President Trump Calls the Iran Nuclear Deal an Embarrassment in U.N. Speech

trump un iran deal


That’s the only word I have to describe the barnstormer of a speech President Trump just delivered before the United Nations.

Trump took no prisoners in decrying countries that continue to be a pain in our behind. He made it clear that he was elected to represent America, not the world. As such, he would defend our country first and foremost. The U.N. comes second – America comes first.

Trump wasted little time before laying into North Korea, sending a clear message about its dangerous activity. The regime of Kim Jong-un is, in Trump’s words, on a “suicide mission” by continuing to test missiles. The president was unequivocal in his assessment:

Trump then set his sights on Iran, and the dreaded nuclear deal former President Barack Obama cooked up with the rogue nation. The president minced no words when it came to his feelings on the deal: “The Iran deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into. Frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to the United States, and I don’t think you’ve heard the last of it, believe me.”

Trump wasn’t done there. He didn’t just trash the flawed deal Obama brokered. He went after Iran itself, saying, “The Iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy. It has turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed and chaos.”

BOOM! We never heard sharp and true rhetoric like that from President Appeasement, who was more interested in pleasing the mullahs than protecting our great ally Israel.

You can see Trump’s specific Iran remarks below:

President Trump received a lot of criticism for his full-throated defense of America and her allies. But one person who liked the speech was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He not only praised the speech, but called it one of the clearest, most courageous speeches before the U.N. he has ever heard:

I call that a ringing endorsement.

You can watch President Trump’s full speech here:

What did you think of President Trump’s remarks to the U.N.? Were they exactly what the global body needed to hear? Tell us your thoughts below, and share this story on Facebook and Twitter!

52 thoughts on “President Trump Calls the Iran Nuclear Deal an Embarrassment in U.N. Speech”

  1. You know that he called forth another Green Revolution in Teheran.

    A call for revolution in Venezuela.

    This may be the greatest speech ever delivered by an American President before the General Assembly ever.

  2. A Bulgarian Journalist has exposed through her three year investigation that the US via the CIA has been sending arms to terrorists in Syria for the last three years, and this effort continues to this day. Trump is full of crap in saying that he is fighting ISIS. Daily Syria War Reports given by Southfront have reported on September 8 that US rescued ISIS commanders who the Syria Army was descending upon. The US rescued and evacuated ISIS commanders.

  3. Trump called Hezbollah a terrorist organization. Hezbollah is composed of christians and Muslims from Lebanon. They successfully expelled the Israelis from Lebanon. They were invited by the duly elected and legitimate Syrian government to help fight against their terrorists in that country. In that, they have been very successful. They are NOT a terrorist organization. They are Christian and Muslim and Lebanese, and their efforts in syria have been heroic. Trump is a liar in regard to Hezbollah.

    1. Whatever you are drinking or smoking has really put blinders on your eyes. Assuming you even condone Assad’s blatant killing and using poisonous gasses? As far as Lebanon goes Hizbullah, Hizballah is a Shi’a Islamist militant group and political party based in Lebanon. Hezbollah’s paramilitary wing is the Jihad Council, and its political wing is Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc party in the Lebanese parliament.
      Please give up your hallucinogenic drugs!

      1. You are victim of US propaganda. You have even been told it is fake news by Trump himself, but does that move you to get off your ass and do a little research. No. You plop yourself down in front of your television set and sit there slack-jawed all night, beleving in good guy/bad guy cartoonish stories told to you by Fox news. . Get off your ass and do some research.

  4. It is a complete lie that Iran violates human rights against its own people, or that its own people are living in misery and want to get rid of their government. Firstly, we are allies with one of the greatest human rights violators of all time – Saudi Arabia. I don’t hear Trump talking about them. They not only are human rights violators against its people, but they are financing and arming terrorists in the mid-east. Yet, Trump is constantly photographed shaking hands with, meeting with, and engaging in billion dollar arms deals with these financers of terrorists. This place does not look anything like Saudi Arabia.

  5. Trump cannot breach a contract because he does not like the way Obama negotiated it. Iran has been abiding by its contract, and Trump admitted as much. He sounds like he is looking for a way to breach the contract made by the United States’ government. HE is not the government. He acts for the government. Obama was acting for the government and bound the government in a contract with Iran, that Iran is abiding by. Who the hell does Trump think he is negating a contract that the government is bound by. These are gratuitious statements he is making. He sounds like he is looking to breach a contract made by the United States.

    1. anastasia, you are your liberal freaks just move to Canada where they are infested with Globalists. Your wimpass BHO negotiated/brokered a bad deal and even sent billions of $$ to this rogue regime. Matter of fact, I think I will correct myself and request that you pack your bags and head to Iran. When will liberals ever come to their senses? NEVER ! ! !

