Muslim Professor Celebrates Barbara Bush’s Death, University Responds Pathetically

fresno professor barbara bush death

Professor Randa Jarrar, a self-described Muslim who teaches at Fresno (California) State University, immediately tweeted about her joy that Former First Lady Barbara Bush died.

Her tweet said: “I’m happy the witch is dead and I can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million iraqis [sic] have byyyeeeeeeee [sic].”

If that wasn’t bad enough, Jarrar continued her shameful rant, noting Bush was an “amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal” while dancing on her grave.

Jarrar shamelessly took aim at the grieving Bush family and noted she couldn’t care less about the backlash of her comments: “All the hate I’m getting ALMOST made me forget how happy I am that George W. Bush is probably really sad right now,” she blathered.

A Professor who makes such outrageous comments would be fired immediately, right? Think again. Fresno State released an official statement, and they are refusing to condemn. This is from Fresno State President Joesph I. Castro:

On behalf of Fresno State, I extend my deepest condolences to the Bush family on the loss of our former First Lady, Barbara Bush.

We share the deep concerns expressed by others over the personal comments made today by Professor Randa Jarrar, a professor in the English Department at Fresno State. Her statements were made as a private citizen, not as a representative of Fresno State.

Professor Gerard’s express personal views and commentary are obviously contrary to the core values of our University, which include respect and empathy for individuals with divergent points of view, and a sincere commitment to mutual understanding and progress.

It’s clear Jarrar knew she would face no repercussions. As she arrogantly tweeted in response to demands of her firing: “LOL! Let me help you. You should tag my president @JosephICastro. What I love about being an American professor is my right to free speech, and what I love about Fresno State is that I always feel protected and at home here. GO BULLDOGS!”

She has since made her Twitter account private, but not before these screenshots of her infamous tweets were captured:

Perhaps the university is worried about a lawsuit from CAIR or other Muslim legal defense organization?

Many people on Twitter expressed their outrage:

Should Professor Randa Jarrar be fired for her heartless comments about the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us what you think.

240 thoughts on “Muslim Professor Celebrates Barbara Bush’s Death, University Responds Pathetically”

  1. She is as arrogant as she is is fat..With her anti-American ideals…how did she ever get to America and teach our young? Or is she one of those “Vetted” refugees or immigrant lottery winners? She may be thumbing her nose at all of us right now, but I don’t think she is the sacred cow she thinks she is. Barbara Bush was a great lady loved and respected by all. If Mizz Jar-jar were to die,say from AIDS, would ANYONE really care? Would her ivory tower come crashing down around her burqua-less head if President Trump cut all federal funding to Fresno State? Would they still be willing to fork out 100 grand a year just to be stylish? She must have gotten her position and degree through some politically correct emeritus program, because she sure didn’t study the English language. She sounds like she learned everything she knows by watching “The Squidbillies”. Someone like her should have never been given the position to teach our children, or even let enter to our country. She is the kind of person President Trump is trying to protect us from.

  2. The fact is this “woman” is an Islamist activist who preys on undeveloped under educated minds. One of the proofs we should raise the voting age to 21. She claims her extremist angst is justified by the Bushes killing of 1.5 million Iraqis?
    A lie told by the left synchronizes with socialist leftist it falsely claims the US provided the weapons for Hussein’s Army when he was supplied by the Warsaw Pact.
    It ignores the two wars Hussein initiated with Soviet styled tactics to seize oil .
    They also ignore the nearly 450,000 Iraqis Hussein and the Baathists torture murdered and Hussein participated in the tortures and murders himself.
    That Hussein is gone although he left a Fedeyeen that continued the murder spree Hussein began of his own people, is a good thing. That Obama did not remove Assad acted in a manner that accelerated Russian and Iranian ambitions in the region including Iraq has been as disastrous if not more disastrous is a bad thing.
    That a former Kuwaiti ex Pat so easily blames the Bushes, who liberated her country from the degenerate actions of Hussein and his regime then went to Egypt where she probably hooked up with the Muslim Brotherhood and embraced its Islamist socialist ideology based on a false history that portrays all problems the ME now suffers is the result of Christian capitalism while ignoring the greater evils of the Ottoman Empire over centuries, genocide and slavery on a more heinous scale than in the America’s is reduced to blaming a century of European influence, which ended slavery and challenged Islams stagnant practices and sharia law, and as long as Obama was President such discussion was censored as Islamophobic, a veil this professor has obviously been hiding her own radical Islamic views behind.

  3. I condemn her for lying, she blames the Bush family personally for the crimes committed by Saddam hussein’s regime. Something the American left, Obama Biden, Kerry regularly did and threw in false comparisons, and still do, with Vietnam.
    She accuses the Bushes of 1.5 million deaths? Where does she even get the number?
    Hussein directed the torture (And not simply waterboarding real medieval stuff.) and murders of nearly 450,000 of his own people, sometimes personally participating in the torture murders, used chemical munitions on them. invaded Iran and Kuwait over which the USA had no influence. The USA was only committed to defending the region from the USSR’s ambitious intent to seize oil, and to defend shipping in the Straits of Hormuz and the Gulf in accord with international maritime law.
    There is also the lie the US armed Hussein, all the weapons in his arsenal were Warsaw Pact, his tactics Soviet.
    The reason this evil person is so smug is because she knows there are a lot of false prophets of socialism on USA campuses who share her religious socialist delusion. That may be the only thing she has right, a shared arrogance.

  4. I wonder if I write the exact same thing when the homosexual muslim or the beast of Benghazi or any democrat swine kicks the bucket, would the twitter fascists allow it to remain posted.?..not that I ever go there…but I just might when those wonderful events take place.

  5. I know you haven’t been taught this Randa, but; Islam, Sharia Law, The Quran, Muslim Theology are all incompatible with Western Civilization and the US Constitution. Me recommendation for you is to Pick-Up your bags and move to a place that accepts your Islamic Beliefs.!

  6. While the person can state her beliefs, I would be uncomfortable being in her class, knowing the hatred towards people like myself she encourages. Perhaps her supervisors are fine with her thoughts, but I think it would be good if there was a contract for those students attending her class that would guantee their safety from physical attack during the class. They should also be required to pay for funeral and medical expenses should she go from disgruntled to maniacal.

