During Press Conference Addressing Coronavirus Bill, Pelosi Wipes Her Nose 


As Nancy Pelosi began her regular Thursday news conference, the House Speaker pulled out a tissue and wiped her nose.

Pelosi Was Promoting Democrat Legislation Addressing the Coronavirus Outbreak

Pelosi did this just as she had finished promoting Democrats’ “Families First” legislation, designed  to help Americans who may face hardships due to the coronavirus.

“We are here to pass a bill,” Pelosi said. “When we pass a bill, we will make a judgment about what comes next and we will see the manner in which the bill is passed.”

“I’m not giving any travel arrangements,” Pelosi added.

RELATED: Pelosi Slams Trump For Saying Coronavirus Response Has Been ‘Great’



Congress in Recess Next Week Unless Emergency Bill Makes Them Stay

Next week, Congress is scheduled to be in recess, but that could change if the emergency bill is stalled. Pelosi said that the House will take every step necessary.

According to Pelosi, the bill features “free coronavirus testing by and large for almost everyone in the country.”

“We’re having some discussion about that with the administration that maybe some people want to pay,” she said, adding that no one will be denied a test just because they can’t afford it.


RELATED: Trump Refuses St. Patrick’s Day Lunch Invitation From Nancy Pelosi

At the end of her news conference, Pelosi said she had a St. Patrick’s Day luncheon with the Irish Prime Minister along with certain members of Congress. The House Speaker gave the Irish PM advance warning that they wouldn’t shake hands, but do an elbow-bump instead.

Nancy’s Nose

You can’t really blame Pelosi or anyone else for doing something as routine as wiping or blowing one’s nose, but that simple act during a press conference is a stark reminder of the kind of precarious position the country finds itself in at the moment.

So keep taking all the necessary precautions – and don’t count on Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat friends to bail us out of anything!

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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