Black Mother Rips Black Lives Matter Protesters for Glorifying Criminals


Peggy Hubbard, a mother who grew up in Ferguson, Missouri, is fed up with the actions of her fellow residents who are partaking in the Black Lives Matter movement.

Hubbard, herself an African-American, was disgusted with those willing to riot in the name of a criminal who was shot and killed in St. Louis last week, while simultaneously ignoring a nine-year-old girl who was recently killed by a stray bullet.

She responded by posting a video on Facebook which takes the protesters to task for ignoring black-on-black crime, an aspect which accounts for far more death in the community than police officers.

The St. Louis shooting involved Mansur Ball-Bey, an 18-year-old who was being served a warrant to search a home suspected of drug activity. The teenager pointed a gun at police officers, and had several other weapons on site.

Meanwhile, nine-year-old Jamyla Bolden was killed by a stray bullet as she sat doing her homework inside her own home.

Hubbard’s video has reached over 5 million people on Facebook and the YouTube version can be seen below (Warning: Language, NSFW).

via the Daily Caller:

Hubbard says in part: “Last night, who do you think they protested for? The thug, the criminal, because they’re hollering police brutality. Are you f**king kidding me? Police brutality? How about black brutality?  You black people. My black people, you are the most violent motherf****rs I’ve seen in my life. A little girl is dead.”

She continues, “You say black lives matter? Her life mattered. Her dreams mattered. Her future mattered. Her promises mattered. It mattered. Yet you trifling motherfuckers are out there tearing up the neighborhood I grew up in.”

 What do you think of this woman’s video showing disgust for protesters who glorify the lives of career criminals taken down by police officers, while ignoring the death of an innocent girl?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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