Ukraine’s President Tells Press About Trump Phone Call: ‘Nobody Pushed Me’

By PoliZette Staff | September 25, 2019

During a meeting in New York City on Wednesday with President Donald Trump, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told reporters that he was not pressured to investigate the family of former Vice President Joe Biden during the leaders hotly debated phone call in July — a transcript of which was released on Wednesday morning, after great anticipation, by the White House.

“Nobody pushed me,” Zelensky stated.

The transcript showed that Trump asked about a possible probe into Biden family dealings in the country, though it was related to past corruption, to addressing corruption — and not to anything campaign-related in the future.

And it did not show any explicit link to a request to U.S. aid, as some people had suggested and fervently maintained.

“We had a great phone call,” Zelensky added. “It was normal.”

“In other words, there was no pressure and you know there was no pressure,” Trump commented immediately after that, looking directly at members of the media.

Prior to the leaders’ meeting, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced on Tuesday that she was endorsing a move toward an impeachment inquiry into Trump.

To some degree the process has already been underway by others, namely by Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.).

Pelosi, before this, had cautioned care and having all the facts in hand before moving forward on any impeachment path.

But far-Left members of her caucus were annoyed by this and apparently pushed her enough in this direction that she finally moved on the idea.

Related: Pelosi’s ‘Move’ on Impeachment Seems a Mere Gesture Only

Pelosi said the Trump administration had violated the law and disappointed the country by not turning over a so-called whistleblower’s complaint about Trump’s call with Zelensky in late July.

But it’s emerged that the whistleblower never heard the Trump phone call firsthand.

He or she — whoever this individual is — heard it only second-hand or perhaps even third-hand. This remains to be seen.

“She’s lost her way. She’s been taken over by the radical left,” Trump declared of Pelosi, as Fox News noted.

See the tweets below with more information on this story — and share your ideas.

This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

Liberals Shamelessly Mock Trump Family for Choice of Seating at President’s U.N. Speech
White House Releases Transcript of Trump Phone Call — and Democrats Still Won’t Be Happy
Stunning Discovery: So-Called Whistleblower Had ‘Political Bias’

112 thoughts on “Ukraine’s President Tells Press About Trump Phone Call: ‘Nobody Pushed Me’”

  1. odd isn’t it that the person that should be Schiff’s prime witness, says it NEVER happened. Schiff has no interest in getting testimony from the alleged victim. hmmm. oh wait, I remember now, its much easier to dispense with bothersome things such as evidence and rule of law. he just makes up what he needs. Schiff Almighty.

  2. oh yes if it is on them, they try to get it out dont want any one to know i got stuff people dont know all Obama did to us and our country i am going to put it on fb to let you all know just what crooks the Dems are

  3. Trump did not tell Guillian that if you heard that from the Democrats or fake news that is just what it is Schiffty made up stuff and i know that because i read the transcript before Schiff ever come out and lie like a dog

  4. This is what happens when you put people in charge who aren’t interested in anything but gaining power. The rabid hatred the Democrats have for Donald Trump is so pervasive and consuming it blinds them to the futility of their actions. Since he was elected and they came into power in the House after the 2018 election they have thrown one ball of mire after another trying to have something stick, but alas when they are so blatantly false it only makes the pitchers all the more culpable for the obvious shakedown.

  5. Dems are done. We the people are not as stupid as they think. All of their shenanigans will not stop most people in this country that are TRUE AMERICANS from voting him out. Anyone with half a brain can see through all of their BS. I am so sick and tired of paying for Congressmen and Senators that do absolutely nothing for our country but have hearings against their political foe. Try that in the real business world and their butt would be out the door. Good luck Dems. Trump 2020!

