New England Patriots Coach Bill Belichick Wore a “Life is Great” T-Shirt Depicting a Terrorist

Bill Belichick went to Nantucket and all he got was a lousy liberal complaint about his t-shirt.

When New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick posed for a picture with a young fan while on vacation this week the image went viral, with everyone talking about the shirt he was wearing.

Do you see it? Here’s a close up:

It’s a soldier and his military dog hunting down a terrorist, how sweet is that?!

The Boston Herald reports:

The shirts are sold on a site called, run by Jim Amann, now a deputy sheriff in Los Angeles. Amann is a former Navy SEAL who was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan with his military dog Rocky. Amman’s company, Trident K9 LLC, provides police and military K9 equipment and training, as well as the light-hearted shirt Belichick was sporting yesterday.

As Amann describes it, the shirt “tells a cartoon story of a deployment in Afghanistan where SEAL operators are chasing bad guys.” The website suggests wearing the shirt to “celebrate the end of Osama Bin Laden.”

Not surprising that such a shirt found its way to Bill Belichick. He has been a strong supporter of the troops and has even employed the stories of American military heroism in his coaching, as he did in 2013 when he took the team to see “Lone Survivor,” and in 2015 to watch “American Sniper.”

Of course, professional race-baiter Tariq Nasheed was none too pleased. He compared the shirt to a police dog mauling a black man … because apparently American black men remind him of Islamic radical terrorists holding AK-47s? Nice try, Tariq, but not EVERYTHING is about racism towards black people!

The liberal outrage machine started churning.

Liberal VICE Sports even had a story with the headline “Bill Belichick’s T-Shirt Is Pretty F*cked Up!”

Belichick has emerged as a sports figure hated by the left. He is (GASP) personal friends with President Trump and endorsed him on the eve of the election – The Horror!!!

This is not the first time the winningest Super Bowl coach in history has worn something to make a statement. He wears his signature cut-up hoodie to protest NFL rules about wearing official licensed gear on the sidelines. He also shamed President Obama at the White House by wearing a pin to recognize the Armenian genocide when Obama wouldn’t and liberals were upset when he wore a “Don’t Tread On Me” t-shirt.

The good news is, all the attention from liberal whining and pearl clutching has made sales for the t-shirt skyrocket and Amann announced that all t-shirt profits would go to the Navy SEAL Foundation.

So if you buy it, you get a pretty cool shirt, you help out a great cause, AND you piss off liberals! It’s a win-win-win situation!

Life is great.

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What do you think – is Bill Belichick’s t-shirt racist or patriotic? Tell us in the comments below!

28 thoughts on “New England Patriots Coach Bill Belichick Wore a “Life is Great” T-Shirt Depicting a Terrorist”

  1. Will order a few today. It’s in good taste now that the PC squad has been replaced with the leftist geeks. Those geeks, part of the greater dung beetle corps, must keep sifting the sand for minute particles that distress, frighten, and foment their tiny little minds. Their slogan; “no sand too small to find something on those dirty disgusting conservatives”.

  2. I like the shirt. It matters not to me that liberals may be upset by it – or some feel it’s racist – or whatever other excuses some come up with. I like the shirt. Too, I doubt Bill Belichick gives a rat’s ass if anyone else likes it or not.

  3. hen are the libs going to get off their PC bandwagon and start calling a spade a spade and not a shovel. Are they blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other or what. I mean really can’t they see what is happening all over the world and soon to be in their own back yard. do you see any of the so called celebrities opening their doors to Muslims? I don’t think so! when are they going to WTFU!

  4. If you LOOK at the picture, you can see the man has on a turbin, plus an assault weapon. The other guy has on fatigues, so is obviously a soldier. Liberals have absolutely NO intelligence!

    1. The t-shirt has absolutely NOTHING to do with the police, nor with blacks either. The one guy is obviously a terrorist, with a turbin, & an AK47, it’s obviously a dog biting the man’s arm, & the other guy is obviously a soldier, since he has on camo! You libs need to get a grip. And, yes, I do dislike Kaepernick’s stunts. The National Anthem has NOTHING to do with the police, nor is against the blacks. It’s song that is sung to show our pride in our Military. Plus he dissed the American flag too. Nobody would’ve much cared, if he’d done it in his private life. But, to do it at a football game was way too much for football fans, who are normally VERY patriotic! Wake up!

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