Fox News Guest Asks President Trump to Intervene in Syria

Bassam Rifai fox

It’s no secret that President Trump loves Fox News. There are certain programs that he makes a point of watching regularly. He takes his cues from many Fox hosts and even relies on some personalities like Lou Dobbs for advice and counsel.

Trump’s open love of Fox provides an avenue for any enterprising person to get on camera and make an impassioned plea for the President to see. And that’s exactly what one individual did.

In regard to the recent chemical attack on Syria, President Trump warned that there will be consequences earlier today:

Bassam Rifai, a Syrian advocate, was so devastated by the attack that he pleaded to President Trump for action earlier today on Fox News.

From Raw Story:

“I would be surprised if I didn’t see any strikes,” said Bassam Rifai, of the nonprofit Syrian American Council. “The president needs to take swift and decisive action right now.”

Rifai then turned away from host Eric Shawn and looked directly at the camera.

“President Trump, I’m speaking to you directly,” Rifai said. “Do not take the same mistake that President Obama had made. The action that you had taken to take out the air base, that was important, that was strong — that was a very strong message. What we need to do right now is to take out Assad’s air force. If we ground all of his air force, we won’t have the capability to attack Syrians by the air anymore.”

You can watch the full interview below:

This was a smart move on Rifai’s part. Everyone knows that Trump watches Fox News throughout the day. This was the perfect avenue for getting his message out.

Last summer, Trump ordered the launch of missile strikes on a Syrian airbase in retaliation for a chemical attack. He may make a similar order soon.

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What do you think about Trump’s response to Syria? Tell us your thoughts below!

24 thoughts on “Fox News Guest Asks President Trump to Intervene in Syria”

  1. NOBODY is asking who benefits. This, along with the other gas attack is a false flag. PERIOD.

    There is NO reason on earth that Assad would do something this stupid. But someone knew that doing it would get STUPID Americans back, involved in a war that we have no business being in.

    The neocons are the only people who wanted stable ME nations to be smashed to destabilize the area. Assad has a good government there, one that is pretty secular and one in which all religions can thrive. Neocons want to make another cold war, or perhaps WW3.

    1. Agreed Larry. The Jewish people (actually Kazarian converts) have seized total control of this nation long ago. They have used their money-lies-trickery and FALSE FLAGS to sell us on War with Israel’s enemies and to disarm and silence American’s rights for far too long with immunity. Not one sitting politician has the courage to stand up against the Jewish lobby and it’s disgustingly vile and myopic of them. Anyway, until the world puts these Zionist back in their place and confiscates all their ill gotten wealth and power, we will not see peace. I’m sick of America being the lap dog to these murderous- conniving-lying-backstabbing parasites.
      We have not fought a war with anyone since the founding of this nation that was about freeing anyone or preserving our freedoms.
      The “boogie men” were NOT the bad guys we are brainwashed to believe… ( Watch: THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD- on you tube) READ: THE BAD WAR by Mike King or THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY or anything by David Irving #1 historian on WWI, WWII. We must stop killing each other as the Jews sit back, laugh, scheme and profit… bringing us closer to Orwell’s prison state under the JEW WORLD ORDER.

      We are a nation of idiots killing all who favor their nation’s sovereignty, borders, wealth and culture for the blood thirsty- anti Christ Jews. Enough!

  2. I wish I would have a way to talk to Trump but I guess I am not important enough to be invited by FOX for an interview however talking to Trump directly at a sit down at the White House would even be much better

    1. Ursula, there is a way. A very good way. First, be sure you have researched your position thoroughly. Point out the benefits and the drawbacks, the pros and cons. Make sure you are an expert on the point. Next, subscribe to a service like “Been Verified,” or “Truthfinder.” (I use both.) Then, determine who you think would be an appropriate intermediary between you and the President. Be sure, and don’t use more than one. Find their email, physical address and phone using the services I recommended. DON’T EVEN DREAM OF GOING THERE IN PERSON UNLESS YOU GET AN INVITATION. And if you want to send the individual any kind of package, alert them by postcard and email first. Then write your reasoned thoughts to them, telling them why you chose them, and requesting that they take your message to President Trump.

      How do you know if the president got the message? Don’t look for a return reply. But what you can expect — if your comment or suggestion bears fruit — is a public comment addressing the issue you raised. In the case of one of my suggestions, President Trump used the same words I had, which were broadcast, and THAT was how I knew he heard me.

  3. Trump’s attack on the Syrian air base would have been effective IF he had not given the Russians advance notice so that the important fighter jets could be removed from harm.

    Maybe this time he will tell them after the fact? Of course some of the Russian spies sent to replace the 60 ones evicted may already have that information.

  4. If this turns out to be what it appears, a false attack instigated by the rebels we have been supporting, then I would suggest it is time for us to leave, let them reap what they sow.

  5. This has been a false created by rebel groups more that likely aided by Israel. Interestingly Trump indicated that he would pull the troops out Syria and right after that there is an alleged chemical attack. Obviously somebody wants the troops to remain in Syria. And by the way Russia has top of the line nuclear weapons and the American administration have been warned.

  6. More has to be done before an attack is made on Assad. We need to eliminate the possibility of it being a False Flag operation just to start a war. Our government does it so why does anyone think we have a monopoly on the act?
    I suggest we stay out of it until the truth comes out.

  7. I checked the vote results. Unbelievable. There is only one report by the White Helmets. Jaysh al-Islam has chemical weapons. It is actually the only faction in Syria that acknowledged the usage of chemical weapons exactly, two years ago in Aleppo, This Jaysh al-Islam is the bunch of civilians supposedly gassed. Seems somebody is voting a la MSM

  8. why is this an issue for the U.S.? The word hates us, they don’t want us meddling, so stay out of it.

    Let the U.N. deal with what’s going on in Syria. After enough of the inaction by the Useless Nations, the civilized may quit blaming us for everything.

  9. No response until we know for damn certain who if anyone was responsible. It could have been the Rebels or Iranians (false flag) or it could have been that chemical munitions were stored in that area and an incoming round hit one or hit something which caused a chemical incident. We don’t know enough at this point to risk an American’s life and we should be hesitant to get involved.


  10. BlackRaven135

    It is not a unilateral thing………the world needs to step up……
    Sick of playing policeman for the majority of world which does a lot of loud whining but little else

  11. Only a fool rules out options and by doing so more clearly communicates the intended response. These are no longer the days of the dumb( Obama-time.) If you are smart enough to play harddball, don’t chicken out.

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