  6. If only we could get rid of Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer, Shifty, Watters, Warren, Harris and the squad we might be able to get some things done. However it’s up to us. EVERYONE needs

  7. Also, NO wonder that America is “HATED” by so many OTHER countries out there when the U.S. has so-called “politicians” like Biden, or especially so-called democRATS…..ALL CORRUPT to the CORE….SHAMEFUL…….Just making themselves/family members SCRUPULOUSLY RICH like THAT, and or giving a family member the opportunity to get FREE money for ILLEGAL DRUGS, THE reason WHY THE BIDEN son was KICKED OUT of the NAVY = Now, THIS is a SCANDAL…….NOT that our President wants the Ukrainian President to INVESTIGATE this CRIMINAL ACTION by Joe Biden who BLATANTLY admitted and LAUGHED about in front of CAMERAS…..”They have six hours to FIRE that Prosecutor”….my plane is leaving in 6 (SIX) hours, ha, ha, ha……What a DESPICABLE, DEPLORABLE POS….!!!!!

  8. As hearsay and rumor are now legal evidence I heard Pelosi is a raging drunk suffering from dementia, and I heard Schiff is a pedophile. Now let’s have an investigation on them.

  9. Of course Zelensky isn’t going to admit to feeling pressured by Trump to investigate Biden on national TV. He wants the nearly $400 million dollars and any future bribes from the U.S.! Golly gee, is that so difficult to see? With that said, the conversation sounds more like a Mafia mob boss trying to persuade someone indirectly to do something for him. We all know Trump isn’t that stupid to come right out and say, I’ll give you the money, if you find some dirt on my opponent Biden.” I mean why else would Trump even mention Biden and corruption in a conversation with a foreign dignitary? There is no reason for it, unless he was “hinting” he wanted something. Is Trump so insecure he keeps trying to find “dirt” on his opponents by soliciting info from foreign sources? 1st the Russians on Hillary, and now Ukraine on Biden. I mean “if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas,” as they say. Trump talks about “draining the swamp,” but he might as well be circling down that drain himself.

  10. the Ukrainian president defending President Trump from the Democrats allegations, !?!?!?!? wow:

    About this website
    Ukrainian President Kills Democrats Reason For Impeachment With Statement Defending TrumpThis is fantastic.

  11. The lunatic democRAT swamp rats have ONE agenda and that is to take down president Trump and tear apart the country…they have done NOTHING to take care of the issues that affect the American people… they have done NOTHING but make up things to accuse Trump of and to take him down.. they are nauseatingly pathetic…
    The ONLY ones who are destroying this country are the democRAT swamp rats
    ANYONE who cares about this country and the American people need to be sure to get behind Trump and vote him in on 2020

  12. It appears you are only above the law if you are a Democrat. If you are a Democrat, anyone has committed a capital crime if you even suggest investigating a criminal offense of nepotism and $100,000,000.00 plus theft. How can they possibly encourage the surrender of 70 plus percent of your income to their care if you would dare such an offense.

  13. purplecorn you are right they have destroyed LOS ANGELES down town and SAN FRANCISCO all over with drug use, homelessness and their use of money they say they spend on the issue but it keeps getting worse. they expect more money from the FEDERAL coffers. no more they can,t manage their own coffers why give more to incompetent officials!!! CALIFORNIA has Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters and Gavin Newsom TOO THANK FOR THIS!!! AND Kamala Harris a junior OFFICIAL thinks she is perfect to be PRESIDENT and does nothing to fix CALIFORNIA AND OUR BAD ISSUES! WAKE UP PEOPLE VOTE THESE INCOMPETENT OFFICIALS OUT OF OFFICE BEFORE ALL STATES LOOK LIKE CALIFORNIA, NEW YORK, ILLINOIS AND BALTIMORE MARYLAND,S 7TH DISTRICT WHERE ELIJAH COMMINGS HAS DONE NOTHING TO CLEAN UP THE CITY!! Vote for freedom not socialism, communism or DICTATORS!!!! stop tyranny from the far left!!!

