China State Media Warns Of ‘Intense Showdown’ With America, Advocates More Nuclear Weapons

State-run media in China is calling for a nuclear buildup as a "strategic deterrence" against the United States following President Biden's call for an investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Global Times, recognized as part of the China state run media apparatus, is calling for an accelerated nuclear buildup as a “strategic deterrence” against the United States, following President Biden’s call for an investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hu Xijin, the editor of the Global Times, believes enhancing China’s nuclear program is vital, according to Newsweek.

“We must be prepared for an intense showdown between China and the U.S.,” Hu wrote in an op-ed late last week.

“The number of China’s nuclear warheads must reach the quantity that makes U.S. elites shiver should they entertain the idea of engaging in a military confrontation with China.”

Newsweek informs that Hu’s comments were also posted on a Chinese social media site.

The report indicates there are several rhetorical issues increasing tensions between the United States and China, but they note the call for a nuclear buildup comes just one day after Biden advised the intelligence community to look into the origins of the pandemic.

RELATED: New York Times COVID Reporter Claimed Wuhan Lab Leak Theory Has ‘Racist Roots’

China Ramping Up For A Nuclear Showdown?

The threatening language from China comes as a theory that the coronavirus leaked from a Wuhan lab continues to gain traction.

Just weeks ago, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee said there is “significant circumstantial evidence” that the COVID-19 outbreak emanated from a Wuhan Institute of Virology leak.

The New York Times last week reported on Biden’s call for further investigation into the virus’ origins, claiming it shows “the administration takes seriously the possibility that the virus was accidentally leaked from a lab.”

Hu writes that building up China’s nuclear arsenal is necessary to counter America’s “strategic containment” of the country, something he says is becoming “increasingly intensified.”

That buildup, according to Hu, is a “cornerstone of China’s strategic deterrence against the U.S.”

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China Building Up Their Weapons-Grade Plutonium

Having the state-run media in China saber-rattle over nuclear war is nothing to gloss over.

Especially in the midst of reports that China is building two new nuclear reactors.

Popular Mechanics reported on the reactors last week calling them both “mysterious” and “secret,” stating that their existence – slated to power up in 2023 and 2026 – has international scientists “worried.”

“These reactors make weapons-grade plutonium as part of their operation,” they write.

“In a new paper, experts from the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center (NPEC) say with the amount of weapons-grade plutonium the fast reactors will make, China could have 1,270 nuclear warheads by 2030,” Popular Mechanics reveals.

“That’s as many as the U.S. has in its intercontinental ballistic missile arsenal.”

It is quite a serious situation.

As for the investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, those are seemingly not quite as serious.

In recent days, the Biden administration has repeatedly said they are going to defer to “international bodies” to lead the review.

Additionally, they have refused to say if Biden has confronted Xi Jinping on COVID’s origins and his regime’s lack of transparency.

When asked what actions President Biden would take if China obstructs COVID investigators, as they have done in the past, White House principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre could offer no predictions.

In the Global Times op-ed, Hu writes: “I would like to remind again that we have plenty of urgent tasks, but among the most important ones is to rapidly increase the number of commissioned nuclear warheads.”

He adds that such a build-up could actually deter a nuclear war brewing over a more minor incident.

Still, he writes, “U.S. hostility toward China is burning.”

“We must use our strength, and consequences that Washington cannot afford to bear if it takes risky moves, to keep them sober,” added Hu.


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129 thoughts on “China State Media Warns Of ‘Intense Showdown’ With America, Advocates More Nuclear Weapons”

  1. I just cancelled my Chinese Take Out meals. Who knows what is going to happen when we have Lunatics with their fingers over those big red buttons.
    If the Chinese didn't have some thing to hid they wouldn't be rattling their sabers. If they do start some brawl they just may be in for one hell of a shock. I don't think they would stand a chance against the Free World.

  2. thejuneauraven

    Nuclear bombs will be a last resort. They want North America, including our neighbors. The cyber intrusions will continue to test our systems and defenses. Last will be a combined EMP and cyber attack to shut down our electrical grid. Not hard to figure out how to protect yourself from an EMP, so consider doing it now.

  3. China is 'rattling it's sabre" because they know our leadership, right now, is 'very' weak…or that the Left has already made it clear, through back door communications, they will capitulate to China's demands. We already know our national leadership is very weak, but, I think, the 'deal' may have already been struck.

  4. The PLA talk about nuking us, we have seen the bully China at work in all countries large and small. We nuke them first, cause if we do not, it will be a nuclear pearl harbor type event one year.

