WATCH: Cori Bush’s Husband Confronted About Role After Campaign Paid Him Tens Of Thousands For ‘Security’

Cortney Merrits, the husband of 'Squad' member Cori Bush (D-MO), was confronted by a reporter and initially denied any role in his wife's campaign despite being paid over $100,000 since last January.
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Cortney Merrits, the husband of “Squad” member Cori Bush (D-MO), was just confronted by a reporter and initially denied any role in his wife’s campaign despite being paid over $100,000 since last January.

Merrits is a military veteran who is listed in documents as receiving “security” payments before the description was later switched to “wage expenses.”

He initially denied any role in Bush’s campaign when confronted by a Fox News reporter.

“I don’t have a role in the campaign, man,” Merrits said, but when the reporter mentioned the campaign filings, he changed his tune.

“Am I doing work with the campaign?” Merrits said. “Obviously, I am. I’m still [inaudible], right?”

The reporter asked for clarification.

“Am I still employed with it? Yes, so obviously, I’m going to work with it,” Merritts said.

He proceeded to complain that the questions about his role in the campaign for his lawmaker wife were “gotcha sh**” and said, “I’m not a politician.”

RELATED: Anti-Police ‘Squad’ Member Cori Bush Paid Hundreds Of Thousands To Pro-Second Amendment Security Firm

Bush Cleared After Paying Her Husband

You might not be a politician, Mr. Merritts, but you’re the husband of one in Bush, and she’s actively funneling campaign donations to you and calling it wages.

For “security” purposes no less.

So, Bush and her staff found a way to enrich her husband simply by having him attend events with her, as evidenced in the video showing them emerging from a fundraiser. Good work if you can get it.

Especially knowing she is a rabid anti-police nut.

It should be noted that Bush was cleared unanimously by the Office of Congressional Ethics regarding a complaint surrounding payments for her husband.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch points out that the FEC does not prohibit a candidate from employing family members, provided that they are being paid for “bona fide service” and are paid “the fair market value.”

A second complaint referencing the same matter is still pending.

RELATED: Far-Left ‘Squad’ Member Cori Bush Explains Why Black Cops Killing a Black Suspect is Actually White Supremacy

Bush’s Safety Is More Important Than Yours

Representative Bush has argued that she needs security even as she argues for defunding the police because her value is greater than that of the average citizen.

“I have private security because my body is worth being on this planet,” she said in an interview with CBS News later adding her safety means, “I get to be here (in Congress) to do the work.”

She also went on an unhinged rant suggesting that criticizing her obvious hypocrisy means you’d like to see her die.

“They would rather I die?” she spat. “You would rather me die? Is that what you want to see?”

“So suck it up,” Bush told viewers, adding in nearly the same breath, “and defunding the police has to happen … We need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets.”

Defund the police – just not the security guy who works on her campaign and happens to be her husband.

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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