  7. i think its damn funny that when a liberal gets called out on the hate they are spewing they instantly say those calling them out are sending them hateful stuff. are liberals so damn stupid that they do not see that they are the ones spewing hate and they are the cause of all the hate in this nation right now? either they are so damn high on drugs they can not see reality or they are simply mentally ill, maybe both. this woman should be fired period, her class’s should be boycotted and the school boycotted for allowing her to publically spew hatred. she may have mde them on her free time but its obvious that she uses her position in her hate speech because she mentioned she was tenured so she could never be fired!

  8. This ugly, porcine chunk of fecal matter should try to do more to differentiate itself from its apparent clone, to wit, rosie “the revolting” odonnell. I agree, in principal, that the indoctrination and corruption of young, impressionable minds by coercive means (read high/low grading for course work) should qualify this mutt for deportation or far, far worse (execution). Here’s hoping that one poorly placed pace lands this individual deep within the junk heap of the dregs of unwanted and unneeded views. $100,000.00 is a great deal of money to GIVE someone who Can’t Understand Normal Thinking! Does she float?

  9. clearly a pos in her private life, but her boss has a point about the 1st Amendment. at first i thought she crossed the line when she associated herself with her profession in the “sweetie i work as a tenured Professor” tweet, but since that tweet appears to be totally FAKE, i changed my mind. so let her rant as long as it doesn’t reflect on her job, Calif is full of a-hole libs like her

  10. California, why am I not surprised, they let this POS run her mouth like that and get away with it, GOD FORBID a conservative said that about Obamanation or the lowlife Clintons!! HO’LEE’CHIT’ This is EXACTLY why we need to vet this despicable, degenerate inbreds better! Hope someone meets her in a dark alley!!

  11. I don’t have any particular beef about someone speaking ill of the dead, provided it’s justified. However, in this particular case, Barbara Bush never did anything ill to this woman, or her family. So as far as I’m concerned, little miss Jarrar sleeps with dogs.

  12. For me I find it to be very disrespectful to talk about someone who pass away. I believed in free speech but for me that applies to the living.To hear what this Muslim said after their passing proves that she is a person I don’t want in my country. She is a piece of garbage that needs to be exile from my country. You read this right, my country not hers!

  13. When someone speaks out, we either learn something about ourselves or about them .

    In this case we can see who needs the most prayers said for them. Deep, sincere ones could do the most good for ourselves and for her.

  14. Professor Randa Jarrar is really a despicable person. But the main fault is that of her superiors. The process of selecting the university professors should be much more than a demonstration of being politically correct.
    Her case reminds me of the one of another Muslim professor Steven Salita who was also, in my opinion, a piece of garbage that was allowed to become a university professor.
    However, what I told about him at that time, I am going to repeat now:
    Professor Jarrar should not be fired for what she said about Barbara Bush and her family. This is an approach of American left whose philosophy is “my way or highway.”
    If her students refuse to come to her lectures, eventually she would be let go. Let the free market make this adjustment.

  15. Why is it that these idiot libs are all soooooooooooooo ugly? Certainly there is something in her “tenured” contract that she cannot bring disrepute to or show the university in a bad light.

  16. Fresno (California) State University and Professor Randa Jarrar is this the kind of education you want your children to learn? Is really where you want your tax dollar to go?

  17. Hey Big Ronda, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you were whelped from a female swine that fornicated a goat. As a result of sharia law, you will be waterboarded with pigs blood and beheaded. Sound like a plan?

  18. She’s a supremacist a bigot and a racist no wonder she believes she is untouchable its the liberal trifecta. She’s also obese, a woman, full of hate what’s not to like if you are a pro Big Government lefty Democrat loon?

  19. If this had been anyone else other than a fat hog muslin, they would already been fired. Would you want your kids in her class? Students/Parents pay to get an education not have to put up with the beliefs of the likes of her. Just shows Fresno State’s President Joseph Castro doesn’t have a backbone sorry piece of crap. Ms. Bush was a classy First Lady and that is how she will always be remembered. My heart goes out to the Bush family.

  20. misterC: please look up cases with he first amendment in regards to teachers and professors. They are not protected from this type of speech. Any educational organization is allowed to immediately fire a teacher of professor for making political statement. This problem with this talk is where it is done. In this case California and nothing will be done or even said to this woman. The only thing that could happen is the Department of Education withholding all Federal funds until this woman id fired her her position of authority over peoples minds.

  21. Uncomfortable as it may sometimes feel, the 1st Amendment is part of our deal. But surely this person must realize that her comments, and the ensuing response cling to her like a pants suit made of dung. Woe be it to the students who take this tenured moron seriously and who try to launch the same kind of verbal abuse in the real world. I would only add that I taught with some wonderful Muslim colleagues (I’m Christian [and conservative]), and it would serve us all to lighten up on an entire segment of our society because of the conduct of pathetically corrupted individuals like this tenured, academic hack.

  22. Fat, ugly, pig. Oh, wait, can she be a pig and a muslim?
    I hope Trump wakes up and starts nuking this political entity masquerading as a religion. But what do you expect from a sect whose “prophet” was a pedophile?
    She has the right to espouse her hatred, but where is the opposition, marching on campus denouncing her divisive rhetoric? The left seems to have the art of protest raised to a much higher level than the right does.We keep going on the defensive, time after time. We are going to have to go on the attack if we are to make any progress.
    Pathetic little piggy.

  23. once more the idiocy of liberal bias, and how some people are exempt from actions and others are punished.

    Just imagine the free speech for a conservative going to speak.

  24. American political correctness at its best.
    Muslims given privileges others do not have is just Ludicrous.

    I bet if she was not a muslim she would be sanctioned and sacked

    Time to stand up for what is right not what is politically correct or convenient or money reward based.

  25. “Muslim Professor Celebrates Barbara Bush’s Death, University Responds Pathetically”

    Randa Jarrar, a self-described Muslim? She sounds more like one of those tolerant liberal Democrats. But, then, there’s not really much difference between them, is there?

  26. Obviously Fresno state is part of the LEFT so it’s no surprise it’s all in the plan of the left to divide the U.S. and have us at each others throat, if you can’t see it now open your eyes people it’s a continuation of Obama’s theory.

  27. Actually I do condemn her for lying, she blames the Bush family personally for the crimes committed by Saddam hussein’s regime. Something the American left, Obama Biden, Kerry regularly did and threw in false comparisons, and still do, with Vietnam.
    She accuses the Bshes of 1.5 million deaths? Where does she even get the number?
    Hussein directed the torture (And not simply waterboarding real medieval stuff.) and murders of nearly 450,000 of his own people, sometimes personally participating in the torture murders, used chemical munitions on them. invaded Iran and Kuwait over which the USA had no influence.
    There is also the lie the US armed Hussein, all the weapons in his arsenal were Warsaw Pact, his tactics Soviet.
    The reason this evil person is so msug is because she knows there are a lot of false prophets of socialism on USA campuses who share her religious socialist delusions. That may be the only thing she has right, arrogance based on collusion.

