Antifa Terrorists Plan to Interrupt Trump’s Rally Tonight – But Bikers for Trump Will Stop Them!

President Donald Trump has a massive campaign rally in Phoenix, Arizona, tonight. Lines to enter the event are already very long, which presents a security risk… especially after Charlottesville and recent acts of violence caused by angry liberals.

The Bikers for Trump chapter in Arizona will be out in full force to protect Trump-supporting patriots from the angry domestic terrorists, Antifa.

As Steven Emery posted on the official Facebook page of Bikers for Trump. His message shows that they are not messing around:

Chris Cox has a message for Antifa and the radical left:



Posted by Bikers for Trump 2020 on Monday, August 21, 2017

This is good news! Antifa, along with Black Lives Matters and other Soros-affiliated groups, has been given a free pass by police to interrupt events with violence. This isn’t free speech. These violent groups are using thuggery and fascist, bloody tactics to silence conservatives they disagree with. FBI action on these organizations is long overdue, but in the meantime it will be up to patriots like Bikers for Trump to keep the peace in Arizona.

The photos of what Antifa did to Trump supporters in Berkeley, San Jose, Washington, D.C., and elsewhere across the country are horrific:

Thank you, Bikers for Trump, for risking your personal safety and showing Antifa that conservative Trump supporters should not be intimidated!

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Do you stand with Bikers for Trump? Please share their bold message about tonight’s rally with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

40 thoughts on “Antifa Terrorists Plan to Interrupt Trump’s Rally Tonight – But Bikers for Trump Will Stop Them!”

  1. Birdshot sprayed onto the legs of the first bat welding protester starting to hit someone would go a long way in stopping the violence. It is a sorry government that will not stop such violence, with birdshot, rubber bullets, salt, etc.

  2. Be prepared to get an ass kicking because these bikers are not going to put up with any of your BS and trust me we are not politically correct when it comes to protecting Trump. Your protests have no substance and serve no purpose so back off and STFU!

  3. Glad to hear the bikers will be there supporting Trump & since most come packing weapons, these thug Antifa groups better play well on the playground or they’ll wind up dead! Thank you for your patriotism bikers!!

  4. Two things to say — First, I sincerely hope that Pres Trump invites Joe Arpaio to the event to personally present his PARDON.
    Secondly, THUMP, THUMP for TRUMP!!! MAGA!

  5. So thankful the Bikers for Trump are going to this rally in support of OUR President. ANTIFA is nothing but a TERRORIST group. But the police are giving them the RIGHT to do ANYTHING THEY WANT to hurt Trump supporters. They are NOTHING but RACIST KILLERS. If they ARE NOT labeled as terrorists VERY soon; things are going to get bad. It’s going to be a BLOODBATH. I TRULY hope Antifa doesn’t continue to push this “RACE WAR”. They are the ones that are making the KKK and these other WHITE hate groups. HATE IS MET WITH HATE in their worlds.

    And the Blacks don’t even REALIZE that Muslims HATE them. They are going after the Whites. But when they lose some of their steam; that’s when the Muslim Extremists will take it to them. So ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter better start realizing that George Soros and the Democratic Party don’t CARE anything about them. BOTTOM LINE!!!! They are USING them.

  6. The Antifa Panty Wastes and their SnowFlakes-in-Training are now going to “play” with big guys!

    Hopefully there will be enough Police presence to keep these two groups apart, but, if not, Antifa, expect to cry all the way home . . . you’ll definitely “earn” whatever stipend “Satan-on-Earth” is paying . . . . this might give you pause to rethink your anti-American ways.

  7. The democrats are planning violence for the Trump rally. They think it will somehow give them a boost in the mid-term elections. Americans must show the democrats they are wrong.

  8. Where does George Soros live?
    He has spent his life, ever since collaborating with the NAZIs, trying to destabilize western democracies.
    He ought to be arrested for the damage he has done.
    If we can’t do it legally someone ought to take him out.

    1. Soros has a home in New York so he wouldn’t be hard to find. It’d be great to see a couple big bikers beat the crap out of him for all the treasonous problems he causes!! I might be tempted to start a fund to pay them. Lol.


    • Mohamad the “prophet” of all muslims, owned slaves, the “god” of all muslims and their koran endorses slavery, muslim slave raiders were an integral part of the transatlantic slave trade, and the last country on the planet to “officially” abolish slavery in 1984 was muslim.

    • The world wide abolition of slavery is ignored by many muslim counties because the “prophet” of all .muslims owned slaves, allah and the koran endorses slavery.

    • Many muslim countries still tacitly allow slavery. In mauritania, it only became a criminal act in 2007 and in niger in 2003, yet they still have thriving slave trades.

    • In many parts of the muslim world, foreign infidel laborers are essentially, slaves. They are held in captivity because it is legal for their “employers” keep their passports, control their movement, withhold payment, and house and treat them like animals.

    • So, the crux of the islamic matter with regards to slavery and the multitude of other moral defects practiced by the “prophet” of all muslims, is that, islamic doctrine dictates:

    “We can not prohibit what is allowed by allah, and we can not allow what is prohibited by allah”



  10. bikers are fat bellied graybeards and aint gonna do nothing. look at all the pansy whites being chased and beaten . a real disgrace. the right wing has sold their manhood to scumbag cops who stand there while they are beaten

  11. So, we have come to this, We now have to depend upon civilian bikers to protect our president and the many people who support him. Where the hell are the friggen police, anyway? Why are we paying them? If the police can’t protect decent citizens from mobs of lunatic thugs, then what do we have police for? Just disband all police departments and let the decent citizens take care of this situation. And, believe me, the decent citizens, if allowed to, WOULD take care of the situation. It wouldn’t be pretty, Antifa/BLM. You gonna be spanked for a change.

    1. You are so right. Police could stop these looters, rioters, business burners with one shotgun loaded with #8 birdshot sprayed onto the legs of the first brick thrower, but sorry politicians such as the Baltimore mayor will not permit. The cities don’t try to stop it. They would be accused by don lemon, CNN and NSNBC as being racist.

  12. Good to hear this and more bikers and the conservative Patriots need to start speaking up and loudly. Or soon their will be a civil war. The extreme left are violent and the leftist media are not telling the truth on what is really going on.

  13. It’s time the alt-left feel the power of the right! If they want to play hardball, it can be arranged! What everyone should do is pay attention to this event tonite, and then go public with condemning the alt-left in all it’s Soros-supported forms. It’s time for law enforcement to stop these violent domestic terrorists, and it’s time Congress start legislating laws to PROTECT AMERICAN CITIZENS from the alt-left terror groups!

  14. AS PRINCESS LEIA SAID: “I got a baaaaaad feeling about this!” You can bet your bippy that the press will slant this anyway they can to make these guys look bad! I JUST WISH I COULD BE THERE WITH THEM!

  15. If 15,000 protestors showed up for the small rally for Freedom of Speech in Boston, where no Nazi, White Supremacists or KKK were, can you just imagine what they have planned for tonight? As to the Charlottesville kerfuffle the police have now said Trump was right and the Governor and Mayor lied. If not for the police in Boston the same thing would have happened. As it is the rioters attacked the police. I am proud of Trump not backing down from this visit.

    Thank the Almighty man created video, we know Trump denounced KKK and all, matter of fact I found video from 1991 upt to 2017 with Trump denouncing the KKK and all. This is just another lie the Ult Left’s flunkies in the news keep going with, amazing, just amazing.

  16. Those in the streets in support of President Trump should sing praise and worship songs while praying for POTUS. This way not only will the Holy Spirit be present and protect them, the press can see who we are.

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