Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Takes a Knee on the Floor of Congress

sheila jackson lee knee

This leftist campaign of “taking a knee” has spread far beyond the NFL.

We watched in horror last night as the entire Dallas Cowboys team, along with their management, took a symbolic knee to support failed quarterback Colin Kaepernick and other un-American activists who protest the Star-Spangled Banner. Players who had no problem saluting the flag during President Barack Obama’s eight years in office suddenly take great offense towards America now that Donald Trump is in the White House.

Now, liberals in Washington, D.C., have joined in.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), made a political statement by taking a knee on the floor of Congress during a special order of the Congressional Black Caucus last night. And she used the opportunity to slam President Trump.

This is outrageous:

She claimed this was to “honor” the professional sports athletes who also kneeled. As Lee said, “I kneel in front of the flag and on this floor, I kneel in honor of the First Amendment, I kneel because the flag is a symbol of freedom, I kneel because I am going to stand against racism, I kneel because I will stand with those young men and I’ll stand with our soldiers and I’ll stand with America because I kneel.”

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), another member of the Congressional Black Caucus, tweeted his support. He opined, “There is nothing wrong with kneeling down to stand up against injustice. It’s protected by the Constitution.”

This is unacceptable. Too many Americans have fought and died for our liberties. Sports are supposed to be unifying, where we all stand and salute the greatest country on earth: the United States of America.

NFL players have their First Amendment rights. But that does not protect them from repercussions and booing. The NFL is a business, and they have already suffered millions in lost revenue from bad television ratings and slower ticket sales. After this latest battle with President Trump, we can safely assume things will get worse.

What do you think about Sheila Jackson Lee kneeling on the floor of the U.S. House? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us.

95 thoughts on “Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Takes a Knee on the Floor of Congress”

  1. Since it is the job of Congress to work for the United States, represented by our flag and for us, the people, taking a knee in congress means they no longer want the job. Tell her to pack her stuff and hit the road PDQ. It is referred to as “biting the hand that fees you”, stupid, arrogant POS.

  2. What do you expect from Negro Senators and Congressmen and women. They hate the United States of America that’s why they loved their White/Negro President and backed in everything he did to destroy o
    our Country.

  3. It’s not kneeling we kneel when praying to show meekness and subservience to the LORD! It is doing it during the time set apart to honor the country that has done so much to honor and rise these people up! Shame on them!!!

  4. She is using her federal position to be a political activist. This is covered under the Hatch Act and is forbidden. She should be investigated, and censured for her behavior.

  5. These Dirt Bags Have Violated Their Oaths Of Office And Should Be Recalled Home For An Ass Kicking. They have Proven That They Hate America And Her Laws May They All Die Like The Traitor McCain Soon In A Pyscho Ward With A Brain Full Of Cancer.

  6. Unacceptable? Too many Americans have fought and died for our liberties? Um, many of those who fought and died were blacks and btw, black slaves built the “people’s house”. You know, that WH. Blacks have EARNED their freedom and their rights, but they still have to fight for em. THAT’s unacceptable!

  7. When you’re on your knees for the American flag, Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem, you’re at the perfect height to kiss my Ass so pucker up you liberal Pinko.

  8. I know it is a slippery slope for our First Amendment rights if we aren’t careful about it but there should be a federal law (and a Constitutional amendment if need be) banning kneeling during the Pledge of Allegiance with the penalty being the same as for treason — any penalty up to and including execution. Obviously a first offender shouldn’t be executed but even then five years in federal prison would be appropriate. Someone like Kaepernick definitely needs to be executed as an example for his asinine and uncalled for behavior. Love the US or leave the US, Kaepernick. Kneeling during the Pledge is essentially treason and a big (expletive phrase deleted, we all know what that phrase is but it is not printable in this forum) against the US and should be punished as such. Rep. Lewis doesn’t realize that there is a difference between taking a knee and praying at a protest (which I can actually support whether I agree with their opinion or not) and taking a knee and not praying to make a perverse “political statement” during the Pledge of Allegiance.