  28. Surprisingly, I don’t condemn her for her opinion about Mrs. Bush. I do condemn her for expressing that opinion in an open forum where the Bush family and others that admired Mrs Bush may be hurt by her words. We all are entitled to opinions. I am disappointed that people like her are entrenched in our educational system where they have an opportunity to influence young minds and contribute to the hate and ignorance culture that is so perverse in our country today.

  29. jarrarr…………….take your fricking camels, your sand ngger kids, and all that other crap you accumulated in/from the middle east……………pack it all in and go back to whence you cometh from.

    signed…………a white southern guy with an ar15 locked and loaded…………….

  30. So how about making her classroom so small via nobody taking her class? Would the school still be willing to pay her that $100,000 a yr if she only has 5-10 students per semister?

  31. What a classy gal that Randa is, eloquent and patriotic too. Perhaps she should lead the parade President Trump is planning, dressed as the statue of liberty, with torch in hand.

  32. What she said was demonic and it does not matter, because she’s ignorant and begs for attention. It’s obvious that she’s a lonely and painfully in need of a physiatrist. The complete horror is that she’s allowed to be around young adults and God only knows what she is telling and exposing to her students. That alone is reason to fire her. The University is a partner in this crime.

  33. No, the Bush’s are NOT war criminals -if there are criminals in the war in Iraq – it’s the muslims!!! They think they have the right to kill anyone they wish, and no one can tell them differently – or do anything about it!!! For the most part, the Iraqi people have welcomed America’s involvement over there!! But… people like her have the right to say what they want – but God will have the last say!!!

  34. The lady has views based on hatred, and keep in mind, she would gladly dance on your grave gleefully. She doesn’t need to be punished, she needs to be pittied. Use her as a good bad example, and try not to act that way.

  35. Every student who is taking any class by her should exit her class. If enough people quit the school would have to do something about her outrageous. rants.

  36. This is the muslim Obama wants to take over our country. This is disgraceful for a college in America to do NOTHING. She should be fired and lose any teaching credentials she may have. This is how the muslims feel about Americans. They cannot be trusted as everything they believe in is the exact opposite of the beliefs of the free world.

  37. Comments made like a ,,private citizen ” ? First of all why she’s still an American Citizen and teacher ? The hate and disrespect for a deceased person, any person, is just swowing how low caracter human being she is ! Ignorance, hate,lack of culture or maybe certain mentally disturbance plus a brainwashed Muslim what she ‘s showing trough her comments on public media ! SHAME !

  38. Yes, she should be fired. We have no need for politically motivated teachers to spew they hate and vitriol on our campuses and then through the power in the faces of the taxpayers who are stuck paying their wages. Hopefully this will change with the next round of elections. Vote Travis Allen 2018 Governor and Steven Baily, 2018 Attorney General.

  39. That’s okay Dawnie, you libs no nothing about class and decency and respect. Just go about your slimy socialist business, but leave the rest of us alone. Can’t wait for that earthquake that drops “Moonbeam” Brown’s state into the Pacific.

  40. First we burn all the Witches.

    Hillary and Chelsea Clinton,
    Loretta Lynch,
    Lois Lerner,
    Michelle Obama,
    Barbara Boxer,
    Diane Feinstein,
    Nancy Pelosi,
    Laura Page (FBI),
    Elizabeth Warren,
    Maxine Watters,
    Kamalama Ding Dong Harris,
    Kristin Gillibrand,
    Claire McCaskill,
    And of course

    YOU! You filthy skank. BURN AND DIE. And have a nice day.

  41. Barbara Bush? Are you kidding me?!?!?! The WHOLE WORLD (all of the good, decent people) SHOULD be celebrating that EVIL ‘womans’ death!! The WHOLE Bush family are PURE EVIL!!!! Doesn’t ANYONE know their history??? The whole Bush clan needs to be hung from trees in the town square!!

  42. Is it any wonder why so many do not like muslims here in our county. You need to head back to the backwards desert hole you crawled out of honey and make sure you take a burka with you.

  43. Universities allowing these far left loons to express these types of opinions to our children are ABSOLUTELY responsible for what they say and do. They are your operatives. These so called professors are pushing their disgusting opinions on our children. Speak out against these schools that promote vile, hateful, divisive faculty.

  44. “Deep concern, core values.” Yeah, that’s what we send our children to school to learn . . . how to self-righteously feign decency and respect, while allowing our voices to spew vitriol, and our minds to embrace a lie. Fresno State, you shame us all.

  45. WAKE UP …you moronic liberals…these are the people who want us dead!!! This woman is the voice!!! Liberals embrace her…IDIOTS each and everyone one of them.

  46. This “woman” is a prime example of precisely why Tenure must be ABOLISHED!!! No one’s job should be guaranteed despite how heinous there words or actions are or how worthless they are as a (sub)human-being. She looks like a disgustingly obese, bitter, and entitled fool who worships Satan (as all Muslims do whether they realize it or not.) This woman is proof that there are no “moderate” Muslims. Those that follow that faith with any amount of devotion are hate-filled. She probably celebrated when Mother Theresa died as well.

  47. P.S. Would hope (against hope) that any students @ Fresno State who possess an drop of commonsense would boycott her classes…give her a very LOW rating on her classes, thus cut back on her overall student enrollment figures…death to a professor, even a tenured one. She really needs Jesus!

  48. She should be fired. she is a pitiful lost soul who needs the Lord Jesus. We need to pray earnestly for this bitter and angry person. She is so miserable.

  49. Where else but in the land of “fruits and nuts”, Californicate, could such an inhumane statement be made by a parasite, such as she. Wonder if Governor MoonBeam will fall in line with her?

    She may not know be aware Iraq would be in the demonic custody of Al Qaeda and/or ISIS and/or these two bloodthirsty groups be picking over the remains of Iraq, had it not been for the USA and its “coalition”.

  50. This is just one reason why we should allow California to secede…then hope and pray (fervently) that the whole state has “the big one” and falls into the sea. Yeah, baby, you can practice your “free speech, ” something you could NOT do in your native country, ruled by your so-called religion where they wouldn’t even let you drive a car, get an education (much less one that allows you to teach at the university level), or do anything useful with your life – oh, wait! — you’re already doing that!?!