      1. Any country that criticizes Israel, resists US hegemony and wants to maintain their sovereignty is a “rogue” nation. Yet, it is Israel who stole part of Syria, Egypt, Palestine and tried to steal a part of Lebanon. Funny!

        1. “Stole”??? You imbecile. I guess you are not old enough to remember the 3-day war. Well, I know you did not read the actual account because you were educated in a biased educational system. Israel put the whupass on those Arabs. They thought they could overrun the Jews. WRONG ! So Israel occupied the captured land. Maybe you should go back and read some history books written by unbiased writers and you will certainly find out about the “spoils of war”. Even after the Northern Aggression in the 1860s was resolved, the South was the “captured” territory and thus was inundated with carpetbaggers from the North. See you have no common sense of war and the results. So on this point you get a “zero”.
          Israel is an island surrounded by primitive cultures which is very sad. As long as there are ruthless dictatorships and radical Islamic terrorists ruling that region, there will never be any likeness of civilization. Sharia law is the most insensitive form of control ever conceived. Women are less than animals in that warped society. Yet you by your own admission condone the very actions of that terrible “religion”. This point alone proves that you cannot even understand the true meaning of freedom. You desire to be controlled and your willingness to give up your personal freedom shows me and others that you must be controlled to survive. So very sad!
          Shame on you for your warped views.

  6. Finally after 8 long years of International “Conciliatory politics.! Our President has never appeared more of a leader for the citizens of this great country! Our sovereignty and our position with respect to participation in world affairs has never been better articulated. MAGA!!!

  7. Finally a President with a pair of balls. The U.N. has been dicking around for years and now they are going to have to stand up to all the BS going on in the world and I think Niki might just keep them on their toes. She is a marvel to have there. I just hope the sanctions will get that idiot in NC to start playing ball because otherwise I feel sorry for the NCX people because they will be blown to smitherians if he doesn’t start to comply. Talk about crating your own death warrant he is doing it.

  8. His unerring portrayal of the Pragmatic Reality of the description of the United Nations and his continuing attempts to address the corrupt and accursed “legacy,” of the previous Treasonous Administration and establishment parasites in the Congress is EXACTLY why he was elected, and why if the Alt-Left tries to remove him: THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!

  9. You can believe that the “Deep State”, entrenched in Washington DC, is plotting against President Trump as I write this. President Trump made a GREAT speech at that worthless world body known as the UN. He certainly did not mince words, putting America and her allies first and foremost. The Obama administration did everything to weaken this country. The Iran “treaty” is a one sided joke. Those leftists are traitors, pure and simple. This is what you get when you elect elitist leftist Socialists that hate what America has a accomplished and the freedoms she stands for. God bless President Donald Trump!

    1. Amen, Curtis, Amen ! ! !
      These wimpass Socialists and Globalists should be required to live one year (exactly 365 days) in the God-forsaken regime of Iran. Then let’s see what vile words flow from their lips.

  10. VERY PROUD of my President! He did great! I am amazed at the depth and breadth of all that he covered. He didn’t mince words and he means what he says. He loves our country and you can tell it.

  11. Plain and simple Trump is a true American.He is for America as a stand alone country He is not pushing the friggin Obama New World Order He is American About time a president told it like it is. We stand fro America first then we stand with our allies and the rest of the world has to fully understand this and act accordingly .If they screw with us or our allies then we are coming after them and we are bringing hell with us .We don’t want war we don’t want trouble but we are going to sit still and be intimidated .We don’t bow to kings or despots .After today everybody knows where we stand like it or not this is today’s America not the old Obamination .A lot of them are not going to like it but America comes first The way it always should have been .

  12. It behooves me as to how can Liberals hate this guy? Is it because He is not a Socialist, Communist or Marxist? Is it because He is not part of the New World Order? Or is it because He represents the main thing Liberals hate-AMERICA! BRAVO Mr.President! We needed some one like you to tell it like it is! I really believe that His election win was divine intervention.

    1. The main reason they hate Trump Kenneth, is because he is not part of the New World Order & is not a satanist like most of them. They can’t bribe him either so they just try to make his life as POTUS difficult criticizing every decision he makes.

  13. No More Politician BS, President Trump Just Showed The American People Why He Was Elected To The Presidency! Politicians of the past have put the USA into this, “Precarious Position” through their, terrible negotiations over the years, at last we have someone who will, “Stand Up For The American People” and put our country first! He will not sit by and watch our nation become a, “Third Rate Country!” He is making, “America Great Again!” Just look at the last President who did that for the USA, Ronald Reagan since he left the office of the Presidency, we have been involved in, endless wars, lousy economy, our borders have been porous, we have seen the rise of the Left during the Obama years, it will take extreme measures to reinvigorate our country! I trust Donald Trump to do just that!

