Somebody Had To Say It! Charlie Daniels DESTROYS Race Baiters

Defiance is what this country currently needs most from its patriots. Lord knows we won’t get if from our spineless elected officials.

Music legend Charlie Daniels, who recently slammed Barack Obama for destroying America with his policies, is now voicing his opinion in the debate over the Confederate flag that has been particularly heated since the recent church shooting in Charleston, S.C. Daniels has been the voice of reason for many years…even in songs penned and sung by him.

Leave it to liberals to try and twist his words into something other than his sincerity as written…wait for it, it’s coming…

“The recent senseless act of slaughter in a church in Charleston, S.C., awakened America to the ever-present lunacy and evil that walks among us and has also reopened some old wounds and deep feelings on both sides of a long-festering situation,” Daniels shares on his website. “Before I go any farther with this piece, I wish to express my love and admiration for the people of Charleston who have, in the face of immense pain, shown a restraint and a common sense seldom seen in tragic situations involving race.”

Daniels Charlie

In his editorial, Charlie Daniels discussed the controversy over the Confederate Flag that has ensued since the tragic Charleston shooting:

“I have no desire to reinstate the Confederacy. I oppose slavery as vehemently as any man, and I believe that every human being, regardless of the color of their skin, is just as valuable as I am and deserves the exact same rights and advantages as I do.

I feel that this controversy desperately needs to be settled without federal interference and input from race-baiters like Al Sharpton. It’s up to the individual states as to what they allow to be a part of their public image. What the majority of the people of any given state want should, in my opinion, be their policy.

Daniels goes on to express his sympathy for the families of the nine people killed on June 17, along with his belief that the alleged killer, Dylann Roof, will be served justice for his crime.

Mr Daniels, I stand with you and applaud your boldness! Thank you and your honest common sense.

H/T – Charlie Daniels Blog

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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