  9. I’m surprised she could her fat ass down that far but she needed help getting back up she also needs reminding that she draws a taxpayer check not one from the NFL if her blackness wants to protest do it on her own time .

  10. not a race thing?????????F—-g N—-rs It is a disgrace to the fine black American men and women I served with for over two decades and my niece who is a black American. The list of contributions made by black Americans goes on and on. MSgt USAF Ret

  11. What I find truly unbelievable is that anyone actually believes non-violent protesting is un-American.
    The people who chose to kneel are not protesting the star spangled banner. This weekend’s actions were a direct response to our President calling for the firing of anyone who chooses not to stand during the national anthem. Can we not like it that someone chooses not to stand? Of course! Does it make them un-American or anti-Veteran? Absolutely NOT! How can we say that Vets fought for our liberty and then say people should not be allowed the freedom to exercise that same liberty? It’s ludicrous at best.

    1. The NFL is a business. A wise man once said you do not mix politics with your business. Apparently the Commissioner never heard that. They have a right to protest, but we have a right to stop watching the games. Sunday Night Football ratings were down 11%. As the ratings decline, and they will because this has alienated half of their fans or more, income will plummet. That means the shared revenue will decrease for each team. That will lead to salary cuts. Let’s see how knees are taken when they start to loose those million dollar contracts. The NFL has been loosing income and owners have not been able to fill all those big stadiums for the past couple of years. This is going to be the nail in the coffin. Roger’s days are numbered.

    2. Yes, millions do disagree with you Sara including millions of veterans & current service members who feel this is a slap in the face. Yes NFL players are entitled to their own opinions but they are NOT being paid for their political opinions. They are being paid ridiculous sums of money to entertain people by playing a “game” & most Americans do NOT want to see or hear their opinions. In case you haven’t noticed thousands of fans from every team are burning their tickets & sports memorabilia in protest. Many say they will NEVER attend another game or watch the NFL again. This nonsense has nothing to do with what Trump just said, the idiot Kaepernick started this long before the POTUS said a word & most of us do feel it is anti-American, even many blacks.

  12. First and foremost our President must really try to refrain himself from some of his tweets! My one and only question is since President Trump is being blamed for all this black suppression am I to assume that when Obama was in office black people didn’t feel like they were being “targeted” Does the black population not realize that is was the white voters that elected a black president. Sure there are racists always have been and most likely always will be.
    Taking your political views and expressing them on my hard earned dollar is the wrong platform. You want to protest, please go at it but not while you are being paid millions of dollars to entertain me! This is not a black issue this is an issue where our country has fallen to division, the enemy loves when a country is divided, its so much easier to take it over. Hate and disrespect have caused our country to fall way below our morals. I stand tall as an American and I will defend my flag for she is the symbol of all that is good

  13. This is America love it or leave it! I am a 72 year old disabled Vietnam veteran made so not by enemy action( unless you wish to call our government the enemy, and, if the shoe fits…, after all, the Viet Cong and NVA did not use Dioxin on us) as for Jackson-Lee, she is and always has been an Obama anti-White and law enforcement cretin and alt left Marxist inspired wretch. She has no credibility with any intellectually HONEST person, and neither does the demented democratic party agenda oriented cabal which has so divided us all these past 8 years in particular that I can hardly recognizer THIS as the country I was born into in 1945: AND MORE IS THE PITY FOR THAT!

  14. It seems that nothing matters anymore. None of what Trump said has anything to do with what Jackson said. She also violated her oath of office. She violated the rules of Congress. It is time Congress cleans its own house and throws her out, to begin with.Jackson is just a Trump hater and she will do and say anything to belittle the President of the United States. She should consider herself lucky. Back in the day, the liberal democrat KKK would have hung her.

  15. Shame on you John Lewis. You know those in your pictures are kneeling in prayer to our LORD not in protest to our country. Anyone who discriminates against blacks is breaking the law of the land today! If they do so they do so at their own risk. If the law had declared “we are all equal” and stopped there instead of
    victimizing and giving special rights to people of color the blacks would be the ones in trouble with the law over discrimination today! At this point it is true that only whites can be biased and that is, by definition, discriminatory!