  14. I support him more today than the day I voted for him. He is strong. He is reclaiming the values of the USA and He WILL make America Great Again. That BiBi supported Trump is a huge light in the face of near darkness with our own national decay. I believe Trump is being used by God, and perhaps Trump doesn’t even know it! Still, I pray for our leaders, for guidance and God’s Will for our nation. Trump can takeout NK and Iran if it comes to that. We are still strong, and our military is almost back to the strength and numbers we had when obama took office and cut our defenses in half. Trump will speak the truth…even when it causes controversy and fear. I believe Trump really wants the best for America and I will vote for him again in 2020.

  15. loved the speech, about time.

    Think of it US pays 22% of bills, 190+ nations pay 78% China is only paying 7%

    And then what does this organization do. They trash us, that is until they need someone to bail them out.

  16. Anyone notice that when “MAGA Trump” talked about “socialism being an utter failure everywhere it’s been tried,” we could hear a pin drop inside the General Assembly. That says it all about UN “diplomats” (exception Nikki Haley, maybe Japan, Australia). 99.99% of them are avowed socialists or communists. Given Pres Trump is a highly successful real estate developer, he should evict those leeches, send them to Oslo or Geneva, then convert the UN buildings into high $ condos in NYC. It’s a win-win. The leeches of the UN are gone, no more illegal parking by “diplomats,” and NYC gets more tax revenues from all those new condos.

  17. It’s about time we had a leader with courage and integrity, President Trump give to them straight. We can either live peacefully together or War will ensue. We can be productive or destructive you choose. You could tell by the looks on the faces of the leaders in attendance they were listening to a true leader, a man that is made of grit and courage, an humanitarian and visionary. A man who knows how to get results and push for what is right. I am proud this day as an American to say we the people of this nation are truly thankful for a man such as this at a time such this. Thank you God for stepping in on our behalf

  18. It was a great speech and certainly not POTILICAL CORRECTNESS in this speech whatsoever. Matter of fact, some Marilyn talked about cocaine, she mixed that up with Obama and forgot Obama is not in the WH anymore. Obama was only a community organizer who lived off government grants and never had a real job in his life, but he also was a muslim brotherhood and stood with Iran.

  19. No, Dennis, just a wanna-be VIABLE Left wing-nut! Instead, just “echoing” every disgraceful, angry, hate-filled, violent and dangerous radical rebel! The “Echos” have never had an original thought since they got out of diapers! Learning early, that in order to be part of the “Chic but Crappy Crowd”, you had to follow their maniacal Leader without question, without questioning, without hesitation or rebuttals! God forbid they think for themselves! Being “ALONE” is so much worse (to these indoctrinated degenerates) than being WRONG! SO sad, and what a waste of human potential! Ten years from now, they’ll STILL have the same attitude, and have YET to accomplish anything! Too afraid to step out from the crowd!

  20. It sounds like the world and the left can’t take honest and truth. I feel sorry for them. Trump’s best speech and a lot of the UN members are curling their toes. You know who you are. Now I want to see him start pulling back aid to all countries that take our money and then kick us in the arse. Give them reason…..either you are with us or you are on your own. We have real needy people in the United States. Not the ones that are living on their multi entitlements and won’t work. Give them an alternative. Look for work over a certain period of time and your entitlements are over. Start playing hard ball at home, too!

  21. Trump showed he is made of steel and said just what the UN globalists needed to hear. When he said we would destroy North Korea if necessary my jaw dropped. A terrific speech. I wonder if Ann Coulter wants to change her mind again.

  22. So Marilyn, “Sleepwalk?” We’ve been sleepwalking with NK for the last two decades. We’ve only just now awakened…and what’s this “Cocaine Trump” business anyway? The man doesn’t even Drink and we’re supposed to believe Leftist WhackoBird allegations that the man does Coke? Just know, we must stop NK and Iran from putting nuclear warheads on ICBMs now, or suffer extortion, and worse, until we placate them, and become forever diminished in the world affairs.

    1. Marilyn – Ridiculous statement. You obviously don’t give a rip about this country or what it has stood for for over 200 years. Trump has more courage in his little finger than most any of our former Presidents.

    2. Marilyn, sounds like you’re familiar with cocaine. Obviously, you know nothing about OUR PRESIDENT who never used any drugs, unlike OWEbama who had been a user.

    3. Oh Heavens no, Marilyn. We certainly don’t want to start something that started 20 years ago. No way, we should trust NoKorea in the same way we should trust a convicted pedophile to run a nursery, we should trust Iran in the same way we trust NoKorea, and we should keep drawing lines in the sand, daring these rogue rats to cross. Munchkin Obama was so successful in smoothing the troubled waters, right? Now, dear, take your meds and go lie down for a decade or two.

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