Biden Warns Candidates Before Debate: ‘I’m Not Going To Be As Polite This Time’

The first rule of guerrilla warfare, never let your enemy know you are going to use guerrilla warfare.

Former vice president and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden publicly stated that he was not going to be polite at the upcoming Democratic debate next week.

While Biden was speaking at a Detroit fundraiser Wednesday, he said to reporters when speaking about Sen. Kamala Harris, “I’m not going to be as polite this time because this is the same person who asked me to come to California and nominate her in her convention.”

Earlier in July, Biden eluded that he has “all this information about other people’s pasts,” and would cash in if needed.

“If they want to argue about the past, I can do that,” Biden said at the fundraiser. “I got a past I’m proud of. They got a past that’s not quite so good.”


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Biden is still steaming after Harris sabotaged him during last month’s debate when she brought up the subject of busing, how it affected her and how Biden could have made a difference if he would have stood against California’s decision to proceed with the school action.

Booker and Harris are spoilers. Democrats should be aware knowing that you are not supposed to chase rats when your house is on fire. Booker and Harris should know that there will never be another Barack Obama in the house. They are wasting time on personal attacks instead of the issues.

Biden still remains on top for the Democratic 2020 nomination and I don’t see anyone else topping him. Biden was pitching his health plan and he had the audacity to claim that his public option would not be a threat to private insurance. He literally said: “If you like your plan you can keep it!”

We have heard this lie before. We are not falling for it again.

Joe Biden will lose in a general election against Donald Trump, that’s a no-brainer.

Maybe he will let his plans against the president leak too?


21 thoughts on “Biden Warns Candidates Before Debate: ‘I’m Not Going To Be As Polite This Time’”

  1. Neither was Obumma and he became a president of this country! Obumma has set the new standard – since immigration & law enforcement failed to rectify the problem.

  2. Dementia should never be mistaken for being polite; Frail Old Joe has no idea what’s going on around him…and looks at his watch not answering a tough question though he still has 30 seconds on the clock. Old Joe tells the moderator and the viewing audience his times up providing him with an escape from addressing the issue, or most recently used his wife calling for him as another lame excuse for running away. Joe’s not only old, he’s extremely feeble…and in need of a caretaker and it shows that much more each and every day he tries to convince Americans he’s of sound and competent mind. President Trump will have Old Joe for lunch if they ever face off for a debate; and in its aftermath ensure 4 more years for The Donald and us his army of loyal deplorable’s !

  3. “Biden Warns Candidates Before Debate: ‘I’m Not Going To Be As Polite This Time’”
    Does that mean he’s going to try to kiss Katmala?
    That’s funny a Democrat claiming they are going to be polite, LMAO.

  4. Yes, I knew that. I believe her father is Jamaican. Mother born in India. And you are correct, just like she wanted us to believe the twisted facts about her bus ride to school, she will play the melanin card. In fact, when she was lying about listening to Tupac in college, her demeanor was very different.

  5. I pray that there are a “few of us” left that will prevent the likes of “Spartacus” and Camela Harris of ever getting that kind of power. Both are very scary.

  6. Kamala Harris is just a female version of Obama and like him, she is not constitutionally eligible to be president or vice president. He had George Soros backing him, and if she should win the D nomination, no doubt, Soros money will also back her, but neither one is/was eligible for the job. One MUST be born on U.S. soil to parents who are themselves, citizens. His father was not a citizen. She was born in Oakland, CA, but her parents were both foreign nationals, one from India and the other from Jamaica, not citizens. The Founders wanted someone with 100% allegiance to the U.S., though soil and blood, with no foreign allegiance. Look at the damage Barry did. Abiding by the natural born citizen clause is not a guarantee that someone would be a good president (look at Hillary/Killary), but it was the best the Founders could do, to protect the nation from foreign influence. All of the first few presidents were “citizens” but they were not “natural born citizens”, so the Framers of the Constitution included the grandfather clause, which exempted the first few from having to be nbc’s. “…or a citizen of the U.S., at the time of the adoption of this Constitution…”. Eight of the first nine presidents were exempted. Thereafter, all presidents have had to be nbc’s, except Chester Arthur and BHO, who both hid their records. Their fathers weren’t citizens when their sons were born.

  7. Yea, that’s it. Mr. “I couldn’t spell ‘IQ’ if you gave me the first letter,” the wimpy dolt who like Corey wants to pretend he’s tough and could take someone tougher than the 5 year olds he fondles “behind the gymnasium,” looked like a failure last time because he was being polite! Shoot, I knew that! So “Guns Blazin’ Biden” is coming to the fight this time, and we can expect the “Rock, Paper, Scissors” championship, I’m sure!

  8. He has nothing to worry about with Harris conquering him since she is NOT eligible to be POTUS since both her parents were NOT US citizens at the time of her birth, hence, she is OT a Natural Born Citizen according to our Constitution, Article1, Section 2.

  9. harris, booker,, can’t wait to get power and turn this entire nation into replicas of the failed states if Calif, NY, NJ, etc, etc. Anything a dem touches fails, at the expense of the citizens, and they could care less as lobg as they enrich themselves in the process.

    The 2020 election needs ALL America-loving conservatives/repubs/patriots voting for the Right side. Your very freedom depends on it.

  10. Let the war of words begin! Dig out all the dirt on each other. Can’t fight on the issues because they are al pretty much in agreement accept for the details of ho to implement their plans and who will be in charge. In that respect these are not so much debates as they are panel discussions.

  11. Good luck, Joe. I believe Kamala will rise in much the same way Obama did ~ with the same support from a biased mainstream media. Sadly, she could very well be the first half black female President.

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