      1. You may kneel in protest as long as it isn’t a public nuisance and isn’t being done to my country’s Pledge of Allegiance or during a military/Presidential event. A US citizen kneeling during the Pledge is a big (expletive deleted) you to my country and my people. It is also treason. It should be treated as such.

  16. Time to fire these politicians as well. It may be your right but it doesn’t make it right!!! Lets make America great again by firing all these lazy politicians that only push agendas to serve themselves! We need Adults to stand up for right and wrong and to push these selfish people outta the spotlight and start setting good examples for our children and help rebuild communities! We have enough politicians fighting against us! We don’t need lobbyist / politicians that only work when there is something in it for them! They are supposed to represent us the people not money!!!

  17. Libtard snowflakes don’t recognize going on bended knee is honoring God ??
    How about the musim radicals that BEHEAD Christians…on their ‘bended knees ?
    Posting 50 year old integration photos by Lewis means what…?
    Does THE BLACK CONGRESSIONAL CONGRESS plan to change the name
    of THE WHITE HOUSE ??? Black Caucus…Black History Month…
    Why is it O.K. for ANY black person / group to scream “RACIST” when they don’t like
    something ?
    Do white folks EVER get the opportunity to scream racial discrimination ? Why not
    a demand that 50 % of all athletic events to be equally white and black ?
    The majority of black athletes appears that white professional athletes are inferior !!??

  18. this is the work of the Black Caucus which should be disbanned, as should the Hispanic Caucus and they should all get to work on laws and regulations that affect all Americans. They need to spend less time scheming and wasting time and being lazy and do something that benefits the taxpayers, all of the taxpayers. So sick of this. Nobody is being denied their first amendment rights with the kneeling of the national anthem. They need to do it when they are not in the middle of their work day and when the employer/employee relationship is present and when fans who enjoyed football games were there to run as far away from politics as they can. Lewis is a big troublemaker. He is always like his buddy Al Sharpton who are just hell bent on race baiting whenever possible. I know Lewis is more sincere about his efforts however its time to put OBAMA back on a shelf and start representing the taxpayers.

  19. Time will tell what happens. The more people tune out the NFL and ignore their idiocy, the more it’s costs the business financially. Elections will come around again as they always do and those in congress taking a knee now may find themselves out of a job after the elections. Let the silent majority turn a deaf ear and eye to them all now and speak up in the next election just like we did in November.

    Sure they have a right to protest what they don’t agree with but they picked the wrong venue to do it and we can show them that simply by not watching them, not listening to them, not buying tickets or jerseys and allowing them to create their own downfall on the field and in congress as well.

  20. Take the salaries and benefits away from any person in the house or senate who will not respect our flag, our country, our National Anthem, and the people the represent. Get them off of the field – fire them. Don’t allow them on the floor.

  21. We expect this type of stupidity from these idiots! Is anyone surprised that the buffoon Sheila Jackson Lee says she is kneeling to support these young men and the 1st Amendment AND THE FLAG? Can she get any dumber? Buncha crooks in that caucus…who never let any victimology go to waste!

    1. LOL Flag? She’s the idiot who wondered if they saw our flag on Mars when they went by? Fool! Her, Maxine, and Keith (Guam is gonna tip over) could keep you in stitches laughing if it weren’t so dangerous!

  22. Sorry,,, the kneelers have a “right” to do so… but for what reason? Because all of a sudden it is the cool left wing “thing to do”,,, ????? I question the original intentions,,,, Kaepenick had a Muslim girl friend as well as associations with George Soros. I say it is a planned disturbance of the left to help thwart our President and Congress from doing what America voted them into office to do. Grant it that they seem to be thwarting themselves at this point…. but the left is simply throwing more smoke on the fire.



  23. I don’t understand what the NFL players hope to gain by this protest? Do they want the government to enact a law that holds the police accountable? You know that will never happen. They won’t even hire people that are too intelligent for police officers.