  51. She should be fired for her evil comments! I would not want her teaching my kids. Barbara Bush did more for humanity by just being on this earth than that poor excuse of a human being ever did.

  52. She keeps her job while a bank manager in Waterville, Maine lost his job for making comments on Laura Ingahams Twitter account about the little Hitler Hogg boy on his off time. Liberal dividers are not just in California. They are taking over small towns here in Maine also.

    Liberal indoctrination in our school system. And banks, CEO’s at major businesses, mayors, govorners, etc…

  53. If that’s truly the administration’s position, then she should be suspended without pay for a semester and the students who were subjected to her hateful rhetoric should have another instructor come in and give the appropriate comments about the passing of an American First Lady and First Mother. I’m very fearful that college campuses are now mostly training grounds for anarchists by professors/administrators rather than actually teaching facts and historical context and promoting independent thought through healthy robust dialogues about issues in our world today. Instead of free speech and tolerance, there are safe spaces and censorship. Instead of healthy debate and compromise to resolve conflicts, it’s too often demonstrations and violence which only promotes group think. We’re quickly becoming a country like the ones people flee from and young people are not being taught a better way by the so-called adults in the room! Has anyone read Lord of the Flies lately?? Where have all the grownups gone? Doesn’t end so well when children run the show!

  54. The university “claims” that this is her personal opinion and “does not reflect the opinion of Fresno State.” However, ANY employee of ANY private sector company is presumed to “represent” that organization if and when they behave badly or when their personal “opinions” reflect poorly on the organization as a whole. How many employees have been fired from jobs for 1) making derogatory statements that may have only been heard by one or two people about blacks, Jews, Muslims, Christians, women, gays, etc.? There is really no excuse to retain this Muslim Larda** (I thought pork was forbidden, but she must be the exception to that rule).

  55. So if a professor wants to say a prayer in class, that’s okay according to this school? Because that would just be expressing a personal belief, no?

  56. Oh sure, for her it’s her “personal” opinion, so nothing will be done. For anyone else who is a conservative AMERICAN, and not a muslim, it’s more than personal so they should be fired, boycotted, and if she had her way, probably beheaded. This is a royal load of CRAP. It’s time for conservative AMERICANS to stand up and tell it like it is. Forget this P.C. bullcrap. That’s just the leftist form of oppression against conservatives. Anything they don’t like is P.C. incorrect. Bull.

  57. This is the kind of garbage who are teaching the future leaders of our country- and we wonder why so many college students are so brainwashed! Students who take her classes are signing up to be indoctrinated- not educated. To say she made these comments as a private citizen- not as a representative of the college- really? That is not how she said it as she identified herself as a prfessor of the school, stated her salary and what she taught- NOT as a private citizen…what a crock!!

  58. Poor Lost Educated Soul,

    Words Have Consequences!
    (Hear on Earth AND In Heaven)!

    You have shown what a Low Life, Soulless God Hater You really are and Have No
    Business Teaching At this Level, At All! (Should NOT Be Teaching at All)!

    YOUR Wonderful Quote (Not) Will Follow You The Rest of Your Disgusting Life. AND When You Get To The Pearly Gates With GOD and St. Peter, You Will Be TURNED AWAY and Sent To YOUR PLACE IN HELL reserved for the Non-Believers Of Jesus Christ, GOD ALMIGHTY. ENJOY The Devil and Your False God FOR ETERNITY!
    ( Sure You Will Be Welcomed With Welcome Arms To HELL)!! GOD Have Mercy On Your Soul.

  59. Why would anyone attend her classes? It’s sad that colleges have strayed from decency and are requiring college students to attend classes where a professor can rant like this. And if you don’t write papers that agree with her point of view you get a low grade. This has nothing to do with education anymore.

  60. This is why California has a high level of functional illiteracy and graduates college students who do not have a basic understanding of how to discriminate logical arguments from fallacies. They teach WHAT to think rather than HOW to think. They value indoctrination over education.

  61. Muhammad was a robber, rapist, blackmailer, torturer, and murderer of unarmed men, women, and children. Muhammadanism holds him up as their model for behavior in principle and practice.

    *”Terrorise & BEHEAD those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.”Qur’an 8:12*
    *”Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels.”Qur’an 8:60.*
    “Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.” *[Qur’an 2:191]*
    “Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood.” Qur’an 9:123
    “When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Qur’an 9:5
    “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.”Qur’an3:85
    “The Jews and the Christians are perverts fight them.”…Qur’an 9:30
    “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam” Qur’an 5:33
    “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water melt their skin and bellies.” Qur’an 22:19
    “The unbelievers are silly urge the Muslims to fight them.” Qur’an 8:65
    “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Qur’an 3:28
    *_تَعْرِيض (taʿrīḍ):_* Islam makes full use of and derives benefit from ambiguity to create deception!
    *_Tawriya, Arabic term īhām (also: tauriya ,تورية; also IHAM , Arabicايهام)_* Īhām in Persian means to create doubt. This is a literary device, also called takhyīl [to make one suppose and fancy], whereby a writer (dabīr), in prose, or a poet, in verse, employs a word with two different meanings, one direct and immediate (qarīb) and the other remote and strange (gharīb), in such a manner that the listener, as soon as he hears that word, thinks of its direct meaning while in actuality the remote meaning is intended. Tawriya is a doctrine that allows lying in virtually all circumstances—including to fellow Muslims and by swearing to Allah—provided the liar is creative enough to articulate his deceit in a way that is true to him.
    *_Ḥiyal (حيل, singular ḥīla حيلة “contortion, contrivance; device, subterfuge”)_* is a term for “legalistic trickery” in Islamic jurisprudence. A substantial literature on such tricks has developed in the Hanafi school of jurisprudence in particular. The main purpose of ḥiyal was the legalistic avoidance of Islamic law where considered excessively strict, e.g. the evasion of the prohibition of usury.
    *_Kitmān (كتمان “secrecy, concealment”),_* in Islamic Jurisprudence, is a subfield of Ḥiyal (the practice of deception or trickery), consisting of the art of making ambiguous statements, paying lip-service to authority while reserving personal opposition, in a kind of political camouflage or reservatio mentalis.
    *_Muruna:_* Violating Sharia to Fool the West.Muruna means using “flexibility” to blend in with the enemy or the surroundings. Muslims will sometimes shave off their beards, wear western clothing, or even drink alcohol to blend in with non-Muslims.The 9/11 hijackers visited strip clubs and bars during their off-times while taking classes in the U.S.

