Biden Is Unfit To Serve. Period.

biden unfit

Like so many other Americans, yesterday felt like a gut punch. The international humiliation and humanitarian disaster that the Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan had been suddenly became a national tragedy as 13 of America’s finest were killed in a terror attack outside the airport in Kabul.

I found myself absolutely glued to the television all day, watching in absolute horror as the tragedy unfolded. Biden’s inexplicable mistakes – his abandonment of the Bagram air base, his refusal to do anything as the Taliban seized control of the country, and his mind-numbing decision to leave Americans in harms way – are now more than mistakes.

What Biden did resulted in the loss of life of 13 Americans.

Over the last week, President Biden has repeatedly addressed the American people and every single time he did he refused to admit that he had done anything wrong, refused to admit that what was happening on the ground was a failure, refused to change course, instead doubling and tripling down on a failed strategy – all else be damned.

RELATED: Trump Slams Biden For Handing Taliban List Of Names Of Americans, Afghan Allies

Biden’s toxic shake of incompetence, inflexibility, and unwillingness to take responsibility had tragic consequences for the brave men and women in uniform serving in Afghanistan.

I thought that when Biden spoke late yesterday afternoon that things would be different, that he would have to admit his failures, that he would have to change course, that he would stop relying on the Taliban and stop capitulating to their demands.

Unfortunately, I was wrong. Biden’s address to the nation yesterday was more of the same. Biden absolutely refused to alter his policy to adjust to the situation on the ground.

Biden has decided to continue to rely on the Taliban to defend and protect Americans, Biden committed to sticking by the arbitrary August 31st deadline regardless of whether Americans would be left behind, and Biden failed to take immediate steps to strike back at the people responsible for killing of 13 Americans.

President Biden has failed to hold anyone accountable. No one has been fired for providing faulty intelligence or erroneous advice. No one has been fired for mistakes made in executing the withdrawal.

The reason no one has been fired by Biden is because the person ultimately and arguably solely responsible is President Biden himself.

Accordingly, President Biden must go and he must go now.

This is no longer about politics. This is no longer about policy differences. President Biden’s actions have made it clear he is unfit to serve as Commander-in-Chief.

President Biden should resign. If he doesn’t resign the cabinet should invoke the 25th amendment. And if his cabinet will not invoke the 25th amendment Congress should move to impeach and remove him from office.

I do not like Vice President Kamala Harris and I disagree strongly with her policies. I didn’t vote for Kamala Harris to be Vice President and I certainly wouldn’t vote for her to be President. However, under our system, Kamala Harris should be elevated to the office of President.

Joe Biden has proven his unfit to serve, proven he is incapable of executing the duties of the office and shown the American people the cost of his incompetence.

RELATED: Psaki Responds To Calls For Biden’s Resignation: ‘Not A Day For Politics’

President Trump was impeached by the House twice for nothing but purely political reasons, Democrats abused the Constitutional process because they didn’t like the outcome of the election of 2016.

Impeachment was never intended to be used as a political tool, it was intended for a situation like what we are facing today.

I take no pleasure in urging Biden to resign, or calling for invoking the 25th amendment, and as a Trump supporter I certainly take no joy in calling for impeachment.

Unfortunately, President Biden has left us no choice. 


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