Trump Turns ABC Anchor On His Head With THIS Question!


On Sunday morning, ABC anchor Stephanopoulos went after the GOP front-runner for his praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin last week. The stink of bias will be so clear to see in the video below.

If you missed it, Trump complimented Putin after he was called a “very talented” person. Trump embraced Putin’s praise as a “great honor.”

Stephanopoulos then brought up allegations that the Kremlin has been involved in orchestrating the deaths of political opponents and journalists.

As you will hear in the video below, Trump responded:

“But, in all fairness to Putin, you’re saying he killed people. I haven’t seen that,” he added. “I don’t know that he has. And you’ve been able to prove that you know the names of the reporters that he’s killed? Because you’ve been hearing this, but I haven’t seen the names. Now, I think it would be despicable if that took place. But I haven’t seen any evidence that he killed anybody, in terms of reporters.”

Why didn’t George “Clinton” Stephanopoulos provide proof? Why did he keep hammering the issue when Trump answered him the first time? Why is it Republicans show up on liberal talk shows but you never see a Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama appear on the Sean Hannity or any other conservative talk show.

After all, George does know a bit about the benefits of maintaining good relationships with some pretty sketchy characters. Seventy-five thousand dollars in the pocket of a corrupt organization here and there may be morally objectionable, but George appears to believe that the benefits reaped may be worth the questions it raises about your judgment and character.

Watch the video when Stephanopoulos couldn’t prove any journalists were killed. The ABC anchor then tried to change the subject. This was very good by Trump:

The reality is there is no evidence Putin ordered killings, and there is no reason for him to kill. He is the most popular Russian president of the last 150 years; he doesn’t need to kill anybody.

h/t – Breitbart, Real Clear Politics

What did you think of Stephanopoulos’ biased reporting? Tell us below in our comment section. We really want to hear from you!

23 thoughts on “Trump Turns ABC Anchor On His Head With THIS Question!”

  1. We’ve always known whose employ George is in.
    Does any of this come as a surprise?
    Trump may not get good press but the average, fed up with the current administration, citizens are singing his praises.

  2. trump says some really dumb things. thats a shame because i like him & think he could be a refreshing change for a leader in our country. but he is not going to win with these continued faux pas. “at least he is a leader”?! “well i think our country does plenty of killing too.”?! what does all that mean? nothing. its like a juvenile’s argument with their parent…”your boyfriend has been in jail for murder, hes no good” “but he is nice to me, nobodys perfect & i love him” !!! lol. he knew the accusations were going to come his way with putins compliment. he should have been better prepared with sensible push back answers. he needs alot more knowledge & rehearsals in getting those crucial points across to everyone who is looking to bury him. he could have replied something like” putin is a strong leader & i believe a strong leader would appreciate another strong leader who he can at least respect to keep his word, know who & what he is dealing with & not someone who says dont cross that line or else…& the line gets crossed & what? nothing.” something like that would have hit home & ended all that bs about putin. he should start talking about the steps he would take to improve our pathetic economy now…come on, trump. you’ve got a long road to go…


  4. Saw it live. The greatest smack down of little Georgie yet. He needs to go have his diaper cleaned and just stick a pacifier back in his pie hole until he gets his next talking points handed to him. Maybe he’ll start yapping about global warming when he gets back up from his humiliating beat down.

  5. Excellent article Comrade. Promoting the former KGB officer, Director of Russian Federal Security Service and Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation is very good of you. Putin’s efforts to restore Communism to Russia and rebuild the Soviet Union are supported by your hard work.
    You managed to ignore the blood of the patriots who died in Georgia and Crimea fighting to keep their land from takeover by Russian soldiers.
    You should receive your Hero of the Soviet Union medal any day now.

  6. Trump says what most Americans have wanted to say for years. The Truth. It’s about time. I wish we had a Trump in Canada. I’m so sick of the lies and cover ups. So much Greed in the world today and we (the people) are their ATM machines.

  7. well George Clinton Stephanopoulos is a child of the clinton dynasty or shall we say a server of the court of her majesty the queen? how can any media have him even talk or get involved in the political dialogue when up to recently he donated to the clinton campaign and foundation, and when he worked for them and was in their rigged team? if one belives anything a word, a number his guy says.. please is like reading those funny magazines, what are they call, … tabloids. see the whole clinton dynasty are turning all media into tabloids all attention, all info about the clinton dynasty … yesterday billy boy clinton today shillary queen 2016 and tomorrow chelsea and then their child.. it is pathetic, how the media who is bought and brought to you by shillary lies and gives her the green light on everything never calls her on her lies.. for example, she has been racist has anyone call her on that? not… she has lied and lied, has anyone call her on that? not.. and by the way BREAKIGN NEWS FROM CNN: (Clinton Nonsense News) the DNC is the new RNC !!! I hope Trump calls her on stuff as none else is willing. she is total corruption.

  8. Every time Trump talks to one of these wannabe journalists or opinion writers he mops the floor with them. Ever wonder why or how he does it? He insists on telling the truth. It really is that simple. They can’t handle it and it shuts them up every time.

  9. i support Trump. but his answer is ridiculous. nobody “saw” nor “proved” Hitler gassing Jews, there is NOT 1 single order signed by Hitler to kill Jews, not one, all of them were verbal orders which were denied afterwards in the Nuremberg trials. but we all know he order the mass executions

    same goes for Sadam Hussein, Kim Jong-il, Stalin, Mao Ze Dong . nobody “proved” they were murderers, but we know it, right? or dont you?

    1. Obama ordered people killed far more then your claim towards Putin who I would rather have then your muslim buddies! Obama and Hillary has Americans killed and imprisoned and covers it up. Benghazi, Arab Spring, the 30 Navy Seals and Rangers chinook helicopter crash. The enemies are liberals and muslims dumbass! You sound like an establishment republican liberal ally!

    2. We know it because there are still people alive that were being held in those death camps and they tell us and show pictures. So far we’ve seen nothing about Putin being a murderer but why did no one mention Obama’s deal with Cuba? The Dictators over there killed and stole property from almost everyone………ask those who endangered their own lives coming here to get away from the Castro family…….And yet Obama became buddies with them, and no one mentions it…? Why not?

  10. George is like all Democrats. They feel they make proper assumptions, based on feelings. Facts be damned. They live in imaginary worlds. Led by a president with imaginary sons and imagining he has contained ISIS.

  11. Wow! What an interview. Trump MUST be president to turn around these media idiots. Maybe someday, journalists will have the publics’ respect again…..nawwww!

    You listen to Trump and you know America needs him. And he will need more from us than just “forum support”. All of you Non-Voters MUST get out and vote this time.

  12. Snuffleupagus got his tail kicked in so many directions he didn’t know what hit him … even though he tried to maintain the fake smirk of superiority at the end.
    Trump never let him off the hook with the “quick deflection and change of subject”. Love the way Trump dragged him back in on the “$150 Billion to Iran … of course Russia wanted the deal … you don’t know that”. Made Snuffy look like the total Demo-Lib fool he is.

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