    *”Terrorise & BEHEAD those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.”Qur’an 8:12*
    *”Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels.”Qur’an 8:60.*
    “Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.” *[Qur’an 2:191]*
    “Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood.” Qur’an 9:123
    “When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Qur’an 9:5
    “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.”Qur’an3:85
    “The Jews and the Christians are perverts fight them.”…Qur’an 9:30
    “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam” Qur’an 5:33
    “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water melt their skin and bellies.” Qur’an 22:19
    “The unbelievers are silly urge the Muslims to fight them.” Qur’an 8:65
    “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Qur’an 3:28
    *_تَعْرِيض (taʿrīḍ):_* Islam makes full use of and derives benefit from ambiguity to create deception!
    *_Tawriya, Arabic term īhām (also: tauriya ,تورية; also IHAM , Arabicايهام)_* Īhām in Persian means to create doubt. This is a literary device, also called takhyīl [to make one suppose and fancy], whereby a writer (dabīr), in prose, or a poet, in verse, employs a word with two different meanings, one direct and immediate (qarīb) and the other remote and strange (gharīb), in such a manner that the listener, as soon as he hears that word, thinks of its direct meaning while in actuality the remote meaning is intended. Tawriya is a doctrine that allows lying in virtually all circumstances—including to fellow Muslims and by swearing to Allah—provided the liar is creative enough to articulate his deceit in a way that is true to him.
    *_Ḥiyal (حيل, singular ḥīla حيلة “contortion, contrivance; device, subterfuge”)_* is a term for “legalistic trickery” in Islamic jurisprudence. A substantial literature on such tricks has developed in the Hanafi school of jurisprudence in particular. The main purpose of ḥiyal was the legalistic avoidance of Islamic law where considered excessively strict, e.g. the evasion of the prohibition of usury.
    *_Kitmān (كتمان “secrecy, concealment”),_* in Islamic Jurisprudence, is a subfield of Ḥiyal (the practice of deception or trickery), consisting of the art of making ambiguous statements, paying lip-service to authority while reserving personal opposition, in a kind of political camouflage or reservatio mentalis.
    *_Muruna:_* Violating Sharia to Fool the West.Muruna means using “flexibility” to blend in with the enemy or the surroundings. Muslims will sometimes shave off their beards, wear western clothing, or even drink alcohol to blend in with non-Muslims.The 9/11 hijackers visited strip clubs and bars during their off-times while taking classes in the U.S.

  64. She is as arrogant as she is is fat..With her anti-American ideals…how did she ever get to America and teach our young? Or is she one of those “Vetted” refugees or immigrant lottery winners? She may be thumbing her nose at all of us right now, but I don’t think she is the sacred cow she thinks she is. Barbara Bush was a great lady loved and respected by all. If Mizz Jar-jar were to die,say from AIDS, would ANYONE really care? Would her ivory tower come crashing down around her burqua-less head if President Trump cut all federal funding to Fresno State? Would they still be willing to fork out 100 grand a year just to be stylish? She must have gotten her position and degree through some politically correct emeritus program, because she sure didn’t study the English language. She sounds like she learned everything she knows by watching “The Squidbillies”. Someone like her should have never been given the position to teach our children, or even let enter to our country. She is the kind of person President Trump is trying to protect us from.

  65. The fact is this “woman” is an Islamist activist who preys on undeveloped under educated minds. One of the proofs we should raise the voting age to 21. She claims her extremist angst is justified by the Bushes killing of 1.5 million Iraqis?
    A lie told by the left synchronizes with socialist leftist it falsely claims the US provided the weapons for Hussein’s Army when he was supplied by the Warsaw Pact.
    It ignores the two wars Hussein initiated with Soviet styled tactics to seize oil .
    They also ignore the nearly 450,000 Iraqis Hussein and the Baathists torture murdered and Hussein participated in the tortures and murders himself.
    That Hussein is gone although he left a Fedeyeen that continued the murder spree Hussein began of his own people, is a good thing. That Obama did not remove Assad acted in a manner that accelerated Russian and Iranian ambitions in the region including Iraq has been as disastrous if not more disastrous is a bad thing.
    That a former Kuwaiti ex Pat so easily blames the Bushes, who liberated her country from the degenerate actions of Hussein and his regime then went to Egypt where she probably hooked up with the Muslim Brotherhood and embraced its Islamist socialist ideology based on a false history that portrays all problems the ME now suffers is the result of Christian capitalism while ignoring the greater evils of the Ottoman Empire over centuries, genocide and slavery on a more heinous scale than in the America’s is reduced to blaming a century of European influence, which ended slavery and challenged Islams stagnant practices and sharia law, and as long as Obama was President such discussion was censored as Islamophobic, a veil this professor has obviously been hiding her own radical Islamic views behind.

  66. I condemn her for lying, she blames the Bush family personally for the crimes committed by Saddam hussein’s regime. Something the American left, Obama Biden, Kerry regularly did and threw in false comparisons, and still do, with Vietnam.
    She accuses the Bushes of 1.5 million deaths? Where does she even get the number?
    Hussein directed the torture (And not simply waterboarding real medieval stuff.) and murders of nearly 450,000 of his own people, sometimes personally participating in the torture murders, used chemical munitions on them. invaded Iran and Kuwait over which the USA had no influence. The USA was only committed to defending the region from the USSR’s ambitious intent to seize oil, and to defend shipping in the Straits of Hormuz and the Gulf in accord with international maritime law.
    There is also the lie the US armed Hussein, all the weapons in his arsenal were Warsaw Pact, his tactics Soviet.
    The reason this evil person is so smug is because she knows there are a lot of false prophets of socialism on USA campuses who share her religious socialist delusion. That may be the only thing she has right, a shared arrogance.

  67. I wonder if I write the exact same thing when the homosexual muslim or the beast of Benghazi or any democrat swine kicks the bucket, would the twitter fascists allow it to remain posted.?..not that I ever go there…but I just might when those wonderful events take place.

  68. I know you haven’t been taught this Randa, but; Islam, Sharia Law, The Quran, Muslim Theology are all incompatible with Western Civilization and the US Constitution. Me recommendation for you is to Pick-Up your bags and move to a place that accepts your Islamic Beliefs.!

  69. While the person can state her beliefs, I would be uncomfortable being in her class, knowing the hatred towards people like myself she encourages. Perhaps her supervisors are fine with her thoughts, but I think it would be good if there was a contract for those students attending her class that would guantee their safety from physical attack during the class. They should also be required to pay for funeral and medical expenses should she go from disgruntled to maniacal.

