Anti-Gun Protesters Unknowingly Expose How Pathetically Ignorant They Are

anti gun protesters

Have you ever not known what something was, but wanted it banned anyway? Such was the case at last weekend’s March For Our Lives, in which mostly young gun control activists convened in our nation’s capital, and in hundreds of cities nationwide, to call for additional gun control. The March released some gun control proposals from the student organizers ahead of the event, and below are some of the main regulations proposed:

  • A complete ban on “semi-automatic weapons that fire high-velocity rounds.” This is advocated for synonymously with “banning assault weapons”
  • Universal background checks and “a database recording which guns are sold in the United States, to whom, and of what caliber and capacity they are”
  • Raising the gun purchasing age to 21
  • Closing the gun show and secondhand purchase loopholes

Banning “assault weapons” has been the main rallying cry among these renewed calls for gun control, but do any of the marchers even know what an assault weapon is?

As Campus Reform’s Cabot Philips found when he visited the March in D.C. – hardly.

Every single march attendee that we spoke with made it clear: they want to ban assault weapons.

When asked if they knew what an assault weapon was, they were a little less clear.

“Um, I mean no. But ‘assault weapon,’ does that sound safe to you?” said one attendee.

“It’s an arm…like a gun for instance that you can buy at a shop pretty easily, that can like cause more deaths than one I guess,” added another.

To their credit, at least those wanting to ban “assault rifles,” want to ban a type of firearm that actually exists, even if they can’t describe what it is. That wasn’t the case for other protesters, some of which agreed with banning the “AK-17,” a screw off nozzle, fully semi-automatic, hacksaw uzi with a bullet button and detachable knife. One of the scariest weapons of war… that also happens to not exist.

The weapon’s lack of existence didn’t prevent Marchers from wanting to ban it, of course:

How can we ever have meaningful gun reform when those calling for reform know nothing about guns themselves?

Which non-existent firearms do you want to be banned Be sure to let us know in the comments section below (and be creative)! 

By Matt

Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published... More about Matt

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