Former Clinton Adviser Dick Morris Suggests Bloomberg Scheming to Give Hillary the Nomination

Hillary Clinton Bloomberg

Dick Morris, a former adviser to Bill Clinton, predicts Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton are scheming to make her the nominee at a brokered Democrat convention.

The “scheme” laid out suggests Bloomberg’s presence in the race at this point is only meant as a means to blunt Bernie Sanders’ skyrocketing numbers and cause chaos.

“Bloomberg, who has no chance to win now – because he got clobbered in the debate and completely blew it – is staying in the race, is going to continue to spend money,” Morris explained on 970 AM. “His goal now, I think, is to get roughly 15% of the vote, so Bernie is under 50.”

That’s when the chaos will begin according to the former Clinton associate.

“They will go to the convention, the other candidates won’t get out. Nobody will be nominated on the first ballot, and they will go to a second ballot,” he continued. “I think that when you put it together they will go to a second ballot and then I think Hillary could enter the race. The superdelegates will all leave whoever they are for and vote for Hillary.”

RELATED: Hillary Clinton Responds To Rumors That She Will Be Bloomberg’s VP Pick


Let us be the first to say that this kind of scheme seems incredibly convoluted and highly unlikely. But Sanders, who had the nomination ripped from him four years ago in part due to the superdelegate fiasco, will no doubt be wary of the ever-conniving Hillary.

If Sanders fails to win an “outright majority Morris added, “I think Hillary will be the nominee because she can win with the superdelegates and ultimately put together the majority.”

Morris notes that his scenario is what he believes the establishment Democrats would like to see as they grow increasingly concerned over Sanders becoming the nominee.

“Hillary is the only candidate that they’ll be able to come up with that can measure up to Donald Trump,” he added.

The President, Morris believes, will “massacre” Bernie in the general election.

RELATED: Former Clinton Adviser: Hillary Thinks God Put Her On Earth to be President

Hillary and God’s Plan

About the only thing believable in this scheme is Hillary’s narcissism contributing to the possibility she’d be involved in something so off the charts crazy in order to avenge her embarrassing loss in 2016.

It was just last week everyone was suggesting Bloomberg might make her his choice for vice president.

But her hatred of Bernie and belief that she is the rightful occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave will give some pause.

“She feels entitled to do it. She feels compelled to do it,” Morris previously said of a 2020 run for Clinton. “She feels that God put her on the Earth to do it.”

86 thoughts on “Former Clinton Adviser Dick Morris Suggests Bloomberg Scheming to Give Hillary the Nomination”

  1. the only other option, is for mini mike to bring her in as @2, then if by a miracle gets the election in his favor, he would step aside for her to take over. before he figured he be killed. he is dumb, but not stupid.

  2. Makes sense! Hillary never liked campaigning. She was always falling down. It’s hard work! Why does she always wear pantsuits now? When was the last time she exposed her legs in public?

  3. Odd how she didn’t wiggle into marriage with a king or sultan years ago…ambitious but not early enough to REALLY assure her “the dream come true” to rule a country…she married the wrong man…

  4. Odd how she didn’t wiggle into marriage with a king or sultan years ago…ambitious but not early enough to REALLY assure her “the dream come true” to rule a country…she married the wrong man…

  5. Just IMAGING what our foreign diplomacy would look like if the lier, scheeming, thief wereever to have the “power” to cause WORLD CHAOS!!! Not only that…she is too evil to do ANYTHING for anyone elses’ benefit – it’s ALL for herself and NO ONE ELSE.

  6. Just IMAGING what our foreign diplomacy would look like if the lier, scheeming, thief wereever to have the “power” to cause WORLD CHAOS!!! Not only that…she is too evil to do ANYTHING for anyone elses’ benefit – it’s ALL for herself and NO ONE ELSE.

  7. You WOULD be surprised to know some of the things the Kenedy clan played to get him into office…Bobby tried too but…Ted, never had a chance – not bright enough to con enough.

