Christine Blasey Ford Testifies She Flies Many Times a Year After Saying She’s Afraid of Flying

Once again, Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who claims Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while both were in high school, just contradicted herself while under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

First, she contradicted her own story about the number of individuals who attended the party where Kavanaugh assaulted her. (RELATED: Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Changes Story During Testimony.) That looks bad because it shows Ford’s memory isn’t exactly trustworthy.

Now we’re learning more damning information about Ford. Prior to her testimony, the Senate Judiciary Committee asked to set up a date for Ford to testify. Ford gave the excuse that she wasn’t interested in flying to Washington because she had a fear of flying. (RELATED: Christine Blasey Ford Indicates She Doesn’t Want to Fly to Testify.)

We later found out that she had flown to the Washington, D.C., area just months prior to the allegations coming to light. (RELATED: Did Christine Blasey Ford Develop a Fear of Flying Just Two Months Ago?)

Now we’re learning that Ford flies quite often, leading many to believe that Ford doesn’t actually have a fear of flying.

If Ford truly does have a fear of flying, she sure gets in a plane a lot.

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This, of course, doesn’t disprove Ford’s claims. It just shows that her legal team wasn’t being totally truthful. Or perhaps Ford wasn’t being truthful.

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Regardless, it speaks volumes about Ford’s credibility. Her legal team lied about her medical condition. Why? Why isn’t this issue being pressed more?

It’s all very suspicious.

Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim ... More about Jim E
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