Teens Threw Object at President Trump’s Motorcade – Now, They Face Criminal Charges

Just before the weekend, President Donald J. Trump was traveling in his motorcade from the airport to his Florida home, Mar-A-Lago. But as they passed along Southern Boulevard, one of the cars was hit by a hard, small object. It turned out to be a block of wood!

As the The New York Post reports, there has been a confession and now face criminal charges:

A middle school student has confessed to tossing a piece of wood at President Trump’s motorcade in Florida, police said.

The unidentified youngster is facing charges for hurling the piece of 2-by-4 at one of the vehicles in the presidential motorcade as it headed down Southern Boulevard in Palm Beach shortly before 2 p.m. Friday, cops said.

When officers from the Palm Beach County’s Sheriff’s Office questioned the suspect, the child “implicated” four other students who were involved in the incident. It’s unclear if they too have been nabbed.

Cops said charges against the boy will be filed with the PBC State’s Attorney’s Office.

Trump was heading to his Mar-a-Lago resort nearby when the motorcade was struck.

As CBS 12 notes, multiple students face charges:

The teens, who are not being identified because they are minors, all attend local middle schools and one confessed to the incident.
Charges will be filed with the PBC States Attorney’s Office.

As a popular comment on Facebook from a local woman noted, “I remember when Pres. Kennedy would fly in to PBIA. We would line Southern Blvd and wait for the red Cadillac convertible to pass by. No one ever would have thought to throw anything at his car (or him) … It is a sad testimony to our country that in 50 years, our attitudes and behaviors have changed so much. It is shameful behavior…and I am ashamed that it happened in my hometown.”

This is what happens when the left uses violence to “resist” and “get rid” of Trump. These kids are simply learning from adults who have been acting shamefully after Trump’s historic victory in November.

Rioting, violence, and throwing things at the President are never okay.

What do you think about these students facing charges? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us.

10 thoughts on “Teens Threw Object at President Trump’s Motorcade – Now, They Face Criminal Charges”

  1. Why do you say that the violence is a result of opposition to Trump?

    What is the source of the violence last month when an American veteran opens fire at the Fort Lauderdale airport and killed 5 people?

  2. I have said again and again this is what our schools and colleges are putting out today. 1001 times different what they are taught and learn then when I went to school Too give you an idea I joined the USAF at the age of 19 in 1952.

  3. We need to first gather them all into California. Make sure we let the sane Calfornians leave. Then, wait and watch for the earthquake God will send to temper, and scare Sodom down to size. We have our Sodom and Gomorrah… It just so happens its scattered throughout the nation. We need to get them all in one place and leave them to God. ;)

    1. Well Gene, if you look closely, I think God is already allowing His wrath to shine brightly on California as it’s infrastructure collapses and homes washed away because California’s powers that be thought it more important to save silver fish rather than mankind. They suffered for 5 years in their self-made drought, and are now paying the price as weather and collapse plague the state.

  4. Our youth are completely out of control! This behavior is a direct result of bad parenting, you may not like President Trump but he deserves our respect! If I would have ever disrespected anyone growing up, let alone our President….my parents would have been livid! These kids need a serious wake up call.

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