  8. You WOULD be surprised to know some of the things the Kenedy clan played to get him into office…Bobby tried too but…Ted, never had a chance – not bright enough to con enough.

  9. I don’t think so. Where will conservatives go? They aren’t going to vote for a socialist nor will they join the democrats. They have no choice but to stand against the mob. . I think there is enough young blood, returning military and fed up law enforcement in the republican party to make a very good showing. A large contingent of women who don’t get any attention from the democrat party are pro life. We can only hope the wisdom of the party will hold us together.

  10. If Bernie loses the nomination or the election there will be hell to pay. Hillary and all the elected democrats never never got over her losing, her voting public pretty much did but the Bernie Bros won’t let any one forget. Rioting in the streets like we have never seen.

  11. If Bernie loses the nomination or the election there will be hell to pay. Hillary and all the elected democrats never never got over her losing, her voting public pretty much did but the Bernie Bros won’t let any one forget. Rioting in the streets like we have never seen.

  12. I doubt that Bloomberg would do this because he has such a big ego and I think the Dems would prefer him over her since all she has done is whine since she lost in 2016.

  13. I doubt that Bloomberg would do this because he has such a big ego and I think the Dems would prefer him over her since all she has done is whine since she lost in 2016.

  14. Our Hilly is a true pernicious dog (female gender) (translations available) who really thinks she is due the power of the presidency of the greatest Nation on earth.
    She bleeds for that power and dreams of the people she can ruin with just a frown ! She is loyal to no one but herself and cares only for the wealth she can accumulate ! She has demonstrated her lack of character, lack of keeping her oath, and lack of putting anything before her desires.
    Prove I am wrong !

  15. We need more scenarios like this to consider ! Who knows how many crooked maneuvers the democRATS have planned, but you can be sure that there will be more than one and that they all will be crooked.
    So EVERY Trump supporter has to vote ! We know we can beat them, but just think how much more satisfying it will be to rub their noses in sooooo hard that even the back of their ears turns brown !
    Just think of the farce impeachment, Schiff, and Fats Nadler along with the Kavanaugh debacle and the old Bat tearing up speeches, and RUB AWAY !

  16. I think Hillary’s win for president was a foregone conclusion and part of a big plan that had been laid out for many years… (probably since her role under Obama).

    Now she is still on the hook for everything she promised the deep state actors along with Russia and everyone else who donated for favors and “the cause”…

    I believe her and the democrats are in deep trouble now for what they owe (in favors) that they will do anything and everything in their powers to unseat Trump and seat one of themselves… this would include lets say… a big stab in the dark at impeachement, trying to illegally spy on the Trump campaign to eliminate his chances early on… voter fraud in 2016, and no doubt double down in 2020..

    Believe me they will do anything and we have to beat them by everyone getting out to vote!!!!

  17. RedBug, she is DESPERATE to get elected to SOMETHING, because all those foreign “charitable contributions” to the Clinton Foundation money laundering operation have DRIED UP, now that she has no more influence to sell, and the Clintons’ LAVISH lifestyle requires LARGE, frequent influxes of cash! See, she has to be in some kind of office to have influence to sell, to fatten up that Clinton Foundation with foreign donations again!

  18. RedBug, she is DESPERATE to get elected to SOMETHING, because all those foreign “charitable contributions” to the Clinton Foundation money laundering operation have DRIED UP, now that she has no more influence to sell, and the Clintons’ LAVISH lifestyle requires LARGE, frequent influxes of cash! See, she has to be in some kind of office to have influence to sell, to fatten up that Clinton Foundation with foreign donations again!

  19. Sadly, for all his faults, JFK was the LAST Dem President who was actually a LOYAL American. ALL since then (and all the Republicans except Reagan and Trump) have been America-hating GLOBALISTS who have worked tirelessly to sell us out to the global government the UN is trying to become, from the one-sided “trade deals” to weaken our economy and siphon jobs offshore to the TRAITORS out there playing “footsie” to aid and abet Iran in their quest to get nuclear weapons to use on US and Israel that we have today, they are NOT the friends of America, and will happily put an END to our liberties, our Constitution, and everything ELSE that makes us free, if they can.