  5. . The USA must stop any more foreign students from any nation to enter the USA under the guise if a student.
    Remember Sen, Harry Reid of NV. His son wanted to purchase the BLM land just north of the American Air Force Base in NV. to sell to Chinese citizens who's company who were associated with the Chinese Communist Party & Military
    Next President Trump put a stop on the purchase by the Chinese of a company & land next to another Air Force base in Houston Texas.
    On our Southern Borders Chinese citizens
    On our Southern Borders Chinese citizens have been arrested, Who have paid the smugglers upward of $20,000.00 per person to be smuggled in the USA WHY???
    Look at Sen. Diane Feinstein driver Or Rep. Eric Swellwell . so called 30 yr. old Chinese student girl friend ( Cough, Cough)
    How many more do we not know about that are being smuggled ( Invaded) into the USA from around the Globe or entered by fraud under the guise of so called (Obama) refugees & now have had a blind eye turned on them & now are in the halls of congress
    The USA has to get tougher if it wants to survive & immigration has to slam the doors shut. Then round up all those they have allowed to slipped into the USA. Deport or Execute. That is what other nations would do to protect their countries

  6. Remember the Asians tried it when they hit Pearl Harbor. Now the weapons that China has could destroy the whole USA
    Back thru history the Asians have never cared how many of their own people they have killed to accomplish what they want. They have done it for centuries. The great wall of China was built on the backs of enslaved Chinese & others backs
    Look just a little back to WWII they played both sides of the fence

    1. Life is not important to them as they over populate the earth & cannot feed their population. Why do you think that they only allowed males to be born.
  7. Since Trudeau here in Chinada has allowed the Chinese to move their military in, they now outnumber ours. Good vantage point for firing, don’t you think?

  8. You are correct. My grandchildren 12 thru 17 teen several years ago went on an Asian rim trip with their other grandparent. They said the same thing about the toilets

  9. I believe you are not correct
    As the law stands a legal born American citizen with legal American citizen parents may run & if they win for 2 terms as President
    This is how the Reps. & senate should be

  10. China can thank us for helping them to become an economic power and modernizing their country because of our capital greed and cheap labor. Now they are a threat to us militarily. Meanwhile, our politicians will cut our military to use the funds for social programs and to care for those that enter our country illegally. It's easy to believe the Chinese government looks at us like we're a bunch of fools, when we act like it.

  11. It worked… that whole election fraud scam. Ol' slow Joe, their puppet is in office. Now Biden's and the liberal's handlers are going to call in their markers on ol' slow Joe and he's going to roll over and pay up like the good geriatric, bought and paid for political pawn he is. China's going to do all they can between now and 2024! China and many other nations who would gladly step up and take a bite out of us. Russia comes to mind…


    MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

  12. yes , what gets me- they are responsible for over 3 million dead, everything will change if they did it purposely. That being said having inflicted this misery on the world, they take on a offensive posture. no humility – sights on Hong Kong – Taiwan- south China sea (islands) 24,000 fishing vessels to strip the world oceans of all the fish.
    they need to be dealt a firm and harsh blow , inaction results in more agression

  13. The wolves sense weakness. They're circling for a kill.

    China knows biden's our weakest and worst POTUS ever so they're going to push him as far as they can push him… and us while they can. If they can accomplish what they want before biden's term ends then they'll be all fat, dumb and happy about it. If they can't then they'll probably back off because biden won't be in for a second term, if we get another chance at an election for POTUS at the end of this fiasco of a first term.


    MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

  14. I believe GI Bride state "foreign war". And, in all fairness prefaced the comment with "Almost every foreign war"… nothing absolute. But then again, I could be wrong. I swear that's what the comment suggests.

    MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

  15. And that fallout from what we fire back at China will follow the path of the chinavirus right back to our and Central and South America's western shores, through, to the Atlantic and beyond.

    At my age, I'm okay with that. Time's short already.

    MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

  16. In Ukraine… or China? Maybe he's naked in a motel room in some foreign slavic or asian country with a young girl and a crack pipe. There should be a photo somewhere soon…

    And then, maybe not…

  17. The chinese wolves smell a weakened quarry. Get Biden and his cronies out of our guv'ment and let's get back to some serious national defense strategies.

    MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

  18. Can you blame China for wanting to push the envelope with us now?! Our nation is the weakest it's ever been in my long lifetime. Biden has no idea what he's doing, his underlings are all over the board intent on making us just another socialist state and China's stepping up and building even more nukes to test against us… much like they did with the china-virus aka: coronavirus. I'd be surprised if the world survives, let alone the U.S. and China.

