Woman Claims to See Jesus in Notre Dame Flames

As Holy Week continues and Christians around the world focus on their savior, Jesus Christ, one Scottish woman claims she could “see Jesus” in the flames that partially destroyed Notre Dame Cathedral in France.

“I may be letting my mind play tricks on me here, folks take a close look at this picture and what do you see,” 38-year-old Lesley Rowan wrote.


“When I look at it I see a silhouette of Jesus. I really see a vivid image”

She and other social media commenters believe they saw Jesus in the fire.

“When I looked at this photo last night, I was really astounded by what I saw,” Rowan said to Scotland’s Daily Record. “When I look at it I see a silhouette of Jesus. I really see a vivid image.”

“Looks like a figure of Jesus, or am I tripping?” wrote Louise Blair. Dom Disanto said, “I can see it pretty clear, gown and all.”

Rowan said she hopes the image will “bring comfort to people in Paris and all over the world at this sad time.”

Whether not Jesus can be seen in the photo, many have been surprised by how much of the Notre Dame Cathedral survived the fire.

It’s miraculous.

France’s President Emmanuel Macron offered some words of encouragement on Tuesday, giving hope to the French people and the world:

“Yes, we will rebuild in the next five years, [and make it] even more beautiful,” Macron said.

In the meantime, many continue to see what does indeed appear to look like a Christ-like silhouette in the flames.

“Wow, I totally agree – I can see a figure of Jesus in the flames too,” tweeted Kelly Schuberth. “Do you see it, or is my mind playing tricks on me?”

Do YOU see it?

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He ... More about John Hanson
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