  20. If preventing the loss of our country to these conniving COMMUNISTS isn’t enough incentive to “stay motivated,” then there’s not much hope for our continued survival as a FREE Republic!

  21. The key is, EVERYBODY who loves this country and wants to see us continue as a free Republic had BETTER get out and vote, because the power-mad Dems will be using EVERY form of voter fraud, voting machine rigging, etc. known to man, knowing they can’t possibly win an “honest” election! The only way they can win is to STEAL IT, and they’re quite willing to do that! So we need EVERY VOTER ON DECK to counter the MASSIVE fraud and thievery you can be SURE they’ll be committing! We took them by surprise in 2016. They were SO sure they had the election rigged where Hillary COULD NOT LOSE, and therefore didn’t USE all the voter fraud they had in their bag of tricks. But we cannot count on them making the same mistake again in 2020, so we need MASSIVE numbers of voters to counter whatever election thievery they are planning to commit to win.

  22. The key is, EVERYBODY who loves this country and wants to see us continue as a free Republic had BETTER get out and vote, because the power-mad Dems will be using EVERY form of voter fraud, voting machine rigging, etc. known to man, knowing they can’t possibly win an “honest” election! The only way they can win is to STEAL IT, and they’re quite willing to do that! So we need EVERY VOTER ON DECK to counter the MASSIVE fraud and thievery you can be SURE they’ll be committing! We took them by surprise in 2016. They were SO sure they had the election rigged where Hillary COULD NOT LOSE, and therefore didn’t USE all the voter fraud they had in their bag of tricks. But we cannot count on them making the same mistake again in 2020, so we need MASSIVE numbers of voters to counter whatever election thievery they are planning to commit to win.

  23. Has nothing to do with winning and losing per se anymore. It’s about “fundamentally transforming America”. From a citizen led citizen driven capitalist federal system to a socialist regime. Then to flat out communist, as always follows, when socialist natually evolves iinto it.

  24. Has nothing to do with winning and losing per se anymore. It’s about “fundamentally transforming America”. From a citizen led citizen driven capitalist federal system to a socialist regime. Then to flat out communist, as always follows, when socialist natually evolves iinto it.

  25. must we relive all the Clinton scandals back to tommy Cho, China, all that crap starting with Ak and Cattle and etc..
    it was bad enough then. NO redux… just lock them both away

  26. must we relive all the Clinton scandals back to tommy Cho, China, all that crap starting with Ak and Cattle and etc..
    it was bad enough then. NO redux… just lock them both away

  27. Doesn’t really matter now if Trump does win, the left will do everything they can to avoid getting caught and hanged. This is a failed coup, barely under the surface are a bunch of proofs, indictments, etc. Hillary and a few others have been in the govt for quite a while, (IE-comey, big alinsky proponent, and brennan, who voted communist).. patiently building and scheming and trying to set things up for a takeover (which is why the continued assault against our 2nd amendment)… She probably screamed out “if I go down you ALL go down” more than once now.. think about how many people she has implicated by using money and favors .. like Uranium deals and BenGhazi and CHina… all the way back to BJ Bill on that…

  28. Doesn’t really matter now if Trump does win, the left will do everything they can to avoid getting caught and hanged. This is a failed coup, barely under the surface are a bunch of proofs, indictments, etc. Hillary and a few others have been in the govt for quite a while, (IE-comey, big alinsky proponent, and brennan, who voted communist).. patiently building and scheming and trying to set things up for a takeover (which is why the continued assault against our 2nd amendment)… She probably screamed out “if I go down you ALL go down” more than once now.. think about how many people she has implicated by using money and favors .. like Uranium deals and BenGhazi and CHina… all the way back to BJ Bill on that…

  29. Leave it up to the dems and the deep state to come up with a plan like this…plausible and scary and Dick Morris has know the Clinton’s for a very long time. Conniving, deceitful, lying democrats.