  70. i think its damn funny that when a liberal gets called out on the hate they are spewing they instantly say those calling them out are sending them hateful stuff. are liberals so damn stupid that they do not see that they are the ones spewing hate and they are the cause of all the hate in this nation right now? either they are so damn high on drugs they can not see reality or they are simply mentally ill, maybe both. this woman should be fired period, her class’s should be boycotted and the school boycotted for allowing her to publically spew hatred. she may have mde them on her free time but its obvious that she uses her position in her hate speech because she mentioned she was tenured so she could never be fired!

  71. This ugly, porcine chunk of fecal matter should try to do more to differentiate itself from its apparent clone, to wit, rosie “the revolting” odonnell. I agree, in principal, that the indoctrination and corruption of young, impressionable minds by coercive means (read high/low grading for course work) should qualify this mutt for deportation or far, far worse (execution). Here’s hoping that one poorly placed pace lands this individual deep within the junk heap of the dregs of unwanted and unneeded views. $100,000.00 is a great deal of money to GIVE someone who Can’t Understand Normal Thinking! Does she float?

  72. clearly a pos in her private life, but her boss has a point about the 1st Amendment. at first i thought she crossed the line when she associated herself with her profession in the “sweetie i work as a tenured Professor” tweet, but since that tweet appears to be totally FAKE, i changed my mind. so let her rant as long as it doesn’t reflect on her job, Calif is full of a-hole libs like her

  73. California, why am I not surprised, they let this POS run her mouth like that and get away with it, GOD FORBID a conservative said that about Obamanation or the lowlife Clintons!! HO’LEE’CHIT’ This is EXACTLY why we need to vet this despicable, degenerate inbreds better! Hope someone meets her in a dark alley!!

  74. For me I find it to be very disrespectful to talk about someone who pass away. I believed in free speech but for me that applies to the living.To hear what this Muslim said after their passing proves that she is a person I don’t want in my country. She is a piece of garbage that needs to be exile from my country. You read this right, my country not hers!

    1. I don’t have any particular beef about someone speaking ill of the dead, provided it’s justified. However, in this particular case, Barbara Bush never did anything ill to this woman, or her family. So as far as I’m concerned, little miss Jarrar sleeps with dogs.

  75. When someone speaks out, we either learn something about ourselves or about them .

    In this case we can see who needs the most prayers said for them. Deep, sincere ones could do the most good for ourselves and for her.

  76. Professor Randa Jarrar is really a despicable person. But the main fault is that of her superiors. The process of selecting the university professors should be much more than a demonstration of being politically correct.
    Her case reminds me of the one of another Muslim professor Steven Salita who was also, in my opinion, a piece of garbage that was allowed to become a university professor.
    However, what I told about him at that time, I am going to repeat now:
    Professor Jarrar should not be fired for what she said about Barbara Bush and her family. This is an approach of American left whose philosophy is “my way or highway.”
    If her students refuse to come to her lectures, eventually she would be let go. Let the free market make this adjustment.

  77. Why is it that these idiot libs are all soooooooooooooo ugly? Certainly there is something in her “tenured” contract that she cannot bring disrepute to or show the university in a bad light.

  78. Fresno (California) State University and Professor Randa Jarrar is this the kind of education you want your children to learn? Is really where you want your tax dollar to go?

  79. Hey Big Ronda, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you were whelped from a female swine that fornicated a goat. As a result of sharia law, you will be waterboarded with pigs blood and beheaded. Sound like a plan?

  80. She’s a supremacist a bigot and a racist no wonder she believes she is untouchable its the liberal trifecta. She’s also obese, a woman, full of hate what’s not to like if you are a pro Big Government lefty Democrat loon?

  81. If this had been anyone else other than a fat hog muslin, they would already been fired. Would you want your kids in her class? Students/Parents pay to get an education not have to put up with the beliefs of the likes of her. Just shows Fresno State’s President Joseph Castro doesn’t have a backbone sorry piece of crap. Ms. Bush was a classy First Lady and that is how she will always be remembered. My heart goes out to the Bush family.

  82. misterC: please look up cases with he first amendment in regards to teachers and professors. They are not protected from this type of speech. Any educational organization is allowed to immediately fire a teacher of professor for making political statement. This problem with this talk is where it is done. In this case California and nothing will be done or even said to this woman. The only thing that could happen is the Department of Education withholding all Federal funds until this woman id fired her her position of authority over peoples minds.

  83. Uncomfortable as it may sometimes feel, the 1st Amendment is part of our deal. But surely this person must realize that her comments, and the ensuing response cling to her like a pants suit made of dung. Woe be it to the students who take this tenured moron seriously and who try to launch the same kind of verbal abuse in the real world. I would only add that I taught with some wonderful Muslim colleagues (I’m Christian [and conservative]), and it would serve us all to lighten up on an entire segment of our society because of the conduct of pathetically corrupted individuals like this tenured, academic hack.

  84. Fat, ugly, pig. Oh, wait, can she be a pig and a muslim?
    I hope Trump wakes up and starts nuking this political entity masquerading as a religion. But what do you expect from a sect whose “prophet” was a pedophile?
    She has the right to espouse her hatred, but where is the opposition, marching on campus denouncing her divisive rhetoric? The left seems to have the art of protest raised to a much higher level than the right does.We keep going on the defensive, time after time. We are going to have to go on the attack if we are to make any progress.
    Pathetic little piggy.

  85. American political correctness at its best.
    Muslims given privileges others do not have is just Ludicrous.

    I bet if she was not a muslim she would be sanctioned and sacked

    Time to stand up for what is right not what is politically correct or convenient or money reward based.

  86. Dave In Arizona

    “Muslim Professor Celebrates Barbara Bush’s Death, University Responds Pathetically”

    Randa Jarrar, a self-described Muslim? She sounds more like one of those tolerant liberal Democrats. But, then, there’s not really much difference between them, is there?

  87. Obviously Fresno state is part of the LEFT so it’s no surprise it’s all in the plan of the left to divide the U.S. and have us at each others throat, if you can’t see it now open your eyes people it’s a continuation of Obama’s theory.

  88. Surprisingly, I don’t condemn her for her opinion about Mrs. Bush. I do condemn her for expressing that opinion in an open forum where the Bush family and others that admired Mrs Bush may be hurt by her words. We all are entitled to opinions. I am disappointed that people like her are entrenched in our educational system where they have an opportunity to influence young minds and contribute to the hate and ignorance culture that is so perverse in our country today.