  14. You may call them anything you like , if they are from the party that emerged in 1865 and created the KKK , they are the worthless party known as the democrats , if you were to put a value on their lives it would take one republican to equal the value of every democrat ever born !

  15. DemocRATS have NO integrity.. they lie and cheat to get what they want…They poison the minds of all the gullible lunatics on the left to support their lies… It is disgusting what they are doing to our country.. they hold themselves above the laws while they lie, cheat and attack President Trump

  16. Double standards… they hold themselves above the law while they continue to spread their vicious lies filled with extreme hate… They have ONE agenda and that’s to take out President Trump one way or the other… They KNOW they can’t beat him at the ballot box, so they have to find another way… so they will lie and cheat to get what they want… ANYONE who cares about this country needs to get behind Trump 100% and make sure he gets elected in 2020

  17. Pelosi is extremely nauseating with her hateful lies and attacks on President Trump… The democRAT swamp rats continue to spread their vicious lies filled with extreme hate and the lunatics on the left just eat it up and refuse to listen to the truth…

  18. Murdering the unborn and newborn infants is one of the litmus tests to becoming a Fellatiocrat. If you can’t kill the most defenseless human life there is, you cannot become a Tyranny-crat.

  19. The Criminal Left (to include the Criminal Left Media) is going to eat a great deal of dog poopé when this is all said and done. Trump was entirely within bounds– under the 1998 Treaty– asking what he asked of Zelensky. Trump asked– he did not demand nor hold out any carrot in exchange– for what he wanted. Biden held-out $1 billion in foreign aid: Fire the investigator looking-into the illegalities of Hunter Biden… or Ukraine doesn’t get the money. That’s corruption. Trump asked; Biden demanded. The two methods are entirely different…

  20. Read about the amount some time ago. Can’t remember the total amount. Do recall Grey Goose Vodka and the expensive Gin also wine. She had expensive tastes! And don’t forget she used the military planes as her own private jets and flew her family around too. Back and forth from CA to DC. Nice perk for a while! She is a lush! Just watch her walk. And notice how much she has aged since Trump has been in office. Must be hitting the bottle hard and heavy!

  21. The white hat operation knows what they are doing, they want them to expose themselves. due to such high mind manipulation by the media.. you will see why the timing is so important.. this goes much deeper.. think Crowdstrike, think getting the attention of the sheep..

  22. if she DID barbecue and eat those babies, it wouldn’t be on live TV, because the damned MEDIA would not cover it, Duane Da’Vein. They will always and FOREVER protect that nasty, corrupt old CRONE, no matter WHAT she does, or HOW many people she kills, for that matter! Ask Seth Rich! Or Vince Foster. Oh, that’s right–you can’t ask them, because they are DEAD–one of an “unsolved mugging gone bad” and the other of a “suicide” in which he somehow managed to shoot himself in the BACK OF THE HEAD! Then there WAS that email of Hillary’s campaign manager, Jon Podesta, just DAYS before Seth Rich–who is mostly likely the one who turned all those DNC emails over to Wikileaks– turned up dead that said, “We need to punish the whistleblower so others won’t be tempted to do the same thing.” Well, they sure showed HIM, didn’t they!

    Seth Rich was a REAL whistleblower–not this FAKE ONE that the Demmunists are so inamoured of right now. And you see what they did to HIM. If this “whistleblower” is not able to convince enough people with his bogus THIRD-HAND gossip and other “information” that Pres. Trump did something wrong, he better sleep with one eye open, because a failed “whistleblower,” who MIGHT then be tempted to blow the whistle on those holding his leash, just might have reason to fear he would ALSO be “Arkancided.”

  23. You notice this “whistleblower”–who has KNOWN about this call with Ukraine since July 25th–did NOT come forward until AFTER that rule change was made? How VERY convenient for the Demmunists, who are looking FRANTICALLY for some excuse–ANY excuse–to impeach the President, because they KNOW they cannot POSSIBLY defeat him in 2020 with the incompetent Leftist LOONS they have for “candidates.” There’s even talk that HILLARY is going to run again, to REALLY put the cherry on top of that chock full-o’-NUTS sundae!