  24. Her tortured conflation of freedom of speech and the law of the land shows just how stupid she is. Just because something is legal doesn’t make it right. Its perfectly legal to call a bunch of nuns filthy names but it sure ain’t right.
    Make all the excuses you want. I will always consider taking a knee to be an act of disrespect.

  25. Oh No! There’s a WHITE MAN back in the White House!!
    Anyone who ignores all the good that Our President is doing for this country (and THEM) and insists on bashing him based on nothing–is a complete and utter RACIST. This includes YOU, Jackson. Congress is the LAST PLACE you should be.

  26. If the decent folks want to really drive a stake into the egos of these clowns all they have to do is completely ignore it. Let them kneel down and make hand gestures all they want and then ignore it. After a while when nobody shows interest it will become a meaningless act. The more that it bothers people the more they will do it because, after all, is that not what their purpose is, to annoy white people. They know their among the dumbest group and, of course, annoying White people will make their group smarter.

  27. It pitifull that our Congress members do not know the constitution. NOWHERE in the constitution does it say you are allowed to take a knee during the national anthem. Our flag code however specifically spells out our citizens conduct during the anthem.

  28. People need to get educated on the 1st Amendment. We are entitled to free speech, however, the old example of ‘YELLING FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER’. and being punished for it is not a violation of your free speech. Sooooo stop yelling FIRE. Sheila Lee is, well what can you say, about making a fool of yourself and in Congress no less.

  29. Its nice of the DNC-Bolsheviks to identify themselves and to remind the fence sitters what they stand for and their goals for this country. No wonder they admire little Kimmy in NK.

    The civil war has already begun.

  30. Actually, this is pretty tame. It’s absolutely fine to take a knee and make a speech in front of the flag, maybe even patriotic (although I doubt that person has such a bone in her body) – so long as the Anthem is not playing. This was no doubt carefully orchestrated to suggest her taking a knee has moral equivalency to doing so during the Anthem – which of course is a lie, but we knew that because her lips were moving. Sorry Jackson – your attempt to legitimize disrespecting our country as if it were a moral act is a complete failure, just like your policies and your attitude.

  31. I am so sick of these liberals and all the trouble they have caused! They are responsible for the challenges this great country and our great President are facing. To hell with the NFL and for any other unpatriotic person that disgraced this great country !!!

  32. I am sick and tired of these blacks who think they are above it all when they are the ones who seem to always cause the issues we are having! They should either get behind respecting our laws and our flag or get the heck out of the Country. Its way past being old-same old same old!

  33. Jackson is an ignorant liberal who is too stupid to know the difference between kneeling to pray and kneeling to denounce the United States, our principles, and all those that have sacrificed to keep our freedom and way of life intact. This fool needs to be voted out of office at the first opportunity.

    1. these racist Trump-haters keep getting voted in with FRAUDULENT voting. Fraudulent voting did not JUST HAPPEN RECENTLY. It’s been going on for a long time in the demo dirt-pits. This is why they refuse to obey TERM LIMITS. Term limits are the only thing that would throw a crimp into their lifetime gravy train! Most recently, look at DeBlasio, Mayor of NYC. You couldn’t find 3 people who would say he is worth a nickel yet here he is winning his primary again!?!? It couldn’t be more obvious and they’ve done it so long they hardly try to hide it anymore–in fact they seem to believe they are “entitled” to it!

  34. Hyuuuge difference – the black Americans kneeling in the past were kneeling in prayer, honoring God, Who could deliver them, and honoring America, whose laws are just but sometimes not properly applied and enforced. Today, what we have is black (and various others) anti-Americans, who are leftist, racist, rebellious, and in essence giving the finger to this great nation, our flag, our soldiers and our people, the land which sacrificed much so these brats (and us as well) could be enriched and enjoy freedom greater than any nation on earth.

    1. Give them 12% of the 50 states! 5.3 or so states! THEN Goodbye and Good Luck! Even supporting them Completely, with Foreign Aid would be CHEAPER and we’d have LESS SOCIAL Problems/Unrest than we Suffer NOW!

  35. Another low ranking politician trying to make a name for herself. I hope her constituents are sick of this kind of grandstanding and she too will be looking for another job soon. Most of congress has been on a break since they got there.

