Trump The Fighter

Trump puts up his dukes


Finally we have a Republican President who is willing to fight back against the swamp. Willing to fight back against the big government, open borders Democrats led by Cryin’ Chuck and Nancy.

Just the other day, we were finally given a glimpse into what President Trump deals with behind closed doors – we watched the kabuki theater in action as Chuck and Nancy groveled like children before our President. For the first time in my life I saw a President stand strong with the courage of his convictions as he looked them both in the eye and told them that unless he got what he wanted – funding for the border wall – he would SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT!

Here is the key moment:

Time to beat the Democrats at their own game

For as long as I can remember, the Republican Party has been the party of pushovers and spineless jellyfish who make pie-in-the-sky promises of how they are going to rein in government spending, reduce the size and scope of government, and further conservative principles. And sure enough, once those spineless individuals take their seats we are fed more of the same mindless excuses as to why they can’t affect real change in Washington.

The Democrats, on the other hand, never hold back. Even when they are in the minority, they still fight like hell to get their way – whether it be filibustering bills, protesting, riling up their base to combat things like the Kavanaugh nomination – they do whatever it takes to fight for the demands of their constituents. And when the Democrats are in the majority they ram through every single bill and piece of legislation they want, regardless of what the opposition has to say. There is never any talk of reaching across the aisle or bipartisanship when they are in power.

Case in point: Obamacare. Democrats passed this legislation with utter disregard for anything the Republicans in Congress or the public at large had to say about it. They essentially said, ‘we run the government and we are going to pass it no matter what.’

We watched as Nancy Pelosi openly said, “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it”…

And Obama literally lying to the American people saying they could keep their doctor if they like their doctor…

We FINALLY have someone who will fight back and win: President Donald Trump.

This is the game the Democrats have been playing for far too long – but now it looks as though Chuck and Nancy realize they may have met their match. Trump looked them right in the eye and said he would take full responsibility for the government shut down if he doesn’t get funding for the wall.  The second I heard this, I literally pumped my fist and wanted to get up and cheer. We have a fighter on our hands now, we have an individual who is willing to take it to the Democrats in an effort to stand up for the rule of law, the American people, and the sovereignty of this nation.

Shut it down!

The second Trump said he would take responsibility for a government shut down if it comes to that, Lyin’ Cryin’ Chuck had that weasel-like grin across his face, thinking he could run with the idea that the government shut down is a “Trump shut down.” While the Dems are indeed already running with that talking point, we should be praising our President for having the cojones to stand up to the swamp. After all, this is exactly what we elected him to do.

Just as Democrats cried out about how Obama had a mandate to act on the behalf of the American people, guess what? Trump has that same mandate to act on the behalf of those of us who elected him. Part of that mandate includes building the wall, and if it means shutting down the government to do so, then we need to back him 100%.

If the seemingly inevitable shut down does occur, the coverage will be comical as the left and liberals everywhere will cry out about how babies are going to die, we’re going to be breathing in dirty air, drinking dirty water, and the world as we know it will pretty much come to an end – and of course it will be all Trump’s fault.

That couldn’t possibly be further from the truth. A government shut down only means that non-essential government services will be shuttered for the duration of the shut down. Congress will still convene, the President will still do his job, the military will still operate, the post office will still be open, and those on the government dole will still get their welfare and food stamps.

Which begs the question, if our tax dollars are funding non-essential government services – is a government shut down really all that bad?



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