  24. The Demmunists might want to think twice about pushing this impeachment mania of theirs. If they impeach the President, and there IS a trial in the Senate, it won’t be like the one-sided BS of the Mueller WITCH HUNT, where the Demmunists could make whatever wild accusations they wanted, and Pres. Trump was NOT allowed to defend himself, and any efforts he made at doing so were quickly labeled”obstruction.”

    No, THIS will be a TRIAL, with BOTH SIDES able to subpoena witnesses and question them. That means that a LOT of these scummy Demmunists and their hidden enablers–like George Soros, Hillary and Obama–could be put under oath and forced to testify about THEIR parts in all this crap. Demmunists–are you REAL SURE you want to go there? Because it sure looks to ME like you’ve got WAY MORE to hide than Pres. Trump does!

  25. I believe it is time to investigate Pelosi , did she alter the form to vett Barry the fairy Obama for the ballot in 2012 in 49 of the 50 states by omitting the words in accordance with the constitution of the united states ! Indiana first put him on the state ballot and the person responsible for that was convicted of voter fraud and sentenced I

  26. In this case and with the second Kavanaugh accusation, the chief witness gives an account different than the Democrat narrative and is automatically discounted with excuses given for why they cannot be believed!

  27. Eileen Finnin Hargrove

    Funny how Biden was the safeguard for Obama that no one would take Barry down making Creepy Joe President and NOW Creepy Joe IS running for president. (However, Barry so far has not endorsed or shown any support).

  28. SHAMEFUL what the Bidens’ have done to this country, not only is the Ukraine no rich country, it has many STRUGGLES and to make the SON of a U.S. former so-called “vice president” RICH off of a POOR country is just REPREHENSIBLE/DEPLORABLE, calling Trump supporters “deplorable”….Here you have the REAL “DEPLORABLES'”….Hunter Biden needs to pay BACK ALL the money he has TAKEN FROM that country, plus a HUGE FINE…..Joe Biden should see a JAIL CELL from INSIDE for a LONG, LONG time…..!!!!

  29. He had no one to turn to. Obama/Hillary had their cartels in place in the media and in the “deep state”. He3 couldn’t trust the White House Staff (still can’t). So he waited patiently, knowing the corruption would eventually reveal itself. It is just now, with DOJ AG William Barr, starting to investigate the Russian Hoax, and the attempted Coup that the democrats are panicky over. In the previous cases of Clapper and Brennan’s lies in front of Congress there was no repercussions of any kind. We now have aggressive prosecutions in cases where people are charged with false testimony to Congress. Mueller’s report has identified “this” as a serious crime. There is now precedent to investigate and prosecute any and all who went before Congress and submitted false testimony. The Pandora’s box has been opened. Brennan, with his constant attacks on the President and calls for impeachment, and Clapper parroting similar talking points may soon find themselves in the proverbial ‘hot seat’. The bar has been lowered for what constitutes a prosecutable offense.

  30. Four rogue progressives, Reps. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), known as the
    “Squad” is now the face of the Democratic Party and are caucus members of a group called the “Justice Democrats.” They stand for (1) Impeaching the President (2) backing primary candidates against Democratic incumbents seen as being too moderate and too white, and the (3) Green New Deal (GND). They are the stars of the Democratic Party and have forced the Democratic presidential candidates to agree with their policies. The Democrats now stand for open borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, sanctuary cities and states, and abolition of ICE. This means they reject the idea that the United States is a nation-state entitled to defend its borders. Anyone can enter our country at any time for any reason.
    The Democrats also stand for health care and insurance for illegal aliens, free college, elimination of student debt, Medicare for all, a green deal that would eliminate autos with the gas combustion engine, reparations, and regulation of carbon emissions that would destroy our economy. These programs would require a massive increase in the federal administrative state to control and regulate the economy and how people live and massive tax increases.

