Trump Uses Profanity to Describe Russia Probe

Trump Speech

On Thursday, President Trump gave his first post-impeachment trial remarks and did not hesitate to go after his political enemies, where things got a little salty at moments.

“We’ve all been through a lot together. It’s been a very unfair situation,” Trump said in an address from the White House’s East Room.

Trump on Impeachment

“We’ve been going through this now for three years. It was evil, it was corrupt, it was dirty cops, it was leakers. It was a disgrace. Had I not fired James Comey, who was a disaster, by the way, it’s possible I wouldn’t even be standing here right now,” he continued before pivoting briefly to his accomplishments.

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“We’ve done more than any president, any administration, you look at all of the things we’ve done,” he added.

Trump went on to say that he believes the stock market would have crashed if had he not become president.

“That’s all our credit. One of the reasons it’s going up … and one of the reasons the stock market has gone up so much in the last few days is people think we’re doing so well, they liked the State of the Union speech,” Trump said.

The president then told everyone he wasn’t giving a speech, per se.

‘We first went through Russia, Russia, Russia. It was all bull****’

“This is really not a news conference, it’s not a speech, it’s not anything, it’s just we’re sort of — it’s a celebration because we have something that just worked out. It worked out. We went through hell unfairly. Did nothing wrong. Did nothing wrong,” Trump said, holding up a copy of the Washington Post and its headline that read, “Trump acquitted.”

“We first went through Russia, Russia, Russia. It was all bull****,” Trump continued.

“Little did we know we were running against some very, very bad and evil people with fake dossiers, with all of these horrible, dirty cops that took these dossiers and did bad things,” he said. “They knew all about it.”

RELATED: New Video Shows Pelosi Practicing Ripping Up Trump’s State Of The Union Speech

Taking Aim at Schiff and Pelosi

Trump did not hesitate to take direct aim at Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi.

“They made up facts. A corrupt politician named Adam Schiff made up my statement to the Ukrainian president,” he said about Schiff’s parody of Trump’s phone call to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible person. Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person, and she wanted to impeach a long time ago when she said, ‘I pray for the president.’ She doesn’t pray. She may pray but she prays for the opposite. But I doubt she prays at all,” Trump concluded. “These are vicious people.”

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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