    We have no one but the global elites and the liberals and ol' China joe to blame for our weakness. Of course china's chomping at the bit to run roughshod over us. They're pretty confident they can kick our butts… nuclear or not. Yeah, we have our guns and ammo but ol' slo' china joe's working on taking that away too. One of the deterrents that Japan and its allies were worried about re: WW2. They knew we all had guns and they knew we would use those guns against them.

    Now it's nukes… I don't have any of those in my gun safe. Not yet.

    MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

  19. So an editor at the Chinese 'Global Times' is calling for buildup of NUCLEAR CAPABILITY by China in response to US claims of COVID 19 being a product of a Chinese Lab!!! IT SEEMS TO ME THAT THE MSM, WORLDWIDE, HAS GONE OFF THE DEEP END. WHY DOES THIS MEDIA CREEP FROM CHINA FEEL THE NEED TO RATTLE THE NUCLEAR WEAPON THREAT? THE FURTHEST THE US HAS GONE IS ECONOMIC SANCTIONS BUT……… HU XIJING (the Editor) thought it necessary to raise the nuclear issue…. WELL DONE, CHINA!!!!

  20. Threaten all you want to China. You’re better off hiding under a damn rock. It’s not just America you will be answering to if/when we disclose you used bio weapons against the world. It’s in fact the world you will have to answer too. We will just be leading the herd. That is all. Other countries are ready to go just waiting on us for confirmation since we are the largest ally in the group. Hell will be a welcomed retreat from what the world will have planned for you once the truth comes out and you know it.

  21. All the disputed elections HAD recounts , And the Trump Loony Tunes Brigade went to court 60 times all over the Country dispute the election and LOST 59 times !! Trump was caught on tape begging the AL Attorney General to "Find" 11,201 votes after everything had been counted . (That is illegal everywhere except in Mar-a-Lardo ville. The Arizona "recount" is so amateurish and poorly done that even the Republican Board of Governors have called for the charade to stop.

  22. Are you forgetting about our civil war, or are you one of those that doesn't know anything about or history and trying to change it to your satisfaction?

  23. Were Trump still in the WH, I would tend to think the CCP was worried to distraction that the US had developed a weapon they could not counter…..With Beijing Joe in the Oval Office, I am inclined to think they know more about him than anyone thinks and are willing to stage a major encounter because they know as well as we do, Joe is a major screw-up and constantly makes bad decisions that give the enemy the better position to maneuver and advance…..My confidence in the left's plans for divide and conqueror means that balkanizing the US is going to get them and us killed…..Don't let reality blind you PI…

  24. China is using that as an excuse. Them sending the Flu here was an act of war, on their part. They know that with a weakling like Biden in charge, they will not have nearly the problems as they would if Trump was the president. If Biden had any sense left, he would be shitting his pants right now.

  25. This is all just posturing, they know they have bought and paid for BIden and as planned he will cave to them. They are just giving him a reason.

  26. This should make the Democrats happy….FINALLY, a way to get rid of the US Constitution! And with a little "help" from their leftist friends, communist China……KA-BOOM!

  27. dwood54As long as Beijing is acting president we are likely to see the threat of Nuclear war intensify as he doesn't know how to be tough on China or even be president for that matter. He is too interested in making money for himself an family than running the country and destroying our country as we know it. He wants to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights instead of defending them as he said he would in his oath of office That in my opinion is a traitor because he doesn't uphold his oath of office.

  28. Our government is not protecting our country. We shouldn't have people strolling across our border. Politicians that allow that are self-serving and don't care about your security. Foreigners like China should not be able to purchase land in the U.S. such as 120,000 acres near Ft. Hood and buying ranches in Oklahoma. Other countries won't let that happen. For instance, you have to be a Filipino to own property in the Philippines. Try to cross the border into Mexico and see what you'll get for that effort.

  29. I think we will survive Biden, though maybe only just barely. In 2024 Trump will win a landslide and begin repairing everything the democrats have destroyed. Trump will them have the opportunity to run for a third term in 2028, (2 consecutive terms).

  30. Shows you just how much Democrats stayed away from the truth. Always knew Democrats were uneducated but boy they have sure failed on everything thing this year, Fanci, Capital riots

  31. This is no surprise , every country and thier leaders know how WEAK the U.S.A. is right now under hair sniffing , perv , CREEPY Joe and the Democratic Socialist Party !! While our country is fighting about who gets to use which bathroom , or if Johnny can have his unit cut to become Mary , or if Jimmy can play sports AGAINST the girls ,,,,, China , Russia and North Korea are rebuilding thier Military !! We have got to get rid of the POWER and CONTROL of the Democratic Socialist Party in 2022 !!!