  31. I demand too know who the Whistleblower is, now! The transcript does not reflect what the Democrats told us and would have us believe. Now what I heard Joe Biden say is quid pro quo. Why is Hunter Biden that is unqualified for just about everything being paid $50,000 a month. He was booted out of the military. This whole Whistleblower story stinks too high heaven. The Democrats are nothing less, nothing more than mean, nasty, intolerant evil. Bring Los Angeles’s sidewalks to your community, Vote Democrat.

  32. It is time to investigate Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi. If anyone needs to be brought to justice, it is the Democrats in Congress. Our Country needs to heal and move on.

  33. The point is, he mentions Joe Biden and it becomes a huge media blitz, yet what the Democrats did to Trump with the whole concocted Russia investigation (and subsequent waste of millions of taxpayer dollars and time) is nowhere to be found in the MSM. It’s a double standard. And, who cares if he asked about Joe Biden. Is he off limits for some reason? Oh yeah, wait, I forgot, he’s a Democrat.

  34. …Trump fights alone as the feckless scared of their own shadow Repubs wet their diapers- just as they did when Satanist Barry the Kenyan Jihadi broke every law in America and handed us over to the enemy

  35. While these socialist communist Dem party has lost their mind trying to impeach, Trump took in 5 million dollars from supporters the same day. You want to piss these lunatics off, that will do it. The “Keystone Cop Dem Party” has made me run of popcorn watching this COMEDY show, with stars like stupid Pencil Neck Schiff, the Witch Nancy and High Pockets Nadler leading their voters to total insanity LMAO !!

  36. The liberals will never admit that they have started another baseless witch hunt against the President ; Donald Trump.What about the hildabeast’s sale of 20% of the United State.s Uranium to Russia??? Why no investigation on those FACTS .Hey what about V ICE PRESIDENT Joe Bidens shakedown of the Ukraine President telling him he would with hold billions of dollars if the Ukrainian President did not fire the Special State Prosecutor in Hunter Biden’s Oil company’ associates investigation. Corruption you have better start investigating the dumocrats . Just a little sound advise;people in glass houses should not throw stones.

  37. Believe me, we’re trying. But they keep tweaking the laws to make sure conservatives can’t get voted in. I heard Darryl Issa is running again – he was good. But I have my doubts he will win – hopefully his district is still red enough. We keep having all the libs come here from other parts of the country, our indoctrination err schools are in full swing, foreigners both legal and illegal abound and more come every day, all of them liberal….and the conservatives are moving out because of it.

  38. If the Democrat Party were a person, you’d have staged an intervention by now and locked them in a secure facility for their own sake, this much suicidal behavior is the product of a deep psychosis.

  39. I think you have it right about her drink order, and some Alz. along with it. {My step-mother drank and had Alz. and I can guarantee you that the 2 don’t mix. Have you ever read how much we have paid for her alcohol use on her flights?

  40. Why is my entire comment not posted on Facebook they delete my praises to the President, when in favor of the president my comments not posted .even in voting for the President lots of time they don”t let my vote be counted. Also many times in the past and recent, I tried to order 3 Trump Flags 20 20 they blocked my order.

  41. I watched the entire hearing it makes me sick how the Democrats twist and lie. The phone call was nothing more than Congratulations and to look into the Biden And son Hunter.if there was any corruption as the new president of Ukraine was trying to get to the very bottom of corruption in his country. Why cant the president of the united States know of corruption to protect America Biden & son Hunter used tax payers money American money for their corrupt dealings they did in foreign countries. I am thankful for our President he is not a politician, he is a fabulous business man and for the American people. He looks out for our best interest & he has my entire family & friends vote come 20 20 Thank you Theresa Marie Stackles

  42. So let me get this right. Democrats are allowed to ask for investigations by foreign governments if it’s about Trump, but Trump should be removed from office if he asks a foreign government to investigate possible corruption of Democrats which involved their countries as well. Right?

