Biden Warns Candidates Before Debate: ‘I’m Not Going To Be As Polite This Time’

The first rule of guerrilla warfare, never let your enemy know you are going to use guerrilla warfare.

Former vice president and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden publicly stated that he was not going to be polite at the upcoming Democratic debate next week.

While Biden was speaking at a Detroit fundraiser Wednesday, he said to reporters when speaking about Sen. Kamala Harris, “I’m not going to be as polite this time because this is the same person who asked me to come to California and nominate her in her convention.”

Earlier in July, Biden eluded that he has “all this information about other people’s pasts,” and would cash in if needed.

“If they want to argue about the past, I can do that,” Biden said at the fundraiser. “I got a past I’m proud of. They got a past that’s not quite so good.”


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Biden is still steaming after Harris sabotaged him during last month’s debate when she brought up the subject of busing, how it affected her and how Biden could have made a difference if he would have stood against California’s decision to proceed with the school action.

Booker and Harris are spoilers. Democrats should be aware knowing that you are not supposed to chase rats when your house is on fire. Booker and Harris should know that there will never be another Barack Obama in the house. They are wasting time on personal attacks instead of the issues.

Biden still remains on top for the Democratic 2020 nomination and I don’t see anyone else topping him. Biden was pitching his health plan and he had the audacity to claim that his public option would not be a threat to private insurance. He literally said: “If you like your plan you can keep it!”

We have heard this lie before. We are not falling for it again.

Joe Biden will lose in a general election against Donald Trump, that’s a no-brainer.

Maybe he will let his plans against the president leak too?


Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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