Chelsea Clinton Continues to Struggle on Twitter

Wow, the Clinton ladies are REALLY failing at Twitter these days. Or maybe it’s just that it’s so easy to make fun of a family of immoral, corrupt losers. Probably both.

Chelsea seems to be having trouble with words. And irony. A week ago, she was practically begging us to make a Yo’ Mama joke with this Tweet:

After the dictionary wasn’t enough, she needed a thesaurus.

Unfortunately for Chelsea, her father’s rape victim came to the rescue and answered, “Your father, Bill Clinton.”


By the way, the article Chelsea found so horrifying turned out to be about an illegal alien transgender “woman” with a criminal record who has already been deported 7 times. But, of course, those details were buried at the very end of this CBS News article.

Her alleged criminal history includes convictions for false imprisonment in 2013; assault, probation violation, domestic violence in 2011 and false imprisonment-minor-parental in 2010.

Chelsea, take your mother’s advice and DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT.

H/T Twitchy

What do you think of Chelsea Clinton’s attempts at snark on Twitter? Tell us in the comments below!


Alexa is a freelance writer and communications consultant, with experience working on the Hill, at the RNC, and for ... More about Alexa
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