  43. “Trump asked about a possible probe into Biden family dealings in the country, though it was related to past corruption, to addressing corruption — and not to anything campaign-related in the future” – Article

    Are you trying to say past corruption has no bearing or can be used in future elections? Come on, thought you guys were smarter than that? Politicians on both sides always look into the past of their opponent to dig up dirt for future use. That’s the way the system works. Now, I’m not saying Trump should be impeached over this. I’d rather see him voted out of office, but let’s face the facts, he mentioned a future opponent in a conversation with a foreign dignitary about corruption and investigations with the help of Barr and Giuliani. Sure, no direct “quid pro quo,” but like a true Mafia mob boss would do over a the phone or in public, very much hinting at that exact thing. Trump has been doing this long enough to tread that fine line. If he has a problem with Biden, then open an investigation. For God’s sake, he’s the president, surely he’s capable of that? Talk about “draining the swamp,” Trump comes from a different part of that swamp, but he’s no better than the rest, and his past business dealings and several bankruptcies shows he’s become an expert at it. If you want to be blind to the inappropriateness of him mentioning Biden in that conversation, than that’s your right, just don’t “pee on my leg, and tell me it’s raining.”

  44. You do not have to be at war with an enemy for treason. You just have to aid or help our enemy or do harm to this country to be considered a traitor. War time is not necessary.

  45. Maybe not. Legally being a traitor requires that you are actually at war. Traders may be more accurate. How did Nancy accumulate ten’s of millions of dollars on a government salary? Not possible even if she had no expenses or taxes.

  46. The abusive direction that the Democrats have embarked upon must be corrected. We are not a nation that wants to return to days of McCarthyism. Vote vote vote and strategically remove the stain on our representative body Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, “The squad”. These are not people who improve our country, they tear it down.

  47. If what the Democrats are accusing Trump of doing by asking a foreign country of getting dirt on a Presidential opponent is illegal, then where were they when Obama and his administration asked multiple countries to dig up dirt on Trump? Why are anyone talking about that?

  48. Hearsay is not admissible in any court, yet the dems want to use it to impeach a constitutionally elected US President. This should be telling to the masses of whom actually needs be removed from office. Hint: it’s not Trump.

  49. “Are The American People Aware That The Communist Party USA, Was Banned For Doing Exactly What This, Communist Dominated Democratic Party Is Doing Right Now?” What will it take to make them wake up?

  50. If anyone is due to be impeached it’s the liberals who keep trumping up fake charges to impeach our president. Let’s clean them out of office and elect people who actually do the job they are elected to do.

  51. The real “takeaway” of all this impeachment BS is this: Nancy Pelosi’s “official” impeachment inquiry is really NOTHING different from what they were already doing. Until the House VOTES to impeach, there IS NO IMPEACHMENT, according to the Constitution. If they are SO sure they FINALLY have the “goods” on Pres. Trump, why hasn’t Nancy called for that vote? Because they’ve got NOTHING except their DERANGED HATRED of Pres. Trump for the “crime” of beating HILLARY in 2016. The REAL “smoking gun” is BIDEN, on TV BRAGGING about FORCING Ukraine to FIRE that prosecutor by threatening to withhold BILLIONS in loan guarantees to STOP the investigation of his drug-addled son, Hunter. Quid pro quo! WHY no interest in THAT, Nancy?

    If they thought they had the goods and could WIN a vote to impeach, don’t you think Nancy and her fellow Demmunists would have brought it to a vote already? The TRUTH is, Nancy KNOWS she DOES NOT have the VOTES to get it done! There are quite a few Democrats in the House who wish this “impeachment” BS would just GO AWAY, because they RECOGNIZE it for the baseless witch hunt it IS, and that it is going to come back to BITE the Dems BIG-TIME in 2020 if they don’t STOP this madness and DO THEIR JOBS instead of pursuing this DERANGED “2016 do-over” fantasy like Ahab tracking that white whale. THOSE Dems will likely NOT vote to impeach! SMH.