  32. First of all, there was nothing "accidental" about the COVID leak.

    Secondly, if Chinese nuclear weapons and reactors have the same level of quality control as literally everything else they make, we have nothing to worry about.

  33. SilverSlicker

    If they destroy America with a nuclear war, it will also mean they are destroying themselves, and the whole world, because just like the coronavirus that China gave us, nuclear fallout also spreads worldwide!

  34. they are guilty of trying for world domination from the inside by buying people off and used this plandemic to defraud our elections with mail ins , and with this machinery that is using weighted voting like say for every vote joe gets 1.3 votes and trump gets .7 , they are rigging the machines and also attacking them through the internet when the machines are not supposed to be connected , but they are,

  35. I think we need to hug our families if we got 'em left, get right with Jesus, and Ask God to forgive us. We have really messed up! Let go of any hate to release it from the planet. Bless anyone who crosses your path, and ask God for daily Guidance.

  36. Any doubt the CCP created Covid 19 as a Bio Weapon was just answered. We are on the right track demanding accountability from the COMMUNIST CHINA regime and CCP responds as only a guilty party would.

  37. Whatsamatteryou

    Coming soon China rants of Death to America just like Iran. Mostly talk at this time but they see the door is open with China Dementia Joe and our military going woke.

  38. thejuneauraven

    They will drop nukes on our nation as the last resort. They WANT the land, just not us. More likely than not, an attack will be at our infrastructure via cyber warfare and a high altitude EMP. Those who do not know what an EMP would do, learn FAST. Basically the electrical grid would be down for months or years and we'd be back to the 1900's. No GPS, no internet, no electricity. Your home electronics: fried. Your car probably won't start unless EMP shielded. Best to be prepared for this as it's very likely. Not kidding. Get prepared.

  39. China is getting a taste of what conservatives in America have been enduring for a very long time. Double speak, deception, and outright deceit. The liberal globalist of America have not only overly started and funded the virus experimentation that now has ravaged the globe. But now are attempting to avoid consequences by directing focus and blame exclusively on China, not being forthright to the world that they to hold culpability for the fiasco. We are not ignorant and stupid as they think.

  40. Phil Alcoceli

    Chinese scare tactic and Biden is already "deferring to international bodies" in the Chinese Wuhan Lab COVID leak. That's what happens when half our country elects corrupt cowardly idiots who spend their entire lives accusing, transferring and projecting their own faults and crimes on others while changing nothing in themselves and learning nothing. Welcome to Marxism- Induced Cowardice and Idiocy, the Pedophile Royalty. Jesus is the best help against all this. Pray and fight, fight and pray!!


  42. As long as there's demonrats in control nothing like that isn't going to stop. They sold their souls to China decades ago. If the dem voters can't see what's going on with the communist demonrats then their souls are lost too. It's sad because they hated 1 man 340 million people have to suffer for their voting stupidity. Goes to show you the mentality of the liberals/left/demonrats. Everything as far as I'm concerned will be blamed on the left for their stupidity, lack of common sense, morals, and their hate for America. If they hate America so bad why aren't they leaving for China or Cuba, I'm sure they will welcome them with open arms.

  43. we were already looking into the origin, from Pres Trump, Biden in his eternal wisdom shut that down, Now he's claiming to be looking into it again.
    So China responds if you are looking for the truth , we will Nuke you. Now that says a lot.
    My grand pappy use to say the only good commie is a dead one

  44. Almost every foreign war that the USA has been in. It has been the Democrats that have placed the USA in danger & war for not taking heed of the warning signs. . Then the Republicans & Independents have had to clean up the mess & in many cases it has taken decades.
    By not being bullied by foreign nations must be the first order of the day,
    China has planned this for some time. That is why China wanted to get rid of President Trump. A Patriot President
    Now that we have a weak Presidency & administration, Both China & Russia are rattling the chains of war. The middle east is sitting back & letting them do the dirty work.
    America for those who have never lived with war on your shore. Beware, The closest you ever came was PEARL HARBOR
    Wake up America & drain the sewer we call congress of all foreign born nationals in congress for a start . & place in the White House MEN OF STRENGTH & PATROITISM

  45. They won't be any fighting this week for most of the new "army" if you get my drift. Maybe next week after they get a good shower and their hair done.

