BREAKING: President Trump Announces Ban on Transgendered Americans in the Military

President Trump just proved once again that he’s serious about getting our military back to tip-top shape after eight years of Barack Obama’s neglect and disastrous liberal agenda.

This morning, Trump announced that transgendered individuals will no longer be allowed to serve in our armed forces.

I applaud President Trump’s decision on this crucial issue. Our armed forces are not a social experiment. Our fighting forces don’t exist to be used as props by social justice warriors looking to destroy traditional values.

I’m sure Chelsea Manning, the transgendered traitor who stole a ton of classified military information and gave it to Wikileaks, will be fuming over this latest directive. If Manning wants to repay the U.S. government for paying for his sex reassignment surgery in protest, I definitely welcome it!

Liberals, as always, are complaining about the decision:

None of these detractors has actually served in the military or understands the kind of environment fighting in war requires. They would rather cry and moan about what happens in combat instead of actually engage in it.

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91 thoughts on “BREAKING: President Trump Announces Ban on Transgendered Americans in the Military”

  1. Thank You Mr. President Sir! The last thing our Military men & women need around are soldiers that are confused and in need of psychiatric help. Why must we kow-tow to this ridiculously FORCED anti-family agenda for 0.3 % of the worlds, confused population? PURE INSANITY!

  2. Thank You Mr. President Sir! The last thing our Military men & women need around are soldiers that are confused and in need of psychiatric help. Why must we kow-tow to this ridiculously FORCED anti-family agenda for 0.3 % of the worlds, confused population? PURE INSANITY!

  3. The cost alone of having transgender people in the military is unthinkable. Keeping them properly dosed with the right hormones under combat conditions is not doable. In any other generation, they would be considered 4F by medical disqualification!

  4. I applaud the President for taking this step. The military is organized to protect this country and the principles we stand for. It is not a place for liberals like Rep. Gutierrez and the democratic party to conduct social experiments and make political statements.

  5. I applaud the President for taking this step. The military is organized to protect this country and the principles we stand for. It is not a place for liberals like Rep. Gutierrez and the democratic party to conduct social experiments and make political statements.

  6. To keep the record straight Trump was not a draft dodger he was exempt the draft dodger was Bill Bubba Clinton and it was proven without a doubt that he connived to get out of the draft went to England and joined a protest party that included the Hildabeast, protesting the Viet Nam War that Johnson a Democrap accelerated and Bubba’s friend was drafted in his place and was killed in V.N.

  7. To keep the record straight Trump was not a draft dodger he was exempt the draft dodger was Bill Bubba Clinton and it was proven without a doubt that he connived to get out of the draft went to England and joined a protest party that included the Hildabeast, protesting the Viet Nam War that Johnson a Democrap accelerated and Bubba’s friend was drafted in his place and was killed in V.N.

  8. Since Obama’s sex was a matter of dispute it was obvious to have queers and transgender serve in the military. Didn’t he try to change the hats of the Marines from what they wear to what he proposed it was more of a hat that women wear. Thank God we have a leader that has balls and not one that lost them in 8 years.

  9. Hello from Canada.

    President Trump: Making America and the Free World, great, safe, and sane again. Learn it, Live it; Love it.

    MAGA! Because the survival of Western Civilization depends on it!

  10. There is no such thing as “transgender” its a false word, and no real science will ever back it up on any level as well as the “gay gene” baloney. You cannot ever change what God made you, and you will never be able to change your DNA. No man can feel like a woman, because he has never been a woman and never will and no woman can ever feel like a man, because she has never been a man and never will. Anyone who thinks you can pretend to be something you are not, is a mental case and has no business in the military. Trump did the right thing no matter how the “trans” and LGBT nazis whine and cry about it.

  11. There is no such thing as “transgender” its a false word, and no real science will ever back it up on any level as well as the “gay gene” baloney. You cannot ever change what God made you, and you will never be able to change your DNA. No man can feel like a woman, because he has never been a woman and never will and no woman can ever feel like a man, because she has never been a man and never will. Anyone who thinks you can pretend to be something you are not, is a mental case and has no business in the military. Trump did the right thing no matter how the “trans” and LGBT nazis whine and cry about it.

