Bill Clinton pardoned a terrorist who wants to overthrow America. How is she not arrested AGAIN? If anyone investigated these people, I’m sure they would find a link to many others. We need President Trump in 2020 to straighten things out for America.

  28. Most people still havent figured out the bank scam with the bailout. Obama borrowed the money from the Federal Reserve. Most corrupt president EVER! Thank god Hillary didn’t get elected she might have topped him.

  29. They were looking for an anthem, found the perfect one. Believe written for another New York radical left group (m#ers).” We can be together”, Jefferson Airplane

  30. Randy McDaniels

    And out of prison thanks to Clinton! Clinton was 2nd worst president ever, of our country. O’Bama will always have that as a first distinction.

  31. I’m attempting to provide you with some facts and a challenge to analyze the misinformation that this site is giving you. That is my purpose in commenting. Sometimes, someone is doing you a favor, and you are unaware of it. Do not beware this stranger; welcome me. I also like to visit this site because you’ve got to know what the other side believes. (Notice I didn’t say what the other side “thinks.”) You are repeating tired lies that some third party is whipping up to scare you. It’s a shame they’re succeeding. You deserve better than that.

  32. If there is one thing I can absolutely depend on in this site that any response to my posts will be devoid of information or argument, and chock-full of insults and name calling. You should be able to represent yourself in a more flattering manner. I urge you to try.

  33. You folks are one paranoid bunch. Instead of inventing Marxist demons with which to frighten your unenlightened friends, you should be turning over rocks to reveal the racists huddled underneath who do so much harm to society. Since when did BLM loot and kill police officers and children? Yes, there have been those who, sadly, take advantage of peaceful protests to carry out their own agendas. You have no proof, however, that those are BLM members. In fact, there is documented evidence that some of the people who initiated the looting were white police officers, attempting to defame BLM.

  34. So ‘give us what we want or we burn you down ‘ doesn’t mean to overthrow the government?

    I really think you should listen to what BLM is saying before opening your mouth

  35. Oh, come on! Planned for years, or just people of integrity, intellect, and education using their talents to make this country as good as it should be? Susan Rosenberg did not raise Chesa Boudin, the current D.A. in San Francisco. He is a graduate of Oxford and a Rhodes Scholar. He definitely has the credentials to be a D.A. You are aware, I assume, of what a District Attorney does. They prosecute crimes. While it’s possible that he supports “criminals,” given his position, I doubt that he does. Further, the D.A. position is an elected one, so Boudin did not “happen” to get a job in Nancy Pelosi’s town. People voted for him, and he won.

    You are also mistaken about Barack Obama’s books (plural) being written by someone else. It is Donald Trump who obviously lacks reading ability, vocabulary, and the skill of writing. His books are admittedly written by others.

  36. When the former colonists won the American Revolution and embarked on their journey in an ambitious, but flawed, America, statues of King George the Third were toppled wholesale. I challenge you to find a statue of George the Third in any place of prominence other than a museum. They are hard to find, but I’m betting that you know who he was and what his place is in American History. That, despite his statues being toppled.

    Further, the grammar, syntax, and usage in your response indicates either that English is not your mother tongue or that you perhaps suffer from some form of syntactical malady. Would you, perhaps, be writing your piece from a place outside of the United States? Russia? China? North Korea? Any or all of the above?

  37. Ayres is one of the main strategists…..this took decades of patience, misinformation in the schools, and marxist incrementalism. Khrushchev said this would take decades before we realized this.

  38. I just read something interesting which I totally understood –
    BLM (the movement) is a worthy cause. However, BLM (the organization) is not. They don’t care about black lives, they’re admitted marxists, they are terrorist, rioters, looters, attack people, and have an agenda which is totally against what BLM started out as. The “movement” has been taken over which would explain why people are turning against BLM.

  39. Removing and defacing our monuments and thinking they should rewrite our history and all the USA and have more demands. I will not bow to them destroying what they have. Proving how selfish they are-wanting their history only remembered. They can keep it. And proved they are equal to aterroist group or are one.

  40. her husband is bill ayers..the one who wrote obama’s book. He talk him into running for pres. ayers and his wife rosenberg off of a murder rap due to a technicality. Another couple had to serve time . ayers & rosenberg raised their son…who now is the district attorney in SF..He just happen to get a job in pelosi’s poopy town. You can’t tell me this whole thing hasn’t been planned for years..follow the money.

  41. I’m wondering if Bill Ayres, leftist radical of Weather Underground, is a prominent member. If there’s a group that hates America, I bet he’s in support of them…ALL of them.

  42. This terrorist was released by a Democrat, into our society! ALL of the leftist radicals, in the USA, of the 20th & 21 centuries seem to have a comfy, cozy relationship with Democrats, the Party of “love, inclusion, and tolerance”. And they say it is the “educated” that tend to vote for these guys. Just goes to show what happens when you go get a college education, that being, indoctrinated, lied to, ripped off, and marginalized. Getting that “college degree”, and becoming officially “educated”, is proof that you succumbed to the leftist agenda. Notice I didn’t include “common sense”, or “critical thinking”, because they’ve been missing from higher education since the left took over, starting with the Frankfort School of Critical Theory (pro-Marxist), which infiltrated the universities decades ago….

  43. I’m surprised more isn’t done against them. As we have to others, when killing 18 and probably more since then. Waiting till they kill a politician or their family member?

  44. They should be called “Blackshirts Matter”. They were Hitler’s street gang. Perfect. Hitler, Stalin, Che Guevara, Pol Pot, BLM, all cut out of the same pile of manure.

  45. The DOJ needs to do full investigation of her and the organization she works for. Follow the money and you’ll find the one that’s paying her. Now the president needs to declare the BLM as a terrorist group just like antifa.

  46. BLM is a terrorist organization funded by Soros-Steyer & Co. bent on destroying America as we know and love it. This communist [Rosenberg] should be behind bars. Instead she’s abetting a bunch of fascist thugs spreading terror around the country. Worse yet the Democrats are not only allowing it they are supporting the mayhem. Pathetic.

  47. Sweet Geesus! Kerik’s a 9/11 killer – “no explosions”. This entire BLM thing is beginning to look like an extension of the 9/11 cover. That woman must be Mossad – why else would Clinton release her?

  48. Need to catcher the BLM due to be terrorist or Marxist. They have done enough to be called terrorist by looting and killing policeman, people and little kids

  49. Birds of a feather always flock together. It should not shock anyone that a convicted terrorist, Susan Rosenburg would represent & fund raise for a terrorist group called B.L.M., but better known as Criminal lives matter. Most likely Rosenburg receives her pay check from George Soros, most likely also in the flock.

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