Wow, the Clinton ladies are REALLY failing at Twitter these days. Or maybe it’s just that it’s so easy to make fun of a family of immoral, corrupt losers. Probably both.
Chelsea seems to be having trouble with words. And irony. A week ago, she was practically begging us to make a Yo’ Mama joke with this Tweet:
.@MerriamWebster – What is an unsuccessful troll called?
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) February 11, 2017
After the dictionary wasn’t enough, she needed a thesaurus.
I need a thesaurus. What’s another word for horrifying? Sick? Awful? Running out of adjectives these days that mean unconscionably terrible
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) February 16, 2017
Unfortunately for Chelsea, her father’s rape victim came to the rescue and answered, “Your father, Bill Clinton.”
Well, since you asked, Here’s my definition of horrifying, sick & awful. Answer: Your father, Bill Clinton
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) February 17, 2017
By the way, the article Chelsea found so horrifying turned out to be about an illegal alien transgender “woman” with a criminal record who has already been deported 7 times. But, of course, those details were buried at the very end of this CBS News article.
Her alleged criminal history includes convictions for false imprisonment in 2013; assault, probation violation, domestic violence in 2011 and false imprisonment-minor-parental in 2010.
Chelsea, take your mother’s advice and DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT.
H/T Twitchy
What do you think of Chelsea Clinton’s attempts at snark on Twitter? Tell us in the comments below!