  12. First there is no such thing as a transgender, arose by any other nama is still a rose and a queer by any other name is still a queer. Trump should bring back the draft with filters to filter out the funnies but keep the snowflakes. They’ll get more education in 4 years of military life than they will in 4 years at a liberal indoctrination unit.

  13. First there is no such thing as a transgender, arose by any other nama is still a rose and a queer by any other name is still a queer. Trump should bring back the draft with filters to filter out the funnies but keep the snowflakes. They’ll get more education in 4 years of military life than they will in 4 years at a liberal indoctrination unit.

  14. @Robert Baker, the 60’s = drugs and free love, I was born in 51 and never knew anyone who was taught to drop out! U an retired Military, US Army, and a proud man who is not nor never have been interested in being anything else, so I find exception to the statement that blames it on the 60’s. The blame, belongs on the parents who allowed their children to run wild and provided them with everything instead of them having to earn it. All one has to do is look no further than the banning of prayer and corporal punishment in school for misbehavior. If it started in the 60’s where do I go for a lawsuit LOL, as I had my posterior spanked many a time.

  15. Bravo! Bravo! The defence of our country belongs to brave, courageous, patriotic men and women. I would not want any twinkle toes covering my back. It makes me sick to think about. I won’t go in to what I would do for them (queers) When I was young my parents and mentors showed me how to be a man. Starting in the 60’s children were taught to be drop out wimps. God have mercy!

  16. Bravo! Bravo! The defence of our country belongs to brave, courageous, patriotic men and women. I would not want any twinkle toes covering my back. It makes me sick to think about. I won’t go in to what I would do for them (queers) When I was young my parents and mentors showed me how to be a man. Starting in the 60’s children were taught to be drop out wimps. God have mercy!

  17. FINALLY! Sanity prevails. You can’t fit a square peg in a round hole. Allowing transgenders to serve would cause unacceptable problems for service members who identify properly, not to mention the outrageous cost for why they really want to serve: sex reassignment surgery at government expense….

  18. A big part of serving in the military is that you are a part of a group of brave and courageous men.
    Having gays and transgender people in the armed forces destroys that.

  19. I am a draft dodger but they didn’t want me any way, failed the physical twice, all because of my hearing and hernia. Vietnam was not wait for me. Trump is correct !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I am a draft dodger but they didn’t want me any way, failed the physical twice, all because of my hearing and hernia. Vietnam was not wait for me. Trump is correct !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  22. YES HE IS you pice of ignorant poop! Trump’s daddy got trump OUT of serving in Vietnam. Trump “could” have served his country in some way BUT HE DID NOT!

    He spent his formative years fu*king anything that walked on 2 legs. He even admits that.

    You are a dumbass for believing hype and Trump poop.

  23. No he is not you ignorant moron he couldn’t because of medical reasons besides that he attended military school and would have been an officer if he could have entered and he respects our military and that’s why he made this rule about the trannies. There is no place for them in the military besides the military is paid for by my tax money and I am certainly not paying for a sex change operation cause military gets free medical while in service.

  24. No he is not you ignorant moron he couldn’t because of medical reasons besides that he attended military school and would have been an officer if he could have entered and he respects our military and that’s why he made this rule about the trannies. There is no place for them in the military besides the military is paid for by my tax money and I am certainly not paying for a sex change operation cause military gets free medical while in service.

  25. That ‘draft dodging prick’ as you so nicely put it, has got more done to help our country in a little over 100 days, then all eight years solid of the anti-American piece of crap Obama and his tranny man wife doing everything in their power on many levels to destroy it.

  26. That ‘draft dodging prick’ as you so nicely put it, has got more done to help our country in a little over 100 days, then all eight years solid of the anti-American piece of crap Obama and his tranny man wife doing everything in their power on many levels to destroy it.

  27. Have you served in the military. If not then you are a draft dodger too. Even if there is not draft anymore today every man should go in and serve at least 3 years for his country. Besides military service makes men outta wussies

  28. Have you served in the military. If not then you are a draft dodger too. Even if there is not draft anymore today every man should go in and serve at least 3 years for his country. Besides military service makes men outta wussies

  29. Thank You Mr. President Sir! The last thing our Military men & women need around are soldiers that are confused and in need of psychiatric help. Why must we kow-tow to this ridiculously FORCED anti-family agenda for 0.3 % of the worlds, confused population? PURE INSANITY!

