Trump Takes His Travel Ban to the Supreme Court

The Trump administration filed a pair of emergency applications with the Supreme Court seeking to reinstate the President’s executive order temporarily banning travel from countries considered hotbeds of terrorism.

In their filing, the Justice Department argued that several mistakes were made by an appeals court in ruling against the travel ban.

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores stated, “The president is not required to admit people from countries that sponsor or shelter terrorism, until he determines that they can be properly vetted and do not pose a security risk to the United States.”

Read that statement again, and watch the common sense simply ooze right out of it. What is the state of the country we are living in that judicial activists can dictate to the President of the United States that he can’t take measures to prevent terrorists from entering the country?

Via Reuters:

President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to revive his plan to temporarily ban travelers from six Muslim-majority nations after it was blocked by lower courts that found it was discriminatory.

The administration filed emergency applications with the nine high court justices seeking to block two different lower court rulings that went against Trump’s March 6 order barring entry for people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days while the U.S. government implements stricter visa screening.

The move comes after the Richmond, Virginia-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on May 25 upheld a Maryland judge’s ruling blocking the order.

The administration also filed a separate appeal in that case.

Did you catch that at the beginning of the Reuters report? Watch how many media outlets follow suit and refer to the travel ban as being from “Muslim-majority” countries. They are trying to influence not only public perception, but the courts as well.

The ban is not from “Muslim-majority” countries, it’s from “terrorism-majority” countries. It is not the President’s fault that reality dictates a link between terrorism and Islamic extremism.

President Trump vowed from the moment the 9th ‘Circus’ Court of Appeals nixed his travel ban to take it to the Supreme Court. Lo’ and behold, he’s kept another promise.


In a brief filed with the 4th Circuit in March, 13 different states argued in support of the travel ban, swatting away arguments that the order amounts to a ‘religious test’ for entry into the country.

“The Executive Order is not a pretext for religious discrimination, as the Order is grounded in national-security concerns and classifies aliens according to nationality – not religion,” it read.

Flores said the Justice Department is “confident that President Trump’s executive order is well within his lawful authority to keep the nation safe and protect our communities from terrorism.”

We are too. Now, we just need to hear the Supreme Court affirm that authority.


Will they? Tell us what you think below!

25 thoughts on “Trump Takes His Travel Ban to the Supreme Court”

  1. Just what is WRONG with our screwed up liberal idiots in our government and the various European governments? We pride ourselves on the farce called liberal thinking — while the bodies keep piling up. Telling ourselves we will not sink to the level of those preying on us.

    How many more killings, more rapes — including rapes of girls and boys, by Muslim immigrants will it take? Before we come to our collectives senses? Yesterday’s terror attack in London simply underscores the logic that our liberal policy is not working! Has never worked, will never work!

    You cannot, with any degree of certainty, definitively state that person claiming refugee or immigrant status — is or is NOT a potential killer or rapist! Claiming that he (or she) can be vetted is laughable. Either seal the freakin’ borders of Western Nations, drive out ALL Muslims, or lay quietly down to the religious primitives can slit your throat without undue exertion on their part!

    WAKE UP, EUROPE! WAKE UP AMERICA! President Trump could not be more accurate!

  2. I can’t believe that the Liberals are that stupid to realize we live in a world of terroism and not want to do anything about it but wait until we have another disaster like 9/11.All Trump is trying to do is limit the threat of terrorism in the Country and this is just one way to do it. How come other Muslim countries aren’t taking in these refugees? Because they don’t want the same problems these countries have and if it doesn’t stop or somewhat eliminated we are in big trouble. The Dems need to change their bloddy attitude and quickly. They really have some idiot senators and they need to go!

  3. “The ban is not from “Muslim-majority” countries, it’s from “terrorism-majority” countries”

    If that were the case, Trump would start with Saudi Arabia, who has generated and supports more Muslim terrorists then any other Muslim country. Ms Clinton, btw, has been the frequent victim of attacks from the repubs, for having “friendly” relations” with Saudi Arabia. Double standards here again? Um, YES!

    1. Nice try, but no, you don’t get to rephrase what the ban is in your chosen words. It is a ban of people from countries with non-functioning governments, that as a result have no capacity to vet those applying for Visas. Where, for example, governmental offices and embassies have been taken over and blank travel documents have been stolen, so as to allow phony passports to be created under false identities, by non-government actors. That’s not Saudi Arabia. Clinton’s “relations” with Saudi Arabia constituted selling US influence in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation while she was in the State Department – like her crooked Uranium One deal. Double standard? Um, NO!

    2. Yes, VC, Republicans are the party of double standards. Do you realize how absolutely ridiculous that is? However I shouldn’t be surprised that you would hold such a preposterous view. As I have posted before, you have given your correct name and address.

  4. It is irrelevant whether the order was religiously discriminatory or not. The persons affected have no standing (a relative you would like to visit does not you or that relative standing). Moreover, history is replete with racially, religiously and ideologically discriminatory immigration policies. The most notorious is the Chinese Exclusion Act. Communists were banned. Obama banned certain muslims for a while. Our whole country allotment system is racially and ethnically discriminatory. This list goes on and on and on.

    Look, foreign nationals who are not present in the United States and who do not hold valid visas are not entitled to the rights set forth in the First Amendment or any other part of the constitution for that matter. Discriminate against them to your heart’s delight.

    There has been no case overturning these precedents and principles. You may consider them outdated, but a judge’s decision to ignore binding precedent just because he does not like it and thinks it should be overturned is highly problematic. It’s bad jurisprudence, it would mean the unraveling of the entire appellate system and threaten the rule of law.

  5. The 9th and 4th circuit courts did not rule on the law which gives the president the authority to protect us from terrorists. They ruled and made a new law that only give certain persons the right to apply the law. They are not judging they are taking the authority of the president. and using it for their political reasons. we are helpless to do any thing about it except hope they burn in hell when their time comes. The sooner the better..

  6. I’m not betting on them finding in his favor. But, every president, even Obama, has had travel bans in place on certain nations. He’s not banning them forever, just for 90 days til they can come up with a better way of vetting the refugees. I pray they side with the president, but, we already know that at least 4 of them will go against him. We just have to wait & see what happens.

  7. I agree with Sandy It is just and legal to vet to the utmost those who come from terrorism hot beds! These judges need to be disbarred and vetted as the traitors they are! They need to be prosecuted for obstruction of justice and treason!

  8. majority of Americans want the ban and the President has the authority to do what he did. We need to get rid of these activist Judges. I believe the scales are tipping in favor of the sane; we’re coming for you progressives!!!!

  9. Well Mr. Pres. the only suggestion I can offer is that these people who come from countries with a proportionately large amount of terrorists should be granted admission to the United States, We can put them in neighborhoods where these federal judges reside. Just a suggestion but I think this will get them to take their heads out of their rectums. Sound plausible.

  10. Besides the terrorist country vs. Muslim-majority argument, this is not a real ban– it is a pause. If I’ve heard correctly, it was supposed to be a 90-day ban, certainly not a ban for the remainder of Trump’s stay in the White House as the headlines suggest when they say “ban.”

  11. The Supreme Court will “SMACK DOWN” the lower courts in a 6-3 decision! The only bone heads who will object are Kagen, Sotomayor and Ginsberg (if they can wake her up to vote!)

  12. Would you allow known terrorists into your home, your living room, your kitchen to sit down at your table… knowing all along, that there will be a price to pay, if you do? Most likely, your life!! Trump is just trying to keep terrorists out of our homes (The USA)…. ~JOHN~ said dat

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