Why Barbara Bush Was Far Classier Than Michelle Obama

barbara bush faux pearls

Former First Lady Barbara Bush passed away at the age of 92 on Tuesday, and many Americans will fondly remember her not only for her quiet wisdom and kindness but also for her strong sense of practicality.

Whereas most First Ladies don outfits worth thousands upon thousands of dollars to presidential functions and events, Bush famously wore faux pearls and a $29 pair of shoes to George H.W. Bush’s inaugural ball in 1989. She did wear a designer dress, but Bush made it clear that that wouldn’t be the norm for her. “Please notice—hairdo, makeup, designer dress,” she said during the inaugural week, according to Vanity Fair. “Look at me good this week, because it’s the only week.”

Compare this to Michelle Obama, who wore custom-made Jason Wu designer gowns to both of Barack Obama’s inaugural balls, and regularly donned shoes that cost more than $500.

And Bush’s down-to-earth style wasn’t for lack of money, either. Bush was born into an affluent family and went on to make millions in real estate alongside her husband. By the time they made it to the White House, George and Barbara were reportedly worth $23 million.

Furthermore, Barbara was practical even when she didn’t want to be. Even though it pained her to do so, she gave up thousands of dollars worth of jewelry that was given to her as a gift from a leader of Bahrain:

“The agonized look on my face is because he had just given me approximately $85,000 worth of jewelry, which I immediately gave to the State Department,” the Washington Post reported Bush said in 1988, a reference to honoring the $180 value limit for gifts to U.S. public officials from foreign governments.

Disgustingly, liberals have delighted in the death of Barbara Bush. But in all of American history, there has likely never been a First Lady more relatable, caring, and strong-willed than H.W.’s beloved Babs.

Share this if you love Barbara Bush and are praying for her family!

By Ann
Ann is a conservative political blogger whose work has appeared on Bleacher Report and America Liberty PAC. Nothing angers ... More about Ann
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