  30. The cost alone of having transgender people in the military is unthinkable. Keeping them properly dosed with the right hormones under combat conditions is not doable. In any other generation, they would be considered 4F by medical disqualification!

  31. I applaud the President for taking this step. The military is organized to protect this country and the principles we stand for. It is not a place for liberals like Rep. Gutierrez and the democratic party to conduct social experiments and make political statements.

  32. To keep the record straight Trump was not a draft dodger he was exempt the draft dodger was Bill Bubba Clinton and it was proven without a doubt that he connived to get out of the draft went to England and joined a protest party that included the Hildabeast, protesting the Viet Nam War that Johnson a Democrap accelerated and Bubba’s friend was drafted in his place and was killed in V.N.

  33. Since Obama’s sex was a matter of dispute it was obvious to have queers and transgender serve in the military. Didn’t he try to change the hats of the Marines from what they wear to what he proposed it was more of a hat that women wear. Thank God we have a leader that has balls and not one that lost them in 8 years.

  34. Hello from Canada.

    President Trump: Making America and the Free World, great, safe, and sane again. Learn it, Live it; Love it.

    MAGA! Because the survival of Western Civilization depends on it!

  35. There is no such thing as “transgender” its a false word, and no real science will ever back it up on any level as well as the “gay gene” baloney. You cannot ever change what God made you, and you will never be able to change your DNA. No man can feel like a woman, because he has never been a woman and never will and no woman can ever feel like a man, because she has never been a man and never will. Anyone who thinks you can pretend to be something you are not, is a mental case and has no business in the military. Trump did the right thing no matter how the “trans” and LGBT nazis whine and cry about it.

  36. First there is no such thing as a transgender, arose by any other nama is still a rose and a queer by any other name is still a queer. Trump should bring back the draft with filters to filter out the funnies but keep the snowflakes. They’ll get more education in 4 years of military life than they will in 4 years at a liberal indoctrination unit.

  37. Bravo! Bravo! The defence of our country belongs to brave, courageous, patriotic men and women. I would not want any twinkle toes covering my back. It makes me sick to think about. I won’t go in to what I would do for them (queers) When I was young my parents and mentors showed me how to be a man. Starting in the 60’s children were taught to be drop out wimps. God have mercy!

    1. @Robert Baker, the 60’s = drugs and free love, I was born in 51 and never knew anyone who was taught to drop out! U an retired Military, US Army, and a proud man who is not nor never have been interested in being anything else, so I find exception to the statement that blames it on the 60’s. The blame, belongs on the parents who allowed their children to run wild and provided them with everything instead of them having to earn it. All one has to do is look no further than the banning of prayer and corporal punishment in school for misbehavior. If it started in the 60’s where do I go for a lawsuit LOL, as I had my posterior spanked many a time.

  38. FINALLY! Sanity prevails. You can’t fit a square peg in a round hole. Allowing transgenders to serve would cause unacceptable problems for service members who identify properly, not to mention the outrageous cost for why they really want to serve: sex reassignment surgery at government expense….

  39. I am a draft dodger but they didn’t want me any way, failed the physical twice, all because of my hearing and hernia. Vietnam was not wait for me. Trump is correct !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. No he is not you ignorant moron he couldn’t because of medical reasons besides that he attended military school and would have been an officer if he could have entered and he respects our military and that’s why he made this rule about the trannies. There is no place for them in the military besides the military is paid for by my tax money and I am certainly not paying for a sex change operation cause military gets free medical while in service.

      1. YES HE IS you pice of ignorant poop! Trump’s daddy got trump OUT of serving in Vietnam. Trump “could” have served his country in some way BUT HE DID NOT!

        He spent his formative years fu*king anything that walked on 2 legs. He even admits that.

        You are a dumbass for believing hype and Trump poop.

    1. Have you served in the military. If not then you are a draft dodger too. Even if there is not draft anymore today every man should go in and serve at least 3 years for his country. Besides military service makes men outta wussies

    2. That ‘draft dodging prick’ as you so nicely put it, has got more done to help our country in a little over 100 days, then all eight years solid of the anti-American piece of crap Obama and his tranny man wife doing everything in their power on many levels to destroy it.

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