Actress-turned-radically liberal activist Alyssa Milano got humiliated on Saturday when she found herself being roasted on Twitter for posting a photo of herself and her family in face masks, encouraging others to wear them as well. Unfortunately for Milano, however, her mask had holes in it; it was crocheted, and social media users had a field trip schooling her about it.
“Show me your masks! Masks keep people safe and healthy. Show me yours! Ready? Go!” Milano tweeted alongside a photo of herself with her husband and two children, all of whom were wearing face masks.
Show me your masks! Masks keep people safe and healthy. Show me yours! Ready? Go! #WearAMask
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 23, 2020
Social media enthusiasts immediately fired back at Milano, pointing out that her mask had holes in it, meaning it likely wasn’t doing anything at all. “Your mask is exactly what this fence does to keep mosquitoes out,” one social media user commented alongside a photo of a fence with holes in it.
Your mask is exactly what this fence does to keep mosquitoes out.
— Not PC (@ksbyron) May 23, 2020
Others directly mocked Milano for her ignorance.
— Elaine82 (@Elaine7613) May 23, 2020
Even social media personality Mark Dice got in on the action, having a humorous response of his own to it.
You should try this one on.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) May 23, 2020
After getting the relentless backlash, Milano finally replied by claiming that there was a filter inside the mask. “A–holes, mask has a carbon filter in it. So, yes, it might be crochet but totally safe,” Milano wrote. “Mask has a filter in it for f—‘s sake. A carbon one. My mom makes them. #WearAMask”
Assholes, mask has a carbon filter in it. So, yes, it might be crochet but totally safe. #WearAMask
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 23, 2020
Yeah right, Alyssa. Nobody is buying that.
This piece was written by PopZette Staff on May 24, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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