CBS Special on Trump Tax Plan Finds Every Middle Class Family Saves Thousands

cbs trump tax reform

The world came to a standstill the other day as CBS became the first network in the mainstream media to actually be honest in reporting on the recently passed American Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

As you may have learned from our previous reporting, the tax reform package provides a number of tax cuts for the middle class, including a consolidation of income brackets, a doubling of the standard deduction, and repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate (among many others).

In their reporting on the plan, CBS profiled American families on different levels of the income ladder. One was a single mother who rents a home in North Carolina, earning $40,000 a year. They also interviewed a married couple in Rhode Island earning $150,000 a year, and another earning $300,000 in California. Despite all the fear-mongering, nobody saw an increase to their taxes.

It was hilarious watching liberals try their typical arguments against tax cuts in opposition to this bill, because they had to turn their usual logic on its head. The tax cuts for the poor would simply be ignored, but a number of Blue State Democrats were hesitant to make the argument that typically comes next, that it’s all to finance a tax cut for the rich. Given that this tax package puts limits on write-offs for state and local taxes (which blue coastal states having the highest of both of those), many Democrats in those states were angered that it was their rich people who would have to pony up.

That turned out not to be the case for the family earning $300,000 though, because the tax cuts included in the package more than offset the increases in taxes they owe with state and local deductions capped.

This video has to be seen to be believed: It displays positive and honest reporting on President Trump!

Watch below:

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By Matt

Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published... More about Matt

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