    1. Actually I do condemn her for lying, she blames the Bush family personally for the crimes committed by Saddam hussein’s regime. Something the American left, Obama Biden, Kerry regularly did and threw in false comparisons, and still do, with Vietnam.
      She accuses the Bshes of 1.5 million deaths? Where does she even get the number?
      Hussein directed the torture (And not simply waterboarding real medieval stuff.) and murders of nearly 450,000 of his own people, sometimes personally participating in the torture murders, used chemical munitions on them. invaded Iran and Kuwait over which the USA had no influence.
      There is also the lie the US armed Hussein, all the weapons in his arsenal were Warsaw Pact, his tactics Soviet.
      The reason this evil person is so msug is because she knows there are a lot of false prophets of socialism on USA campuses who share her religious socialist delusions. That may be the only thing she has right, arrogance based on collusion.

  89. jarrarr…………….take your fricking camels, your sand ngger kids, and all that other crap you accumulated in/from the middle east……………pack it all in and go back to whence you cometh from.

    signed…………a white southern guy with an ar15 locked and loaded…………….

  90. So how about making her classroom so small via nobody taking her class? Would the school still be willing to pay her that $100,000 a yr if she only has 5-10 students per semister?

  91. What she said was demonic and it does not matter, because she’s ignorant and begs for attention. It’s obvious that she’s a lonely and painfully in need of a physiatrist. The complete horror is that she’s allowed to be around young adults and God only knows what she is telling and exposing to her students. That alone is reason to fire her. The University is a partner in this crime.

  92. No, the Bush’s are NOT war criminals -if there are criminals in the war in Iraq – it’s the muslims!!! They think they have the right to kill anyone they wish, and no one can tell them differently – or do anything about it!!! For the most part, the Iraqi people have welcomed America’s involvement over there!! But… people like her have the right to say what they want – but God will have the last say!!!

  93. The lady has views based on hatred, and keep in mind, she would gladly dance on your grave gleefully. She doesn’t need to be punished, she needs to be pittied. Use her as a good bad example, and try not to act that way.

  94. This is the muslim Obama wants to take over our country. This is disgraceful for a college in America to do NOTHING. She should be fired and lose any teaching credentials she may have. This is how the muslims feel about Americans. They cannot be trusted as everything they believe in is the exact opposite of the beliefs of the free world.

  95. This is the muslim Obama wants to take over our country. This is disgraceful for a college in America to do NOTHING. She should be fired and lose any teaching credentials she may have. This is how the muslims feel about Americans. They cannot be trusted as everything they believe in is the exact opposite of the beliefs of the free world.

  96. Comments made like a ,,private citizen ” ? First of all why she’s still an American Citizen and teacher ? The hate and disrespect for a deceased person, any person, is just swowing how low caracter human being she is ! Ignorance, hate,lack of culture or maybe certain mentally disturbance plus a brainwashed Muslim what she ‘s showing trough her comments on public media ! SHAME !

  97. Yes, she should be fired. We have no need for politically motivated teachers to spew they hate and vitriol on our campuses and then through the power in the faces of the taxpayers who are stuck paying their wages. Hopefully this will change with the next round of elections. Vote Travis Allen 2018 Governor and Steven Baily, 2018 Attorney General.

  98. Barbara Bush? Are you kidding me?!?!?! The WHOLE WORLD (all of the good, decent people) SHOULD be celebrating that EVIL ‘womans’ death!! The WHOLE Bush family are PURE EVIL!!!! Doesn’t ANYONE know their history??? The whole Bush clan needs to be hung from trees in the town square!!

    1. First we burn all the Witches.

      Hillary and Chelsea Clinton,
      Loretta Lynch,
      Lois Lerner,
      Michelle Obama,
      Barbara Boxer,
      Diane Feinstein,
      Nancy Pelosi,
      Laura Page (FBI),
      Elizabeth Warren,
      Maxine Watters,
      Kamalama Ding Dong Harris,
      Kristin Gillibrand,
      Claire McCaskill,
      And of course

      YOU! You filthy skank. BURN AND DIE. And have a nice day.

    2. That’s okay Dawnie, you libs no nothing about class and decency and respect. Just go about your slimy socialist business, but leave the rest of us alone. Can’t wait for that earthquake that drops “Moonbeam” Brown’s state into the Pacific.

  99. Is it any wonder why so many do not like muslims here in our county. You need to head back to the backwards desert hole you crawled out of honey and make sure you take a burka with you.

  100. Universities allowing these far left loons to express these types of opinions to our children are ABSOLUTELY responsible for what they say and do. They are your operatives. These so called professors are pushing their disgusting opinions on our children. Speak out against these schools that promote vile, hateful, divisive faculty.

  101. “Deep concern, core values.” Yeah, that’s what we send our children to school to learn . . . how to self-righteously feign decency and respect, while allowing our voices to spew vitriol, and our minds to embrace a lie. Fresno State, you shame us all.

  102. This “woman” is a prime example of precisely why Tenure must be ABOLISHED!!! No one’s job should be guaranteed despite how heinous there words or actions are or how worthless they are as a (sub)human-being. She looks like a disgustingly obese, bitter, and entitled fool who worships Satan (as all Muslims do whether they realize it or not.) This woman is proof that there are no “moderate” Muslims. Those that follow that faith with any amount of devotion are hate-filled. She probably celebrated when Mother Theresa died as well.

  103. P.S. Would hope (against hope) that any students @ Fresno State who possess an drop of commonsense would boycott her classes…give her a very LOW rating on her classes, thus cut back on her overall student enrollment figures…death to a professor, even a tenured one. She really needs Jesus!

  104. Where else but in the land of “fruits and nuts”, Californicate, could such an inhumane statement be made by a parasite, such as she. Wonder if Governor MoonBeam will fall in line with her?

    She may not know be aware Iraq would be in the demonic custody of Al Qaeda and/or ISIS and/or these two bloodthirsty groups be picking over the remains of Iraq, had it not been for the USA and its “coalition”.

  105. This is just one reason why we should allow California to secede…then hope and pray (fervently) that the whole state has “the big one” and falls into the sea. Yeah, baby, you can practice your “free speech, ” something you could NOT do in your native country, ruled by your so-called religion where they wouldn’t even let you drive a car, get an education (much less one that allows you to teach at the university level), or do anything useful with your life – oh, wait! — you’re already doing that!?!

