BUILD THE WALL! These chants rang out throughout Trump’s time on the campaign trail as the American people demanded a candidate who was willing to secure our southern border. This became an obvious point of contention with Democrats, as our demands for a wall increased their disdain for anything to do with border security.
Sure enough, the latest debate over the wall and border security has turned into a boondoggle simply because the liberals cannot find it in themselves to provide the funding for a border wall – which is the obvious and most efficient way to secure our border. And until this wall is built and our southern border is secured once and for all, the blood of every American harmed or killed by an illegal alien is on the hands of every Democrat holding up the funding. The very safety and security of the American citizenry is at stake here.
So what do we do?
Let’s not forget the famous words of Barry Obama speaking about how he would act if Congress wouldn’t. And sure enough, he tossed the Constitution aside and arbitrarily took it upon himself to circumvent Congress and implement policies like DACA.
Nonetheless, this has set a standard by which we the people can ascribe to, if Congress won’t act on certain things – like building the border wall – then we will. And what better way to show our commitment to a cause than by taking to a crowd funding campaign?
If you’re not yet familiar with crowd funding, it is an Internet phenomena by which people can lay out a cause and others can simply go to a website and donate money to said cause. So one has to think, what better way to tell Congress to stick it if they won’t fund the big beautiful wall than to start a GoFundMe campaign for it?
$17 million… and going
Sure enough, a brilliant American who served his country honorably had the idea to start this GoFundMe campaign, and it’s proven to be extremely popular. This is proof positive that when the American people want to accomplish something, we will stop at nothing to get the job done. We have fallen victim to a government that was designed to be of the people and for the people, yet it has become a government that only cares about itself.
We should all take a lesson from this exercise and realize that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to, regardless of whether or not those in government are on board with the task at hand.
Setting ourselves apart from the liberals
Rather than advocate for the bloated bureaucracy of the federal government to take the reigns of the project, we coalesce among ourselves and make the effort to get it accomplished without the help of government. Without wasting millions and billions in tax payer dollars – we have the wherewithal and the common sense to understand that some things are better done without the help of government. Especially when government politicizes something as important as securing our border and protecting the very well being of each and every American citizen.