  36. She’s mixing causes to perpetuate confusion such that Leftists can call anything and everything a racial issue. They want to fight, regardless of what is right or wrong.

    1. I’m with you – I also haven’t watched an MLB game since their last “strike” – they struck out with me years ago. I was a die-hard fan – but no more – the players change teams on a regular basis and the teams even change towns at will – they have no loyalty to anything but the almighty dollar – yet they expect loyalty from the fans? I quit watching the NFL at the beginning of the exhibition games – I have spent the time and money formerly wasted on the NFL – on catching up on all my chores around the house and making some improvements – the end result is Momma is happy and my property values have gone up – a win win for me.

  37. Anybody know what a “5th column” is? It’s a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of a nations enemy, that engages in sabotage within the country. It was the American Nazi’s, just before and during WWII…that did public rally s and performed other subversive things, to disrupt, antagonize and otherwise create any form of division they could in the public arena. Today, under the guise of “free speech”, we have a similar enemy, who is doing exactly the same thing. George Soros, who collaborated with the Nazi’s against his own people back then, is financing a lot of this stuff and laughing at the success, because the participants, in this case the NFL, have no idea as to what’s really at play here. They think they’re waving the “flag of discontent” at a supposed brute manifested in the office of the president, in-cognizant of who or what may be behind it. FOOLs…You’re tearing apart the very thing you profess to fight for.

    1. Have you ever heard of a little cult called SUBUD? If not you should do a little research on them. A brief description – SUBUD was founded in Indonesia it’s U.S. headquarters is in Chicago. Loretta Fuddy – the Hawaiian official who certified Obama’s – or whatever his real name is – Birth Certificate – was a member of SUBUD – I say was because she died in a mysterious plane crash shortly after doing so – Stanley Ann Dunham was also a member of this cult. Oprah Winfrey teaches SUBUD and George Soros funds it. If you get to see the age similar photo comparison of the cults founder – Muhammed Sabuh and Barry whoever he is there is a remarkable resemblance almost identical twins.

    2. Down With Georgi Soros, “The One True NAZI Jew”! Incarcerate Soros and 1/2 of the B/S will Go Away! No wonder he’s wanted in at least 3 Nations for Currency Manipulation and Other Crimes! Britain, France and Russia are 3 Nations with outstanding warrants for this Bastard!

  38. Oh NO, NO, NO !!!!! Any Congressperson who will not stand for the National Anthem nor pledge allegiance to the Flag, should be removed from Congress; pure and simple ! This is getting ridiculous and it is inexcusable !

    If you do not like the nation’s policies THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM ! As members of Congress, you HAVE THAT POWER. But it is NEVER acceptable to disrespect OUR Flag, OUR Anthem or OUR Constitution !!!!!

    1. Adios . . . Sheila Jackson Lee, Mad Max and all the others who are actually lobbying for Reparations, though they don’t mention it . . . they once did a few years back, but it was shot down by folks who realize that $20+ Trillion that’s been incinerated over the past 50 years to “level the playing field” has, generally, only produced more unemployment, more Federal Freebie programs, more drug abuse and more civil disobedience.

      Congress wouldn’t even call that a good return on our investment. Congress had best go back to their forte; i.e., coloring books and grand junkets, while America continues suffering under the rule and intimidation of the Jack Ass crime family.

  39. Okay this Dem Rep from Texas has taken it too far. We have let our people in Congress pretty much coast even though they cause much division amongst themselves and the opposite party. They need to remember that THEY WORK FOR US, THEIR CONSTITUIENTS, not their party. They are all supposed to be patriotic, loyal to the people of the United States, stand and place their hand over their heart for our National Anthem and Flag.
    Who the hell does this Rep think she is? She was voted in but still owes her loyalties to her people in Texas not to NFL players. These people are too arrogant and feel too entitled to do as they please. If I were a Texan, I would demand her recall. But wait, she is Black which must mean I am a racist right. Our country is in deep doodoo and will only get worse thank to Libtards.

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