Over 500 Killed in THIS American City… Obama is SILENT

chicago shooting

It’s only September, but so far over 500 people have been murdered in the gun-free liberal utopia of Chicago.

Just over Labor Day weekend, 13 people were killed and 52 were shot.

This is all in a city with the strictest gun control in the entire country. And it proves liberals don’t care about anyone’s lives: they want to take away our guns and deny us our God-given right to self-defense.

On September 1, Breitbart News reported that August 2016 was the deadliest August Chicago has witnessed in 20 years. A total of 472 individuals were shot and 90 individuals were killed. And just prior to the Labor Day Weekend violence, ABC News reported nearly a dozen people were being shot every day in Chicago.

Via Breitbart

Think about that. Almost 500 people were shot in just one month.

Chicago has been run by gun-hating, anti-freedom Democrats for DECADES. The current mayor is Obama’s lapdog Rahm Emmanuel. Is it any wonder that there’s so much crime? Who the hell are these people that keep voting for these crooks, year after year, for decades on end? What is their problem?

Even the hyper-liberal New York Times admits that Chicago’s insane gun laws have done nothing but make crime worse.

This is why liberalism must be defeated. Liberals don’t care about anything but keeping their power. They hate every single one of the freedoms listed in our Bill of Rights.

What do you think? Will Chicago EVER stop electing anti-gun Democrats? Let us know in the comments!

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