ABC Reporters Mockingly Imagine Trump’s Future Funeral

During a livestream of George H.W. Bush’s services, a pair of reporters for ABC News made off-color jokes about what they imagined a future funeral for President Trump would look like.

The inappropriate commentary has elicited criticism for the tone-deaf commentary during an extremely solemn event in the passing of the 41st President of the United States.

ABC correspondents Terry Moran and Devin Dwyer concluded, without evidence, that the Bush funeral represented a rebuke of the current occupant in the White House. The media the last few days have been desperately providing answers in search of a question, trying to link Trump to President Bush’s funeral in any possible means to portray him in a negative light.

Fantasizing about Trump’s funeral

Moran and Dwyer fantasized about what a Trump funeral would entail, even joking over the grandeur and choreography of his future passing.

“Perhaps a recognition, in terms of his involvement in the proceedings by President Trump, that he someday will be getting a similar treatment when he passes as a former president of the United States,” Dwyer assessed.

Moran responded that there would “probably (be) a different tone in that funeral,” adding that the President is “going to choreograph it … So, there might be more trumpets and fanfare.”

“Yes, he would do it bigger, one would imagine,” Dwyer then joked.

To top the entire wildly inappropriate segment off, Moran then mocked Trump’s penchant for hyperbole saying, “It will be the best presidential funeral ever. No one will ever have seen anything like that funeral.”

How deeply embedded the disease known as Trump Derangement Syndrome must be to turn coverage of a funeral for an honorable man into an opportunity to joke about the President of the United States.

It is the same mainstream media that has spent the last few days rightfully celebrating the civility and grace with which Bush lived his life, and lamenting how nice it would be for politicians to return to that era.

They love civility until they have a chance to attack Trump. Then they stick the figurative knife in his back at the first opportunity.

Critics are not amused

While the ABC reporters felt a funeral was a good time to make jokes, critics who watched the display were not amused.

The Wrap noted the exchange was “uncomfortable” while Media Research Center vice president Dan Gainor called the segment “despicable garbage.”

Tim Young, an actual political comedian, noted that this kind of mockery highlights “the media outrage double standard where you can say basically anything you want about a Republican and get away with it.”

Media likes to project their fantasies about Trump’s death

ABC certainly isn’t the first news organization to openly fantasize about the death of President Trump.

Just two months ago, The New York Times published an article which fantasized about the Secret Service assassinating President Trump.

An editor for a major newspaper in Germany said the best “way out of the Trump catastrophe” would be “murder in the White House.”

And just days into his presidency, CNN ran a segment about what would happen if President-elect Trump was killed before or during his inauguration, either by a terrorist attack or assassination attempt.

“What if an incoming president and his immediate successors were wiped out on day one?” Wolf Blitzer asked.

A contributor than explained the line of succession should an attack had blown up the inaugural dais, killing both Trump and Vice President Pence.

Will these people ever be well again, or is insanity brought on by Trump’s presidency a permanent affliction?

17 thoughts on “ABC Reporters Mockingly Imagine Trump’s Future Funeral”


  2. we are in a civil war, the major violence has yet to occur. Meanwhile China and Russia are gleeful over the democrats attempt to destroy America. The moment when they do, Russia will take back Ukraine and has eyes on all the Slavic countries. While China will take Tibet and Taiwan. So as the dumbocrats gain power, they lose even more power, as their turn us into a 3rd world poophole.
    this civil war will be much worse. we are not divided by some imaginary line; we are instead we interspersed and full accessible for payback. Yet this is how they plan on depopulating parts of America.

  3. THE LEFT ARE INDEED DEPRAVED ! How shameful ! These clowns do not deserve a place among the CIVILIZED in our nation ! I stopped watching ABC,NBC, CBS and CNN ! The JOURNALISTS who work there are LOW CLASS Except for a FEW ! It is indeed gratifying to note that there are still a few journalists with a conscience ! Charles Parke

  4. The depraved insanity on the LEFT is and always WILL be a permanent affliction; BECAUSE, their insanity LEFT the door wide open for all the Riff-Raff, Neutral, Secular, Socialist, communist, flat disk worshipers (If what you bow and pray to can neither hear you, see you, speak to you, react to you, it’s a FALSE IDOL!), so the Democrats are history! When the ‘youngins’ get through with them they’ll end up as empty shell robots just to get their attention! Just like THEY are slaves of the establishment NOW, what used to be the DNC will be empty! They’ll play musical chairs for the next two years, then when President Trump begins his second term, DNC will finish folding like an umbrella parachute! WAY too DRY to CRY!

  5. I have seen this form of illness in the flesh have a acquaintance who is a consummate Revolutionary War expert but any allegation about Trump he will hold onto and pass on as truth until challenged, challenged he only concedes that I should be able to understand why someone would believe it. Another “historian” at a Park told me Trump lied about the US Steel start up, President Trump misspoke he said 6 plants would reopen only one has. but more than that have opened nation wide, did President Trump lie or misspeak? This is how mueller persecuted General Flynn and others failing to find any evidence of Russian Collusion that he is being paid for to make up criminal charges to blackmail good people. Allegation or fact? Bottom line no liar is my friend nor the idiot sycophants who carry the water of liars, and they aren;t America’s friend ether.

  6. This is not at all funny. This is actually very very serious. The fact that this is constantly happening is very frightening. First of all our children, our future and our hope, are being taught that it’s okay to talk this way about the president of their country.. What chance do our innocent children have? Then there will be another mentally disturbed person who will act upon this yet again (we’ve already seen a few attempts at different Republicans).
    The fact that it is so commonplace and is met with nearly no backlash is also very frightening.
    I wish I could disable the pop ups I am getting from the political insider.. it’s just too damn depressing to witness the demise of decency and respect…….And it is NOT president Trump’s doing. This is the continuation of the last guy in the white house who does not know that he is no longer president.

  7. Who?
    This is what you get from socialized education.
    I think Trump will be added to Mount Rushmore, let’s start that rumour you Facebook twitter people. See if it gets traction! LOL.

  8. The proper place for these two is not behind a microphone but with stripped clothing on and a sledgehammer in hand. This would help American more than anything these two morons could do.

  9. These people will never be ‘well’ again because they have one of the most severe cases of mental illness known to mankind. I’m now very glad I can’t get our local ABC channel over the air anymore. There signal power seems to be equal to the IQ of the lame-stream news reporters… it is no higher than their shoe size and they can’t wait to prove it ever time a microphone are shoved in their face.

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