    PUT UP or SHUT UP, Nancy. VOTE or get off the pot!

  52. If I were Leader of any nation that was controlled by Soviet Russia during the cold war I would be getting as cozy a possible with Trump in order to use America to help maintain the Liberty which Russia would steal from them and then the building of new walls. BTW in intelligent retrospect I would be ever mindful of just how devious the Democrats have played cards so that Putin went unchallenged in such take overs in the 2008 to 2016 time frame while Biden , Clintons & Obama were hiding what they were doing in the diplomatic smoke & mirror games they were playing.

  53. I watched this mornin’s hearing, Joseph Maguire was in the hot seat for a very long time. Clearly, Congress wants to burn President Trump, they did all they could to twist statements and turn allegations into facts. Maguire wasn’t having it, he stated and repeated, many answers to many questions. Few Congressionals showed respect for the head of National Security, with years and years of military service. I was proud of Mr Maguire and embarrassed for our Congress.

  54. Granola Nancy obviously is well past her prime. She should resume permanent residency in the Land of “nuts and flakes” the natural home for those who’s “life’s credo in and out of politics”; “Do as I say not as I do.” Let’s never forget Obama’s private message to be relayed by Meadved when they thought the mike was dead; “Tell Putin to wait till have the election, I will be more free to talk”; very curious. Not one peep from the Lame Stream Media just like the long running historical record of “Groping Uncle Joe” of every female within range regardless of age”s. Every observer of politics Uncle Joe’s style he appears to have made it his personal gesture of as a political groper of females. So sad. lee1233

  55. this will give the white hating Barack Obama and Michelle also a white hater news for their Netflix deal and the disgusting lies and hyperbole and made up conspiracies continue on the left and with the Democrats

  56. I was a “whistleblower” in my working years. Here is how an item of concern is handled. First, I double check my findings, gather documents and other supporting facts and materials. The findings should be first hand, not hearsay, and absolutely documentable. Then I brief my supervisor, who grills me to the limit to make sure the finding can be supported.
    If my supervisor is convinced, he/she then bring this up to the dept. head or to the board commitee who handle this kind of data. The dept head or board commitee consult the Legal Dept. for advice on how
    to handle the information.
    If there is a criminal concern, the material is referred to the proper office for further action. If finding is only a gross violation of internal regulations, it is forwarded to the Board for resolution. This may sound
    simple, but it could mean firings, and reallocation of funds and investments.
    Importantly, as the initial source of the findings, I have no authority whatsoever to broadcast the concern to anybody but my boss. To do
    so is a violation of the rules and my integrity.

  57. How about the letter written by the Democrat Senator’s pleading with the Ukraine leaders to complete the investigations into corruption. Yet Vice President Biden heralded that he bullied the Ukrainian leaders to fire the prosecutors investigating his son, Hunter Biden and the corrupt business dealings he had in that country, by saying their foreign aid would be withheld if they “did not” fire the prosecutors. How about the corrupt dealings Hunter Biden had with China and all the money that flowed into his businesses from those two countries. Yet President Trump has done wrong…really…?

  58. The problem is, people in your state of Cali seem to think the same way Pelosi thinks and have their heads where the sun don’t shine! They ALL need voted out, I agree

  59. This is becoming twisted. Sure there is a hardcore Democratic base who eats this garbage up like dogs licking from a muddy pool. Those are the same types who would vote Hillary even if she barbecued babies on live TV and ate them for breakfast.

  60. When has Nancy Pelosi got anything right, except her drink order? She has screwed up my home state of California almost to the point of no return. Her and her cohorts, Boxer, Waters, Feinstein, Brown, Newsom are what is wrong with California, and the nation as a whole. It’s time to rid of these traders for good.

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