  46. Gee who didn't see this coming with the corruption in washington – maybe jerry the penguin should investigate but they just don't care about anything but money – alot of good it will do when there is nothing left – hope all you give mes who voted for this mess are paying attention

  47. right now China is just blowing hot air as a scare tactic. If they were serious they would first attack our electrical grid. gas pipelines, banking industry, Satellite, communication capabilities, GPS, etc. If war was eminent I believe nuclear bombs would be last resort.
    Meanwhile Russia is in the process of slapping Biden around, first with the gas pipeline, now our beef supply. looks like Putin is trying to get him primed for their June meeting .when Biden's senility will be on stage for the world to see. How humiliating that the democrat party with their socialist buddies have brought the United States to its knees.
    God Save America!

  48. If China publicly challenges/ bullies the US you have got to know that its just to provide their buddy Biden political cover to back off the investigation into Wuhan virus origins. watch Biden use the excuse that we can't afford to aggravate a nuclear powerhouse like china which might cause catastrophic destruction and war. they have Biden by the short hairs.

  49. Phil Alcoceli

    I understand the funny jest of your comment but you may be confusing China with North Korea. Bad Hairdo Little Rocket Man listened to him, but China will not listen to Rodman.

  50. If China threatens us over investigating the origin of this pandemic, that should tell you something. If they start a nuclear war, even with us, countries that have been affected by this pandemic will collectively destroy China militarily. It would be insane for them to try to take on the entire world. Stop selling land in the U.S. to China or foreigners. Stop doing business with and coddling them. Our politicians need to stop stupidly trying to disarm Americans. Use Common Sense…….close and defend our borders.

  51. Xi has been watching the Democrat success over stonewalling and threatening voting investigations. Don't worry too much about them. China doesn't even have toilets. When out shopping, look for the "MADE IN CHINA" label, put it back and move along.

  52. China, if you are that upset about the” truth” then come clean and set the world free. You can release all the facts and pertinent info and the world will make a decision.

  53. Anyone with half a brain should be able to understand exactly what China is saying by these actions. They are saying we are guilty of this virus that has killed millions of people, but if you try to say that we are or hold us responsible, we will nuke you.

  54. "Popular Mechanics" is a CIA "mockingbird" and has been since the 60's. Those trigger happy goof-balls in D.C., Tel Aviv, and London are the target's bulls-eye. I guess being vaporize with a huge bank account is a comfort!

  55. The lives of the CCP Elite matter to them – and they are nearly all male. We need to engineer a recombinant derivative from their coronavirus designed to kill only males (and pretend it evolved naturally) – and infect the CCP Ambassador before he returns to China. Maybe Kamala can get infected and give him a kiss, or even kiss Xi himself. Something for Fauci do do before he retires.

  56. If China has nothing to hide then they wouldn't be panicking. The dems thought Trump would put us into a new war but their darling Biden is the one doing it. One way or another Biden and his cronies need to go!!!

  57. Gee, do they have something to hide ? Well they have done so since the beginning . It is funny , almost predicable. when you accuse them , or threaten them , they fire back with something bigger. GUILTY
    So perhaps anti missile, missile's should be stationed around China.
    In addition more posturing around China, remove their phony man made islands

  58. You forget…they don't care, as life doesn't mean that much to them. Maybe this is why they changed their law… 'only one baby per family' to 'three babies per family'. Rebuild their population faster.

  59. Don't forget…'Both' Fauci and Gates stated in a 2017 interview…a pandemic was going to happen in the 2019-2020 time frame. I don't think it was alucky guess, either.

  60. China, you have more than a billion things to loose. We have about 323 million things, worst case, to loose. Care to show your aragont stupidity some more? F

  61. This has been brewing for awhile. Now that we have extremely weak leadership, who knows…it might happen. It won't be the 'quantity' of nuclear weapons. Both our countries have enough to destroy the world several times over.
    The following quote is attributed to Albert Einstein, although, there is some dispute about it. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
    Seems pretty accurate, that is, 'IF' there are any survivors. Maybe this is why the dems want to take away the 'football' from Biden…as he 'is' weak and incompetent…and suffering from dementia. Maybe the dems are planning to surrender…already. Maybe this was part of their 'grand scheme' all along.

  62. With Biden's dementia or mental mental problems, this could be viewed as a prime to escape their clear responsibility for their virus that Communist China #1 created #2 let escape #3 refused to quarantine Chinese from traveling all over the world while quarantining within China #4 lied about the human to human transmission of their virus until Jan 20, 2020.

  63. Holy cow. We've got all this going on with senile Grandpa Joe at the wheel. Stuff of nightmares. But don't worry. Our military is plenty woke, and our women have combat suits suitable for just this occasion.

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