Chelsea Clinton Tries To Attack Trump Administration, Fails Miserably

A Clinton woman is back at it trying to fight against Donald Trump, and once again failing miserably.

Chelsea Clinton tried to pile on senior Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway for misspeaking about terrorists from Bowling Green, Kentucky. Kellyanne talked about the “Bowling Green Massacre” when she meant to say “Bowling Green Terrorists,” a reference to the al-Qaeda terrorists who came to the U.S. as Iraqi refugees in Bowling Green. This case inspired President Obama to issue his own temporary 6 month ban on refugees from Iraq.

Chelsea cynically used a very real terrorist attack attempt in Paris as a way to try to poke fun at Kellyanne’s mistake. I bet she thought she was being SO clever!

Hmmm, “don’t make up attacks,” you say? Who would ever do that, Chelsea? Oh, that’s right, your mom!

The conservative response was swift. Here is the top reply to Chelsea’s Tweet:

Weekly Standard senior writer Mark Hemingway linked to a fact check on her mother’s lie.

And Kellyanne herself was having none of it. Citing Hemingway’s tweet she shut Chelsea down immediately with this epic response:


H/T Daily Caller

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Alexa is a freelance writer and communications consultant, with experience working on the Hill, at the RNC, and for ... More about Alexa
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