Obama Failed Our Veterans – Doesn’t Achieve Goal of Zero Veteran Homelessness

veteran homelessness obama

In 2010, President Barack Obama pledged to eliminate veteran homelessness across America, a lofty goal that all Americans should support.

While Obama’s pledge to end veteran homelessness was perhaps one of his most ambitious goals, the outgoing president failed to achieve his goal, and America’s veterans still suffer to this day.

Under Obama’s watch, we’ve seen outrageous and indefensible scandals over mistreatment and death at the VA.

However, a report from The Daily Caller reveals the extent to which Obama has failed to end veteran homelessness in this country:

For example, according to figures cited by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, veteran homelessness effectively no longer exists in Connecticut, Delaware and Virginia, in addition to about 35 other small towns around the country.

Overall, homeless vets are down by 47 percent since 2010, but HUD data from August indicates there are approximately 40,000 left on the streets.

Numerous veterans groups have admitted that although the goal remains unmet, the ambitious nature of the goal provided them with a renewed sense of vigor, and so for them, coming within range of that goal is actually a remarkable feat.

In Los Angeles, there are still more than 1,200 homeless veterans, which is the highest of any other city in the country. To help ameliorate the problem, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has forwarded a $1.2-billion effort to construct 10,000 housing units for veterans by 2026.

In addition to this failure, Obama’s White House has been plagued with an ongoing VA scandal, in which veterans across this country were unable to get the medical care they deserved, which in some cases resulted in death.

On the other hand, President-elect Donald J. Trump has pledged to protect our veterans.

Throughout the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump actively courted the votes of America’s veterans and believed that the lack of respect our country has shown our veterans over the last 8 years was a national disgrace.

Trump has promised to clean up America’s VA and provide each veteran in this country with the resources they need to lead a successful life, given that they sacrificed their lives to protect each and every one of us.

Take a look at this amazing moment between Trump and one of our heroic veterans on the campaign trail:

Are you confident that President-elect Trump will be able to finish the job that Obama was unable to do and truly take care of America’s veterans? Share your thoughts with us below! 

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