Ted Cruz’s Challenger Has DUI, Burglary Charges

Beto Orourke arrested

Ted Cruz’s 2018 Senate challenger Beto O’Rourke is the Left’s newest darling in Texas. He’s gotten a whole host of celebrity endorsements so far, including Lance Armstrong, LeBron James, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ellen DeGeneres, and countless musicians you and I have never heard of.

Nearly every mainstream media article and story on Beto has been overwhelmingly positive, praising him over seemingly random details (like that he sweats, is charismatic, has hair, and curses). He’s also been compared to John F. Kennedy on countless occasions and is supported by Joe Kennedy III. And Beto is Kennedyesque – with his largest overlap being with Ted Kennedy. While Beto didn’t kill a woman, he too has a drunk driving charge that most in the media have been happy to not report on.

According to the Houston Chronicle, they ran a background check on Beto and found he “was initially arrested in May 1995 and that case was disposed of in February 1996. We saw too that after the DWI arrest, according to another county record, O’Rourke was referred to a misdemeanor diversion program in March 1999 and completed ‘DWI school’ in May 1999.”

Furthermore, Beto had a separate charge for an attempted robbery, but that charge was later dropped. The circumstances behind the charge included him hopping a fence and illegally entering the University of Texas at El Paso, so “trespassing” probably would be a more accurate charge here than “burglary.”

He’s since confessed to both crimes. After a woman at a rally in San Antonio said she’d seen what looked like a mugshot of Beto, he told her “More than 20 years ago, I was arrested–not once, but twice. So you should know that and we should all own that if asked.” Beto spoke of the El Paso incident, then said he was also arrested for a “far more serious mistake: I drove under the influence of alcohol. There’s no justifying that.”

CNN has run a total of zero stories on Beto’s DUI…. compared to hundreds of stories about Stormy Daniels. Hows that for media bias?

While Cruz had a 5-point edge in the polls a week ago, a new poll from Emerson College has Cruz leading 38 to 37 percent, within the margin of error. Four percent of voters favor a different candidate, and 21 percent are undecided (though given how red Texas is, they’ll likely lean towards Cruz). One problem with the polls is that the population surveyed in the polls do not reflect the population of actual fall voters, over-representing Democrats, and under-representing Republicans.

Despite how close the polls appear, those gambling on the outcome has Cruz as the overwhelming favorite. In fact, the current odds only put Beto’s chances of victory at 1 in 20, or 5%. Historically, betting odds have had more accuracy in predicting the outcome of elections than polls have.

Like Wendy Davis before him, Beto is just another media darling who stands no actual chance of winning an election.

By Matt
Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published ... More about Matt
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