Trump’s Women Problem is GONE – Hillary is DOOMED

trump woman vote

If you listened exclusively to the liberal mainstream media this election, you’d be led to believe that ONLY white men will vote for Trump next week. We’re supposed to believe that he’s alienated Hispanics for opposing illegal immigration (which most legal immigrants oppose), alienated Muslims for his counterterrorism stances, and alienated women for daring to be just as mean to some women as he is to some men.

Recently, two images from the statistics blog Five Thirty Eight aiming to show a battle of the sexes this election went viral. It showed what the election map would look like if only one of the sexes could vote.

trump woman vote

So obviously it seems that Trump is doomed thanks to women – but that’s more than just a little misleading. In every Presidential election, men vote majority Republican, while women vote majority Democrat.

If we really want to see how Trump is doing, we have to compare him to prior Republican presidential candidates. And when we do that, he’s doing a heck of a lot better than your average Republican.

The latest IBD/TIPP tracking poll shows Donald Trump improving his support among women, even though a majority still support Hillary Clinton.

Thirty-nine percent of women polled now say they support Trump, according Investors Business Daily, up from 34 percent on Saturday. That’s an increase of five points.

According to the poll, Trump is doing better among single women than failed 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Twenty-eight percent of single women support Trump, while Romney only polled at 23 percent. Romney, however, did better among married women — 51 percent to Trump’s 46 percent.

On Sunday, the Washington Post made a similar observation in its tracking poll.

H/T: Breitbart

Trump is also polling around 20% among the black community, which, while it’s a small share, is worlds apart from the 5% Mitt Romney captured against Barack Obama.

As it turns out, simply being a woman isn’t enough to convince every woman to vote for you. Too bad for Hillary.

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By Matt

Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published... More about Matt

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