  30. Leave it up to the dems and the deep state to come up with a plan like this…plausible and scary and Dick Morris has know the Clinton’s for a very long time. Conniving, deceitful, lying democrats.

  31. The D,s have been figured out by the American population,most of the current voters are more knowledgeable than ever.The D,s think that the deplorable s are dumb and dumber but they are sadly mistaken.Vote Red and think with your God given brain.

  32. Do I sense that we are sitting on a powder keg. Bernie has a mob of pretty vocal followers who kept no secrets about their ambitions if Bernie doesn’t win. President Trump has some very determined followers who intend to keep the election above board and legal.

  33. Do I sense that we are sitting on a powder keg. Bernie has a mob of pretty vocal followers who kept no secrets about their ambitions if Bernie doesn’t win. President Trump has some very determined followers who intend to keep the election above board and legal.

  34. Really? If you believe this story, then let me tell you about the time I jogged with Big Foot, swam with the Loch Ness monster, and went for a ride with little green men in their spaceship being docked at Area 51. Oh, and if you’re looking for some prime real-estate, I can get you a great price on some swampland in Florida…LOL! Talk about “fake news.”

  35. Really? If you believe this story, then let me tell you about the time I jogged with Big Foot, swam with the Loch Ness monster, and went for a ride with little green men in their spaceship being docked at Area 51. Oh, and if you’re looking for some prime real-estate, I can get you a great price on some swampland in Florida…LOL! Talk about “fake news.”

  36. if GOP allows this to occur, with past treason with impunity, I suspect an exodus amongst conservative voters. Just saying.
    GOP taking base for granted. Go for the knock out punch on HRC.

  37. if GOP allows this to occur, with past treason with impunity, I suspect an exodus amongst conservative voters. Just saying.
    GOP taking base for granted. Go for the knock out punch on HRC.

  38. Again, the Dems will cheat poor Bernie out of the nomination. But, Horrors! Bernie will run as a 3rd party candidate. Bloomberg will dip once more in his deep pocket. If Bernie stand aside, then you know how loud money talk to the Dems. Remember NYC? The Dems were at the gate and Bloomberg got a 3rd term. GO Bernie!

  39. Again, the Dems will cheat poor Bernie out of the nomination. But, Horrors! Bernie will run as a 3rd party candidate. Bloomberg will dip once more in his deep pocket. If Bernie stand aside, then you know how loud money talk to the Dems. Remember NYC? The Dems were at the gate and Bloomberg got a 3rd term. GO Bernie!

  40. here she comes again, trying to conive her way into the presidential seat. we have seen and heard enough from this lying criminal. and to bring God’s name into this just shows how demented she is

  41. here she comes again, trying to conive her way into the presidential seat. we have seen and heard enough from this lying criminal. and to bring God’s name into this just shows how demented she is

  42. You are right, that is the key…..get out the vote. I think that Trump has gotten more Americans behind him than 2016 but complacency could be bad. Fingers crossed Trump supporters stay motivated.

  43. You are right, that is the key…..get out the vote. I think that Trump has gotten more Americans behind him than 2016 but complacency could be bad. Fingers crossed Trump supporters stay motivated.

  44. Either than or he’s scheming to get the investigation of her lawlessness speeded up by saying he wants to put her back in politics. He may be trying to get rid of the biggest unknown in the commiecrat race by forcing Trump and the DOJ to dig dirt faster.

  45. Either than or he’s scheming to get the investigation of her lawlessness speeded up by saying he wants to put her back in politics. He may be trying to get rid of the biggest unknown in the commiecrat race by forcing Trump and the DOJ to dig dirt faster.

  46. Remember when Nita Lowey was going to run for the senate? She then took her warchest a and gave it to Hillary saying that she had “changed her mind” about running. Here it is again.

  47. I wouldn’t put anything past the sleazy democrats. They don’t and never even PRETEND to play by the rules. The self-righteous, not to mention self-appointed control freaks, think that they can do whatever they want to get their way.

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