  106. She should be fired for her evil comments! I would not want her teaching my kids. Barbara Bush did more for humanity by just being on this earth than that poor excuse of a human being ever did.

  107. She keeps her job while a bank manager in Waterville, Maine lost his job for making comments on Laura Ingahams Twitter account about the little Hitler Hogg boy on his off time. Liberal dividers are not just in California. They are taking over small towns here in Maine also.

    Liberal indoctrination in our school system. And banks, CEO’s at major businesses, mayors, govorners, etc…

  108. The university “claims” that this is her personal opinion and “does not reflect the opinion of Fresno State.” However, ANY employee of ANY private sector company is presumed to “represent” that organization if and when they behave badly or when their personal “opinions” reflect poorly on the organization as a whole. How many employees have been fired from jobs for 1) making derogatory statements that may have only been heard by one or two people about blacks, Jews, Muslims, Christians, women, gays, etc.? There is really no excuse to retain this Muslim Larda** (I thought pork was forbidden, but she must be the exception to that rule).

    1. If that’s truly the administration’s position, then she should be suspended without pay for a semester and the students who were subjected to her hateful rhetoric should have another instructor come in and give the appropriate comments about the passing of an American First Lady and First Mother. I’m very fearful that college campuses are now mostly training grounds for anarchists by professors/administrators rather than actually teaching facts and historical context and promoting independent thought through healthy robust dialogues about issues in our world today. Instead of free speech and tolerance, there are safe spaces and censorship. Instead of healthy debate and compromise to resolve conflicts, it’s too often demonstrations and violence which only promotes group think. We’re quickly becoming a country like the ones people flee from and young people are not being taught a better way by the so-called adults in the room! Has anyone read Lord of the Flies lately?? Where have all the grownups gone? Doesn’t end so well when children run the show!

  109. Oh sure, for her it’s her “personal” opinion, so nothing will be done. For anyone else who is a conservative AMERICAN, and not a muslim, it’s more than personal so they should be fired, boycotted, and if she had her way, probably beheaded. This is a royal load of CRAP. It’s time for conservative AMERICANS to stand up and tell it like it is. Forget this P.C. bullcrap. That’s just the leftist form of oppression against conservatives. Anything they don’t like is P.C. incorrect. Bull.

    1. So if a professor wants to say a prayer in class, that’s okay according to this school? Because that would just be expressing a personal belief, no?

  110. This is the kind of garbage who are teaching the future leaders of our country- and we wonder why so many college students are so brainwashed! Students who take her classes are signing up to be indoctrinated- not educated. To say she made these comments as a private citizen- not as a representative of the college- really? That is not how she said it as she identified herself as a prfessor of the school, stated her salary and what she taught- NOT as a private citizen…what a crock!!

  111. Poor Lost Educated Soul,

    Words Have Consequences!
    (Hear on Earth AND In Heaven)!

    You have shown what a Low Life, Soulless God Hater You really are and Have No
    Business Teaching At this Level, At All! (Should NOT Be Teaching at All)!

    YOUR Wonderful Quote (Not) Will Follow You The Rest of Your Disgusting Life. AND When You Get To The Pearly Gates With GOD and St. Peter, You Will Be TURNED AWAY and Sent To YOUR PLACE IN HELL reserved for the Non-Believers Of Jesus Christ, GOD ALMIGHTY. ENJOY The Devil and Your False God FOR ETERNITY!
    ( Sure You Will Be Welcomed With Welcome Arms To HELL)!! GOD Have Mercy On Your Soul.

  112. Why would anyone attend her classes? It’s sad that colleges have strayed from decency and are requiring college students to attend classes where a professor can rant like this. And if you don’t write papers that agree with her point of view you get a low grade. This has nothing to do with education anymore.

  113. This is why California has a high level of functional illiteracy and graduates college students who do not have a basic understanding of how to discriminate logical arguments from fallacies. They teach WHAT to think rather than HOW to think. They value indoctrination over education.

      *”Terrorise & BEHEAD those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.”Qur’an 8:12*
      *”Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorise the infidels.”Qur’an 8:60.*
      “Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.” *[Qur’an 2:191]*
      “Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood.” Qur’an 9:123
      “When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” Qur’an 9:5
      “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.”Qur’an3:85
      “The Jews and the Christians are perverts fight them.”…Qur’an 9:30
      “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticise Islam” Qur’an 5:33
      “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water melt their skin and bellies.” Qur’an 22:19
      “The unbelievers are silly urge the Muslims to fight them.” Qur’an 8:65
      “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” Qur’an 3:28
      *_تَعْرِيض (taʿrīḍ):_* Islam makes full use of and derives benefit from ambiguity to create deception!
      *_Tawriya, Arabic term īhām (also: tauriya ,تورية; also IHAM , Arabicايهام)_* Īhām in Persian means to create doubt. This is a literary device, also called takhyīl [to make one suppose and fancy], whereby a writer (dabīr), in prose, or a poet, in verse, employs a word with two different meanings, one direct and immediate (qarīb) and the other remote and strange (gharīb), in such a manner that the listener, as soon as he hears that word, thinks of its direct meaning while in actuality the remote meaning is intended. Tawriya is a doctrine that allows lying in virtually all circumstances—including to fellow Muslims and by swearing to Allah—provided the liar is creative enough to articulate his deceit in a way that is true to him.
      *_Ḥiyal (حيل, singular ḥīla حيلة “contortion, contrivance; device, subterfuge”)_* is a term for “legalistic trickery” in Islamic jurisprudence. A substantial literature on such tricks has developed in the Hanafi school of jurisprudence in particular. The main purpose of ḥiyal was the legalistic avoidance of Islamic law where considered excessively strict, e.g. the evasion of the prohibition of usury.
      *_Kitmān (كتمان “secrecy, concealment”),_* in Islamic Jurisprudence, is a subfield of Ḥiyal (the practice of deception or trickery), consisting of the art of making ambiguous statements, paying lip-service to authority while reserving personal opposition, in a kind of political camouflage or reservatio mentalis.
      *_Muruna:_* Violating Sharia to Fool the West.Muruna means using “flexibility” to blend in with the enemy or the surroundings. Muslims will sometimes shave off their beards, wear western clothing, or even drink alcohol to blend in with non-Muslims.The 9/11 hijackers visited strip clubs and bars during their off-times while taking classes in the U.S.

    2. Muhammad was a robber, rapist, blackmailer, torturer, and murderer of unarmed men, women, and children. Muhammadanism holds him up as their model for behavior in principle and practice.

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